Test 8th form. Sucessful people УМК М. З. Биболетова

1.Read the definitions of words and guess them. 2.To be success 3.Envious 4.Good words said to somebody in honor a holiday 5.In another way 6.Not equal 7.To approve 8.To express a threat against somebody a person who owns something 9.A person who owns something 10.A person who looks after little children 11.A person who is often bullied 12.A person who likes to be the first in everything he does To protect
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:
  1. Read the definitions of words and guess them.

  1. To be success

  2. Envious

  3. Good words said to somebody in honor a holiday

  4. In another way

  5. Not equal

  6. To approve

  7. To express a threat against somebody a person who owns something

  8. A person who owns something

  9. A person who looks after little children

  10. A person who is often bullied

  11. A person who likes to be the first in everything he does

To protect

2. Match the two parts of the sentences

1. Walt Disney succeed in ….

2. American and British teenage earn…

3. People who likes use blackmail …

4. I would like to earn my pocket money …

5. We had a good opportunity

6. On Christmas people send …

7. To care for domestic animals…

8. If my little brother were bullied …

A …. Their pocket money

B …. Must be patient

C …. Making cartoons.

D …. I would defend him.

E …. Write threatening letters

F …. Babysitting

G …. Greetings to each other

H…. to see Slava Polunin

3. Translate into English

1. Делать уроки

2. допускать ошбки

3. заправить постель

4. насмехаться над кем-то

5. сходить в магазин

6. делать работу по дому

7. готовить кофе

8. зарабатывать деньги

9. подружиться с кем-то

4. Complete the sentences with "to' where it necessary

1. Mother is tired. She wants me ____ make a coffee.

2. I would like you ____ be very attentive.

3. Nick wants his brother ____ be more reserved.

4. My parents make me _____ do my homework every day

5. They asked us _____ close the door.

6. You always make me ______ feel sorry.

  1. Read the definitions of words and guess them.

  1. To be success

  2. Envious

  3. Good words said to somebody in honor a holiday

  4. In another way

  5. Not equal

  6. To approve

  7. To express a threat against somebody a person who owns something

  8. A person who owns something

  9. A person who looks after little children

  10. A person who is often bullied

  11. A person who likes to be the first in everything he does

To protect

2. Match the two parts of the sentences

1. Walt Disney succeed in ….

2. American and British teenage earn…

3. People who likes use blackmail …

4. I would like to earn my pocket money …

5. We had a good opportunity

6. On Christmas people send …

7. To care for domestic animals…

8. If my little brother were bullied …

A …. Their pocket money

B …. Must be patient

C …. Making cartoons.

D …. I would defend him.

E …. Write threatening letters

F …. Babysitting

G …. Greetings to each other

H…. to see Slava Polunin

3. Translate into English

1. Делать уроки

2. допускать ошбки

3. заправить постель

4. насмехаться над кем-то

5. сходить в магазин

6. делать работу по дому

7. готовить кофе

8. зарабатывать деньги

9. подружиться с кем-то

4. Complete the sentences with "to' where it necessary

1. Mother is tired. She wants me ____ make a coffee.

2. I would like you ____ be very attentive.

3. Nick wants his brother ____ be more reserved.

4. My parents make me _____ do my homework every day

5. They asked us _____ close the door.

6. You always make me ______ feel sorry.

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