Тест по страноведческому материалу Robin MacWizards diary. Part I учебника Happy English. ru 9 класс

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Класс 9 класс
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Test: Robin MacWizard's diary. Part I. (учебник Счастливый английский.ру)

1). Write the correct word:

1.The person who likes to work is called….

2.It is what you have to do with the corpse - …

3.A message about future event which surely happen is called….

4.A part of the water area where loading and unloading of ships, passenger boarding are made is called....

5.Deviation from the rules is called…

6.It's a device which helps the ship to hold in place - …

2.Translate from English into Russian:

1.Many centuries ago a prophecy was made that one day a Scottish king would rule both Scotland and England.

2.King promised everybody who supported him that he would become a tolerant king would grant people religious freedom.

3.The Saints do not believe in the church of Rome, the Pope or the power of the king over the people.

4.They dream that in the New World they will be free to do what they want.

5.We have been through a lot this month.

6.People get wet through and have no chance to dry their clothes.

7.It has been nearly nine weeks since we left and originally we hoped to cross the sea in six weeks.

8.I thought he might like to copy my little poem into his journal.

9.The crew made a mistake, so we landed in Cape Cod, which is not a very suitable place for a settlement.

10.More than half the people who came with us to the New World have died.

3. Number the events from the Diary in the correct order:

1. .King James promised everybody who supported him religious freedom.

2. The Mayflower finally left for England.

3. The Pilgrims landed in Cape Cod.

4. The prophecy that one day a Scottish king would rule both Scotland and England came true in 1603.

5. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked.

6. Robin left England on 6 September 1620.

7. The Pilgrims met Samoset.

8. King James let his old supporters down.

9. The young servant of Doctor Samuel Fuller died.

10. The Indians attacked the Pilgrims, but the Pilgrims won.



1) industrious 2) to bury 3) a prophecy 4) a harbor 5) an exception 6) an anchor


1.Много веков назад было предсказано, что однажды шотландский король будет править и Шотландией, и Англией.

2.Король пообещал всем, кто поддерживал его, что будет терпим и дарует им религиозную свободу.

3.Святые не верят в Римскую церковь, Папу и силу короля над народом.

4.Они мечтают, что в Новом Свете они будут вольны делать то, что захотят.

5.Мы через многое прошли в этом месяце.

6.Люди промокали насквозь и не имели возможности высушить свою одежду.

7.Уже прошло около 9 недель с тех пор, как мы отплыли, а первоначально мы надеялись переплыть море за 6 недель.

8.Я подумал, что возможно он захочет переписать моё стихотворение в свой журнал.

9.Экипаж допустил ошибку, поэтому мы высадились на полуострове Кейп-Код, который не очень подходит для поселения.

10.Больше половины людей, приехавших с нами в Новый Свет, умерли.












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