Поурочный план на тему My dream town

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Тип Другие методич. материалы
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Сабақтың тақырыбы: My dream town. Mақсаты: there is / there are сөз орамдарын қолдану арқылы оқушылардың ауызекі сөйлеу кезінде білімдерін нығайту. Тыңдау, оқу, ойлау және сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту. Олардың сөздік қорын қала топтамасындағы сөздермен байыту. Сабақ әдісі: баяндау, сұрақ - жауап, жеке және топтық жұмыс. Сабақ көрнекілігі: суреттер, СD дискісі, кесте, электрондық оқулық. Сабақ барысы: I. Organization moment. a) Greeting. b) Duties' report. II. Introduction. We must copy any four symbols from Activity 1 onto the blackboard. Then tell pupils to guess which places in a town they represent. Then write the names of the places in mixed order, ask pupils to match these to the correct symbols. III. Picture search. How many of these places can you find in Dream Town? Beach, castle, church, cinema, park, river, shop, railway, supermarket, swimming pool, bus station, house. Ex. 1. IV. Presentation. Listen and read the text "Dream Town". Then tick the places from Dream Town on the list in Activity 1 or write the 1st letters of the words in their notebooks.. We use there is / there isn't and there are / aren't to say that something / someone is / isn't somewhere. Dream Town. In Dream Town there is an old castle and a river. And there are a lot of fun things to do. There isn't a beach but there is a big swimming pool with a fantastic water slide. And there are two cinemas and a big park. There isn't a bus station but there is a railway station. There is a church and there are a lot of nice houses. There aren't any supermarkets but there are a lot of shops. V. "True" or "false"? Look at the picture. Are these sentences true or false? 1) There is a river. 2) There isn't a beach. 3) There are a lot of shops. 4) There is a bus station. 5) There aren't any cinemas. Answer key: 1.True 2.True 3. True 4. False 5. False VI. Individual work. A) Look at the picture of Dream Town. Complete with: There is / There isn't / There are / There aren't. 1) There is a church. 1. _____________ a church. 2. _____________ a beach. 3. _____________ any supermarkets. 4. _____________ a lot of houses. 5. _____________ a railway station. 6. _____________ a lot of shops. 7. _____________ a bus station. B) Complete the questions with: Is there / Are there 8. _____________ a castle? 9. _____________ any cinemas? 10. _____________ any supermarkets? 11. _____________ a park? VII. Work in a group. Draw a map of your dream town. Don't show your map to the other groups. Here are some more places: beach, castle, park, sports center, school, swimming pool, church, football stadium, bus station, cinema café, shops. Then work with another group. Can you guess two places on their map? For example: - Is there a swimming pool? - Yes, there is. - Are there any schools? - No, there aren't. VII. Check your English. Listen to Rosie describing her dream town. Write a list of the places in her town. Then think of four true sentences about the place where you live with: There is / an . . . There are two / three / a lot of . . . 1. There is a big swimming pool with a water slide. 2. There are a lot of . . . 3. There isn't a . . . IX. Conclusion. Homework. Write a list of four favourite things in your dream town with: There is a / an . . . There are two / three / a lot of . . .

Қ. Қ. АБИЛГАЗИЕВА Қызылжар негізгі жалпы білім беретін мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.

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