Карточки по английскому языку для 9 класса

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Card № 1

I Combine the sentences into one, using pronouns where, that, who, when, which

1. Phil has a friend. A friend lives far from our house.

2. My friends prefer stylish clothes. Such clothes are comfortable.

3. Martha likes to read books. They deal with teenagers problems.

4. It was a good computer school. He took my computer lessons there.

5. I remember one hike. The whole class went on it.

6. Those were good times. We socialized a lot.

II Translate the sentences into Russian\Ukrainian

1. Talking to friends on the phone or being involved in school clubs or activities such as sports teams, to produce a weekly newspaper and yearbook , to design a school journalism are also widely spread.

2. I hate being on my own, that's why I spend a tremendous amounts of time with my friends.

3. I feel jealous about your success.

4. A good friend is someone who is always a good shoulder to cry on.

5. Teenagers stick up for their mates and cheer each other up having fun together.

6. My parents are constantly nagging.

Card № 2

I Combine the sentences into one, using pronouns where, that, who, when, which

1. I think of those teens. Such teens are always bulling others.

2. I remember that day. I met my lovely girlfriend.

3. He liked that place. He could share his interests with others.

4. My friend likes a punk hairstyle. This hairstyle suits him.

5. A person has no friends. He is poor.

6. Kate likes to wear write articles. They deal with teenagers 'problems.

II Translate the sentences into Russian\Ukrainian

1. I tend to be very specific about dancing music and I put on clothes I feel confident about.

2. If a friend is feeling a bit down by being bullied, then his mate is always there for him as a shoulder to cry on.

3. Teens are so addicted to playing computer games, that got the name "thumb generation".

4. My expectations were confirmed: I got an incredible experience which promoted a better understanding of the people in general and youth culture in particular.

5. A good friend is someone who can quarrel with you if you have done smth wrong.

6. His clothes are always ill fitting.

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