План-клнспект урока по английскому языку

План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Food" предназначен для учащихся третьего класса средней школы c углубленным изучением английского языка. Составление плана-конспекта урока английского языка очень важное и ответственное занятие для педагога. План-конспект урока состоит из нескольких рубрик. Данный план-конспект урока английского языка предназначен для повторительно-обобщающего урока. В плане-конспекте урока прописаны цели и задачи, а также ход урока и различные задания, которые б...
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Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Food"

(3-й класс)

Учитель: Мордасова Н.И.

Цель урока: развивать интерес к изучению английского языка у учащихся второго года обучения.

Задачи урока:

- Тренировка грамматики: Past Indefinite

- Активизация лексики по теме "Food"

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент и приветствие

- Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you.

- What is the date today?

- What day is it today?

2. Сообщение темы и целей урока

- Today we are going to do the tasks to train Past Indefinite, we shall read, speak about food and drinks.

3. Речевая разминка

- Let's begin. Now we must train the verbs. Read after me.

Swim - swam

Run - ran

Get up - got up

Have - had

Give - gave

Take - took

Eat - ate

Drink - drank

4. Введение новой лексики

- Do you know the word "fruit"? Apples, bananas, oranges fruit.

- This is a carrot. A carrot is a vegetable.

- Do you eat soup every day? Yes, I do.

- Do you like fish soup? Not very much.

- This is an apple. We eat apples for breakfast.

5. Making up the dialogue

- What do you see? (I see potato.)

- Is potato tasty? (Yes, it is tasty.)

- This are sweets. Do children like sweet? (Yes, they do)

- Are vegetables or fruit tasty? (Fruit is tasty.)

- What do you usually buy every day? (I usually buy bread.)

- What do you usually eat every day? (I usually eat apple.)

- What do you usually drink every day? (I usually drink tea.)

6. Guess what it is

  1. It is green and red and yellow. (Apple)

  2. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty. (Banana)

  3. It is big and round, green outside and red inside. (Watermelon)

  4. It is white outside and yellow inside. (Egg)

  5. It is white and sweet. All children like it. We usually put it into tea. (Sugar)

  6. It is red and round. We make salad from it. (Tomato)

  7. It is white. Little children usually drink it. (Milk)

  8. They are little and round. (Peas)

  9. We usually have it for dinner. (Soup)

  10. It is white, sweet and cold. It is very tasty and all the children like it very much. (Ice-cream)

  11. Little old uncle, dressed in brown. Take off his coat... How tears run down! (Onion)

  12. They don't eat me alone, but cannot eat without me. What am I? (Salt)

  13. The apple which grows on the pine. (Pine-apple)

  14. It has very many shirts. It is white and round. (Cabbage)

  15. The berry which grows on the straw. (Strawberry)

  16. It has the name of a vitamin. (Carrot)

  17. Its name is its colour. (Orange)

  18. It is brown outside and white inside. It is a vegetable. (Potato)

  19. The berries which the goose likes. (Gooseberry)

  20. It is named "brown'' in England and "black" in Russia. (Bread)

  21. You cannot eat it, but you cannot eat food without it. (Salt)

  22. You smile when you name it. The mouse likes it very much. (Cheese)

7. Homework: p. 59-60 ex. 7; p. 61 ex. 12

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