Where are we? (1 сынып) 9544

Менің ашық сабағымның тақырыбы "Біздер қайдамыз" ағылшын тіліне аударғанда Where are we?. Тақырыптың мақсаты бүлдіршіндері жана сөзермен таныстырып, еркің диолог құруға үйретту. Жалпы тақырып кайда деген сұрақ қолданғаннан кейн оған орын көрсеттетің предлогтар қолдандандық. мысалы  in -ішінде,  on- үстінде,under-астында деген сияқты предлогтар болды.  Оқушыларға келесідей сұрақтар койылды Where is the book? The book is on the table.Оқушылар ат салыса сабаққа қатысып отырды. Оқушылар кітаптағы Wh...
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Where are we? (1 сынып) 9544Where are we? (1 сынып) 9544Where are we? (1 сынып) 9544


Form: 1 a

Date: 09.12.2014

The theme of the lesson: Where are we?

The aim of the lesson: To teach he's and she's.

To teach here and there and some basic verbs.

To bring up pupils interest for English language and learning

to be kind and friendly with each other.

The aids of the lesson: interactive board,cards,pictures and a CD.

The plan of the lesson.

Organization moment:

  1. Greeting.

Teacher's activity Pupils' activity

- Good morning , children! - Good morning,teacher

-How are you today? - We are fine ,thank you. And you?

- I'm very well, thank you!

- Sit down, please

2. Phonetic drill: Pupils listerning to music about " In the forest" and imagine that they are in the forest. I will give them different flowers.after listerning pupils open their eyes,take the flowers and that which flowers the like flowers.

such as: 1. I like red flowers. 2. I like blue flowers. 3 . I like yellow flowers.

4. I like pink flowers. 5. I like orange flowers. 6. I like green flowers.

7. I like red flowers. 8. I like white flowers. 9. I like blue flowers

3.Check up homework: checking pupils homework pupils speaking in English what they can or can't do. Then I will gives pupils letters from Joanne and

they must help translate in English language.

The letter 1 мынау сары кітап. ( this is a yellow book.)

The letter 2 мынау кызыл сөмке.( This is a red bag)

The letter 3 Мынау жасыл такта. ( this is a green board)

The letter 4 Бұл улкен торт. (this is a big cake)

The letter 5 Бұл үлкен терезе. ( It is a big window)

The letter 6 Бұл әуе шары. ( It is a balloon)

The letter 7 Анау кішкентай көлік. ( that is a small car)

4.New words: Pupils will repeat after teacher and will write down on their vocabulary.

In- ішінде

On- үстінде



book?Language focus:

Where is theboob



Where is Aigul? Aigul is here.

Where is Aibek? Aibek is there.

Pupils ask answer questions and answer with each other.

Pupil 1 : Where is your pen?

Pupil 2: My pen is here.

Pupil 1: Where is the bag?

Pupil 2: The bag is there.

6. Sing a song: Children listening to the song many times and singing with the teacher.

1, 2,3 hop with me 1, 2, 3 jump with me 1, 2, 3 clap with me

1, 2, 3 hop with me 1, 2, 3 jump with me 1, 2, 3 clap with me

Hop now,hop now jump now,jump now clap now,clap now

You and me. You and me you and me

5. Doing exercises: pupils open their books on page 36 ex 1 pupils lestening to CD and say what understand of text they looking at the pictures, listening to CD and point to the pictures ,next learning to ask Where is….. and he/she is there.

Where is Joanne? She is here. Where is Kip? It is there.

7.Home work: The home work is learn by heart all the vocabulary and song.

8. Marks: Pupils marks are ekcellent , good and satisfactory.

9. The end of the lesson
- The lesson is over
- Good-bye pupils
- Good-bye teacher.

Мектепке дейінгі шағын орталығы бар №28 гимназия сыныптары бар

жббо мектеп.


The theme : Where are we?

Nigmetova Anargul Galimzhanovna.

Aktau 2014

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