Тест по английскому языку по теме Придаточные условные 2, 3 и смешанного типа

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Придаточные условные 1, 2и смешанного типа. 8 класс


1 Variant.

  1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. The situation is dangerous. I (a. would be b. would have been c. will be) careful if I (a. had been b. was c. were) you.

  2. They can't disclose this information. It (a. will be b. would be c. would have been) illegal if they (a. would disclose b. had disclosed c. disclosed) this information without their client's consent.

  3. I knew that if I (a. would buy b. bought c. had bought) any place in the city, it (a. had been b. would have been c. would be) easier to maintain than the house we were living in then.

  4. I was in despair when Laura showed up. I still don't know what (a. would happen b. happened c. would have happened).

  5. If I (a. wouldn't see b. hadn't seen c. didn't see) Christian in Augustus professionally, we (a. would be talking b. wouldn't have talked c. wouldn't have been talking) right now.

  1. Write the correct form of the verbs to complete the conditional 2, 3 or mixed sentences.

  1. She has a talent, but she is very lazy. I am sure she (can easily achieve) a considerable competence if she (to be) willing to work a little.

  2. You (to mind) if I (to ask) you a question just between you and me?

  3. I couldn't explain why I was still staying in the village. If I (to move) into Burlington, it (to save) more than hour of driving each day.

  4. You are my true friend. I (to go) to you, not to Harry, if I (to be) in trouble.

  5. Mrs. Higgins: I don't remember asking this girl to come.

  6. Higgins: You didn't. I asked her. If you (to know) her, you (not to ask) her.

  1. Translate into English. (Conditionals 2, 3 and mixed)

  1. Если бы ты проводила больше времени на свежем воздухе, ты бы лучше себя чувствовала.

  2. Если бы Элиза не разговаривала на таком правильном английском, её бы не приняли за (to take for) иностранную принцессу на балу в посольстве (at the Embassy party).

  3. Если бы экспедиция капитана Скотта была лучше снаряжена, капитан Скотт и его люди могли бы первыми достичь южного полюса.

  4. Если бы я была на твоём месте, я бы больше внимания уделяла чтению.

  5. Вчера мама дала нам очень мудрый совет. Если бы мы послушались его, мы бы не были сейчас в таком неприятном положении.

Придаточные условные 1, 2и смешанного типа. 8 класс


Variant 2

  1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. "I reckon that if there (a. was b. were c. would be) such a thing as a ghost in Europe, we (a. had b. would have c. would have had) it at home in a very short time in one of public museums or on the road as a show." (O. Wild)

  2. Truthfully I don't know anything damaging about Reed, but even if I (a. knew b. had known c. would have know) it's doubtful I (a. were able b. would be able c. would have been able) to share this information with anyone.

  3. At that tragic moment I was absolutely unable to make any decision. If Laura (a. wouldn't come b. didn't come c. hadn't come) to rescue, I (a. had never made b. would never make c. would never have made) a decision.

  4. Fortunately we left the city five years ago. If we (a. had stayed b. stayed c. would have stayed) in the city long enough, we (a. may end b. might end c. might have ended) up joining a Kiwanis Club.

  5. - Of course, it was an accident. - But if Geoffrey (a. would do b. did c. had done) the thing on purpose, how interesting he (a. would be b. was c. were).

  1. Write the correct form of the verbs to complete the conditional 2, 3 or mixed sentences.

  1. The irony is they must think we know more than we do. If I (to be) they and (to know) how little we know, I (not bother) with us.

  2. I understand your skepticism. If I (to be) in your position, I (to want) to be sure, too.

  3. We live in the countryside far from any society. I (nit be) able to count my dates on the hand now if we (to move) to the city last year.

  4. Provision for us. I wanted to tell you the truth. But I ever (to let) you know anything about it, you (not to understand) it.

  5. Your father was rich gentleman. If he (not to die), he (to make)

  1. Translate into English. (Conditionals 2, 3 and mixed)

  1. Если бы я был на твоём месте, я бы придерживался строгой диеты. (to keep to a strict diet)

  2. Если бы метеороги предупредили людей заранее о надвигающемся буране, все были бы сейчас в безопасном месте.

  3. Если бы Элиза не овладела (to master) манерами и произношением настоящей леди, профессор Хиггинс не смог бы выдать её за (to pass as) герцогиню на балу в посольстве (at the Embassy party).

  4. Если бы ты вела записи в последнее время, у тебя сейчас были бы все необходимые данные.

  5. Если бы сегодня не лил проливной дождь, мы бы могли пойти в парк.

Keys to the tests:

Variant 1.

  1. 1. a, c; 2. b, c; 3. c, b; 4. c, c; 5. b, a.

  2. 1. She could easily achieve … if she were willing

2. Would you mind … if I asked

3. I had moved … if would have saved

4. I would go … if I were you

5. If you had known, you wouldn't have asked

III. 1. If you spent more time outdoors, you would feel much be

2. If Eliza hadn't spoken such proper English, she wouldn't have been taken for a foreign princess at the Embassy party.

3. If Captain Scott's expedition had been better equipped, Captain Scott and his men might have been the first to reach the South Pole.

4. If I were you, I would pay more attention to pronunciation.

5. Yesterday Mom gave us wise advice. If we had followed her advice, we wouldn't be such an unpleasant situation now.

Variant 2.

I. 1. b, b; 2. a, b; 3. c, c; 4. a, c; 5 c, a.

II. 1. If I were they and knew … I wouldn't bother …

2. If I were … I would want

3. I wouldn't be able … if we had moved…

4. If I had ever let you know … you wouldn't have understood

5. If he hadn't died, he would have made provision…

  1. 1. If I were you, I would keep a strict diet.

2. If the meteorologists had given advance warning about the coming storm, everybody would be in a safe place now.

3. If Eliza hadn't mastered the manners and pronunciation of a real lady, Professor Higgins couldn't have passed her a duchess at the Embassy Party.

4. If you had kept records lately, you would have all the necessary data now.

5. If it were not pouring with rain today, we could go to the park.

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