Конспект урока

я представляю урок во втором классе«Мы изучаем Алфавит»,повторяем весь пройденный  учебный материал,развиваем разговорные и творческие способности,умение слушать друг друга,учащиеся работают в группах,индивидуально,прислушиваясь друг к другу.На уроке используются грамматические таблицы,картинки,аудио кассета.Сначала вспоминаем алфавит(учащиеся смотрят на таблички с буквами и произносят)потом мы вспоминаем цвета,числа(составляем примеры и читаем на английском языке),называем цифры на русском,каза...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
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Конспект урокаШайманова Бибигуль Кыдырбековна

учитель английского языка

высшей категории

Казахстан. г. Актобе СШЛ№23

Form: 2nd

Theme: We study ABC!

The Objectives:

Practical: to revise all the themes we have studied during this year

Educational: to widen students' communicative, listening and imaginative skills.

Developing: skills of working in group, respectful attitude to the class mates

Resources used:a cassette, tables, pictures.

Literature: Exellent! Starter. Pupils' Books by Carol Skinner

General plan

I. Organization moment: 1.Greeting

2. Setting the goals of the lesson

II.Revision of the material we've studied.

III. Summing up the results of the lesson. Giving marks.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. 1. Greeting

2. Setting the goals of the lesson

II. 1. The English alphabet

Checking knowledge of the alphabet, showing pictures of the letters and objects.

2. Colours. Red, yellow, green, blue, orange, black, brown

3. Numbers. Making the examples with adding: two plus two is four. Taking away: three mines one is two.

4. Game:A pupil must say a number in three languages first in Kazah, second in Russian, third in English till ten.

5. Pupils tell the dialogue p 20.

6. A pupil tells a poem and shows the parts of the body

One nose

One mouth

Two arms

Two legs

One yellow body

And one red head

A Robot!

7. Pupils tell the dialogue p 26.

Come here, Billy

Sit down, please

Stop please

Stand up, Billy

Oh no!

8. Pupils make a crossword with word they have leaned.(penguin, queen, robot, orange, mouth)

9. A pupil tells a poem and shows her feelings

I'm happy, I'm sad.

I'm short, I'm tall

Look! What is it?

It's a big ball.

10. Pupils tell a dialogue p 46- 47

11. Pupils sing a song

Boys and girls Boys and girls,

How are you? How are you?

I'm sad, I'm sad. Goodbye! Goodbye!

I'm sad too Goodbye to you!

III. Summing up the results of the lesson

Giving marks

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