Қолдаңбалы курстың Лингвориторика сабағы

Қолдаңбалы курстың Лингвориторика сабағыThe theme of the lesson: “Tense forms of the Verbs” Етістіктің шақтарыAims of the lesson: a. educational To enrich students' knowledge, concerning the theme, to teach pupils to use the verbs correctly b. developing To develop your lexical, grammatical skills; to develop students skills and habits in a dialogue and asking questions to develop the students’ speaking, listening, writing c. bringing- up To enable students to understand their surrounding, thei...
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Қолдаңбалы курстың Лингвориторика сабағы

The theme of the lesson: "Tense forms of the Verbs" Етістіктің шақтары

Aims of the lesson:

a. educational To enrich students' knowledge, concerning the theme, to teach pupils to use the verbs correctly

b. developing To develop your lexical, grammatical skills; to develop students skills and habits in a dialogue and asking questions to develop the students' speaking, listening, writing

c. bringing- up To enable students to understand their surrounding, their attitude to life, to make important decisions, concerning their behavior, activate your manner in communication, formulate positive attitude to your study, country.

To help students to choose their future profession, to love English

Сабақтың мақсатында етістіктің шақтары құрылымен әр түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы түсіндіріп, пысықтау, лексикалық тақырыппен байлыныстыру,оқушыларды достыққа, бірлікке шақыру,жұппен, топпен жұмыс істей білуге үйрету

Оқушының ағылшын тіліндегі ойлау қабілетін дамыта отырып сөйлету, олардың сабаққа деген қызығушылығын арттыру, сабақ барысында оқушыларды бір- бірімен еркін сөйлеуге үйрету, өз ойын толық жеткізіп, танымдық деңгейінің артуына әсер ету көзделді

алған білімдердін орнықтыру, жинақтау және жүйеге келтіру үшін мүмкіндік беру, арнайы шеберлеген даму және осымен бірге ағылшын тілі бойынша Ұлттық Тестілеу бықылауды сәтті тапсыруға дайындау. Теориялық және практикалық бөлімдері ағылшын тілі бойынша негізгі грамматикалық ережелердің қорытындысын өзіне еңгізеді; практикалық бөлімі-тестілеу тапсырманы. теориялық бөлімі оқушылардың керекті білімін еске түсүру және олардың түсіп кеткен білімін жою көмектеседі; ол практикалық бөлімі теориялық білімін нығайыту үшін-көмектеседі және керекті шеберлігін калыптастыру рұқсат береді.

Visual aids: overhead projector, cards and posters.

Procedure of the lesson:

Psychological preparation for the lesson.

The Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Greeting. The duties reporting. Checking the absentees.

  2. Warm- up.

  3. Today we have a demonstrative lesson, the theme of our lesson is " Tense forms of the verbs" Етістіктің шақтары. The main of the lesson is enlarge your knowledge about Tense forms of the verbs I hope that you will show us what you know about verbs.

  4. During the lesson we will work in the following way: I will be the owner of the bank. You will be my shareholders. If you want to buy shares you should do my tasks. Some tasks have only one level and one price. Some tasks have three levels. The first level is not so difficult- its price is 3 $.The second level is more difficult- its price is 4 $. The third level is the most difficult- its price is 5$. After each answer I' ll give you next shares. The yellow colour means 3 $.The green colour means 4 $. The red colour means 5 $.

T: What is your mood? P 1 My mood is calm, because I hope everything will be all right. My mood is expecting,because I think, I will learn something new and interesting.

T: I see you are in a good mood, let's start our lesson.

So, the first task: Present about yourself with presentation.

Questions: Do you go to school? Do you go in for sports? Do you like reading?

Repeat the words: job- [ djob]

Proud [praud]

To be proud

Occupation ['okjupeisn]

Interpreter [in'tә: pritә]

Task 2. Match a line in A with a line in B Verbs Етістіктер

Етістік заттың іс- қимылдың, әрекетін білдіреді Етістіктің төмендегідей грамматикалық категориялары болады; жағы, шағы,етісі,райы Етістіктердің дұрыс (regular) және бұрыс (irregular)формалары болады және олардың 4 түлғасы болады

Tense forms of the verbs


The Present Indefinite Tense

a. To be +V+ ing Present Participle


The Past Indefinite Tense

b. Have (Has) + V3


The Future Indefinite Tense

c. Had + V3 (Past Participle)


The Present Continuous Tense

d. Was/were+ V+ ing Present Participle


The Past Perfect

e..Shall/ will have+ past participle


The Present Perfect Continuous

f. Shall+ be + Ving

Will+ be+ Ving


The Past Continuous Tense

h. Have/ has + been + Present Participle


The Present Perfect

i. Had + been + V ing


The Future Continuous Tense

j. V, Vs


The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

k. Vd, Ved


The Future Perfect

l. Shall/ will


Present Indefinite Passive Voice

m. Am/ are/ is + Past Participle


Future Indefinite passive Voice

n. Shall/ will+ be+ past participle


The Present perfect passive

o. Have/ has + been + Past Participle


The Present Continuous Passive

p. Had + been + Past participle


The Past perfect passive

r.Shall/ will+ have+ been+ Past Participle


The Past Indefinite Passive Voice

s. Was/ were + Past Participle


The Future perfect passive

t. was/ were + being+ past participle


The past continuous Passive

u. am/ is/ are+ being+ Past participle

1-j 2-k 3-l 4-a 5-c 6-h 7-d 8-b 9-f 10-I 11-e 12-m 13-n 14-o 15-u 16-p 17- s 18- r 19-t

Task 3. Complete the sentences: Yes, No

1 In English verbs divide into 4 groups- yes

2 V, Vs- Past simple no

3 Present Simple формасында әдетте қолданатын сөздер yesterday no

4 To be+ V+ ing (present participle)-Present Continuous yes

5 Бұл шақ үнемі істелінетін және күнбе күнгі әрекетті, дағдылы

жалпы қимыл, ісө әрекетті көрсетеді present simple yes

6 Бұл шақ іс-әрекеттің бұрын болғаның, осы кезбен байланыссыз,

сөйлеу кезіне қатыссыз екндігін көрсетеді past simple yes

7 Қайталанатын дағдылы, әдеттегі іс- әрекеттің келешекте іске

асатындығын білдіредi future simple yes

8 Ved - Present Simple no

9 never, already, ever, just, yet, recently-белгісіз үстеүлермен қолданылуы yes

10 Have/ Has + been Present Participle- аяқталған созылыңқы осы шақ yes

11 Had+ V3+ (past Participle) past perfect yes

12 The Future Perfect Tense-сөйлеу кезінде аяқталатын іс- әрекеттің

нақты нәтижесінің болатынын көрсететін шақ yes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12















  1. Put the crosses in the corresponding line: If the sentence is Yes in the first line, if it is No in the second

  2. Peer- checking ( to exchange cards with each others, check)

  3. Control by teacher

Task 4 Шақтар жазылған 12 бөліктер сызылған кесте берілді




Perfect continuous


Мен жазамын \үнемі\

Мен жазып отырмын \қазір\

Мен жазып болдым \ қазір ғана\

Мен \бір сағат бойы, 3-тен бері\ жазып отырмын


Мен жаздым \кеше, үш күн бұрын

Мен жазып отырғанмын \ кеше сағат 3- те немесе ол келгенде\

Мен жазып болғанмын \ кеше сағат 3-ке таман\

Мен \ол келгенде 1 сағат бойы 3-тен бері \ жазып отырғанмын\


Мен жазатын боламын \ертен\

Мен жазып отыратын боламын \ертең осы уақытта\

Мен жазып болатын боламын \ ертең сағат 3-те ол келгенше\

Мен \ ертен,ол келгенше 3 сағат бойы\ жазып отыратын боламын

Қағаз 2 парақтан тұрады Беткі қағазда оқушыға тапсырма, астынғы қағазда тапсырма кілті Тапсырма орындалған соң оқушы кілт арқылы жұмысын салыстырып қатесін табады Қай шақты меңгермегенің анықтап, оны меңгеруге тырысады

Тапсырма-Ағылшын тілінде жаз

Тапсырма кілті

I write

I am writing

I have written

I have been writing

I wrote

I was writing

I had written

I has been writing

I shall write

I shall/ will be writing

I shall have written

I shall have been writing

Task 5"about myself" тақырыбына сөйлемдерді шақтар қалтасына орналастыр Ана тіліне аударып, түсініктеме бер, талда

  1. I go to school.

  2. I live in Astana.

  3. I have been learning English since the 5-th form.

  4. I am reading an interesting book.

  5. I have been reading it for a week.

  6. I have read chapter one.

  7. I' ll have read the book by the end of the month.

  8. Last summer I went to Almaty.

  9. I spent a month there.

  10. I went to Medeo, Chymbulak.

  11. Last year at this time, I was reading " Abai zholy".

  12. I' ll leave school in four years' time.

  13. Next year I' ll have been learning English for three years.

  14. This time next month I' ll be taking my exams.

Тапсырма кілті











Осындай ойын -тапсырмадан кейін оқушы өз жұмысын төмендегі бағалау кестесі бойынша бағалапб қатемен жұмыс жүргізеді

Бұл ретте мұғалім оқушының жіберген қателері негізінде жұмыстар жүргізіп тақырыпты меңгеруіне көмектесе алады

Жіберілген қателер саны




4-тен төмен






Writing Test Task 6

Variant 1

1 Adam finally got-this kind of food.

A. used to eat B used to eating C. eating D to eat E eats

2 Melinda is a trouble maker. She enjoys---- trouble

A.makes B.make C. to make D. making

3. We --- Sunday afternoons working in the garden.

A.used to spend B. use to spend C. do not use to spend D. use not to spend E spends

4 Етістіктің дұрыс шағы Present Continuous:

A) Is does B) Is did C) Is do D) Is doing E) Is done

5 Сенің апан жұмыс істей мa?

A) If your sister works? В) Do your sister work? C) Works your sister?D) Does your sister work? E) Docs your sister works?

6 He has done his home work. Сөйлемді болымсыз түрінде табу:

A) He has not done his home work. В) I le didn't do his home work.

C) Had he do his home work. D) He have not do his home work. E) Does not he his home work.

7. Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз:

When we came back the children .... in the garden with two unknown boys.

A) would play B) play C) was playing D) are playing E) were playing

8. Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз:

When I_---___my homework I went to bed.

A) finish, B) will finish C) had finished D) has finish E) finishes

9. My friend... any present yesterday.

A) bought not B) doesn't buy C) will buy D) didn't bought E) didn't buy

Variant 2

1 He used--- in a bank. A. work B. working C. to work D have worked

2 Past Simple Tense

A). My friend has just come home.; B). He goes home.; C). We are reading now; D): Ahmed phoned me up yesterday.; E). My birthday will be on Sunday.

3 Present Perfect Continuous:

A). She js writing a letter now.; B). He was at home at 5 o'clock. С). I have been running for 3 minutes.; D). He has a dinner at 12 o'clock. E). I have a sister.

4 Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз:

They ... married next week

A) gets, B) was getting, C) are getting, D) got, E) is getting

5 He... newspapers every day. A) has read В) reads C) were reading D) have read E) has wrote

6. Past Simple Tense:

Yesterday my brother ...at the cinema, I... also there. A) was, were, B) were, am, C) are. is, D) was, was, E) is, am

7. Present Continuous Tense:

A) You can see with your own eyes everything.

B) The tickets are too expensive.

C) They are playing football in the yard now.

D) Moscow is a port of five seas.

E) Dad hasn't forgotten his promise.

.8 Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз: My friend... any present yesterday.

A) bought not B) doesn't buy C) will buy D) didn't bought E) didn't buy

9. Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз: If I-- time, I shall make a cake.

A. would have

B had

C will have

D have

E has


Variant 3

1. Sam ---in a small border town.

A. used to live B was used to live C. was used living D. used live E lives

2. She enjoys--------in a local rock band.

A. singing B to sing C sing D to singing E sings

3. Present Indefinite:

A) Tauglited B) Teaching C) leached D) Teaches E) Taught

4. Сөйлемді болымсыз түріне қойыңыз I usually get to work by bus.

A) I usually didn't get to work by bus

B) I don't usually get to work by bus

C) I usually not get to work by bus

D) U usually won't get to work by bus

E) I usually doesn't get to work by bus.

5. Present Perfect:

A) Have win В) Has wined С) Had win D) Had winning E) Has won

6. Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз:

What sports ... they found of?

A) is B) does C) have D) are E) do

7. . Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз:

... here since 1992

A) live B) lived C) has lived D) living E) have been living

8. Дұрыс жауабың таңдаңыз:

When I... him I'll give him your message.

A) see B) saw C) will see D) sees E) is seeing

9. Past Simple Tense:

Yesterday my brother ...at the cinema, I... also there. A) was, were, B) were, am, C) are. is, D) was, was, E) is, am

1 нұсқа

2 нұсқа

3 нұсқа























































Task 7Зaдания А13-А23.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски, обозначенные номерами А13-А23. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А13-А23, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер ответа, который вам кажется наиболее верным. Перенесите обведенные вами варианты ответов в Бланк ответов Аl,

I_ -----never_------А13 my first lesson at school. The pupils_----A14 very

noisy and they_----A15---------_A16 to me. At first I----------__ A17 loudly at them. But

soon they completely_------A18. I ------_A19 believe it. They-----_A20 me that

they_----А21 awfully sorry for their bad behavior. I-----_A22 to enjoy teaching them and I_-----A23 there for a few more years.

A13. I) will...forget 2) didn't forget 3) won't forget 4) had forgotten

A14. 1) were 2) are 3) are being 4) would be

A15. 1) had refused 2) have refused 3) refused 4) have been refusing

A16. 1) to be listened 2) to listen 3) to be listening 4) listen

A17. 1) did shout 2) was shouted 3) were shouting 4) shouted

A18. 1) have changed 2) changed 3) were changed 4) have been changed

A19. 1) won't 2) aren't 3) hadn't 4) couldn't

A20. 1) have told 2) had told 3) told 4) tell

A21. 1) have been 2) had been 3) were 4) are

A22. 1) had began 2) begun 3) was begun 4) began

A23. l).stay 2) stayed 3) to stay 4) had stayed

Задания В2-В7. Task 8 В2-В7. Listening. Put the words in the gaps

Прослушайте (дважды) сообщение Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах В2-В7 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания в отведенное для этого место.

At least sixteen people were killed as 150 kph winds swept across Britain yesterday Floods up to two meters deep swept through some towns. Lifeboats and helicopters were used to evacuate 2000 people before the midnight. Fifty people were taken to hospital suffering from shock and exposure. Eight of the victims were motorists whose cars overturned on exposed roads.

B2 Number of people were killed--------------

B3 Speed of the winds_--------------_

B4 Deep of the floods_---------------__

B5 Number of people who needed to be evacuated --------------- ___

B6 People suffered from shock and exposure---------------

B7 What happened to the cars?_-------------------_

Task 9

Задания A8-A12.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А8-А12, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую ответу, который вам кажется наиболее верным.

When Louise Roberts was eighteen, she began to feel pain in her joints. Within six months, she was in so much pain that it was like walking on glass. Just pulling up a zip brought tears to her eyes. The worst thing was that she was too weak to play the violin, She had been playing since the age of seven and had planned to become a professional. Louise's doctor told her she had arthritis, a Condition which makes the joints become painful, Louise was forced to give up play ing the violin to avoid damaging her joints, and given pain killer drugs, which she still takes.

A year after the diagnosis she went to university to do teacher training. It was upsetting for Louise to listen to other students practicing their instruments, knowing she could not play her beloved violin. She begged her mother to sell it, but her mother would not.

Teacher training was tough. Standing for long periods made her knees and feet ache especially in cold weather. There were times when she felt she couldn't cope with it Nevertheless she has now got a job in a primary school teaching a class of five year olds. She also plays the piano in school hall. Her fingers are still stiff at that hour of the morning, and she misses lots of notes but the children don't seem to mind.

After four years away from her violin Louise has just started teaching a.ten-year boy to play. Before the arthritis started, she used to play in a symphony orchestra, and she still dreams that one day she will perform on stage again,

Louise condition has improved, partly because of the drugs, but also because since visiting an allergy clinic, she has changed her diet completely. She has cut out all wheat, dairy products, beef and pork. Even so, her energy is limited and there are times when she is so tired that she has to stay in bed all weekend. She envies healthy people sometimes.

On the plus side however, she is more determined than most to get the best from life. She's also been taking singing lessons, as arthritis doesn't affect the voice, and as a result has achieved a higher standard in singing.

A 8. When Louise tried to get dressed...

1. she could do it easily.

2. her mother had to help her.

3. it was so painful that she was crying.

4. it was like walking on glass.

A 9. Why did Louise want her mother to sell her violin?

1. She needed the money.

2. She didn't know how to play it.

3. She wanted to buy a better one.

4 She was unable to play it.

A lO.Why does Louise play the piano badly at school hall?

1. She can't concentrate.

2. Her joints can't move freely.

3. She hasn't woken up yet.

4. She doesn't care about it.

A ll.What is Louise's strong desire?

1. to learn to drive.

2. to play music in public.

3. to teach the violin.

4. to act.

A12.Louise occasionally wishes she was not disabled because

1. she has to spend every weekend in bed.

2. she doesn't like staying in bed.

3. she can't eat cheese and yoghurt. 4. she gets so tired.а

A8 -4 A-9-4 A10-2 A-11- 2 A12-4

Problems of the youth ( friendship, love, conflicts)

What are the problems of the youth?

Youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. And during this search he or she comes across different problems which are as important as those of the adults. The youth of the twenty first century face almost the same problems which were acute to their parents when they were young.

How do the young communicate nowadays?

- Today the young can choose either traditional way of communication or a modern one. Traditionally the young meet after classes with their friends at a café or a club to get fun, relax and acquire new friends. But if the young people do not like noisy clubs and other places of entertainment, they can find friends without leaving their apartments- the Internet gives such an opportunity. Although this international World Wide Web is intended for getting knowledge, only few users employ it in this way. Others users employ the ICQ programme only for chatting. They can sit for twenty two hours at their displays carrying on endless chats with newly made friends. And it is a great problem of the present and future. The young people are only interested in their e- mail boxes. The best way for them is to go on chatting with their ICQ partners without meeting them. In general all the problems of the youth are linked with the present rather then with the past or future.

Task 10 My plans for the future.

Vocabulary: solve [solv] решать

Confident [' konfidәnt] уверенный

Realize ['ri laiz] осознавать

Dream [dri:m] мечта

To decide- решить

Future будущее

To choose выбирать

Knowledge ['nolidz] знания

Patience терпение

Personality личность

To get along with ладить, уживаться

Foreign [' forin] иностранный

Develop [di:velәp] развивать

Communicate [ko'mjunikeit] общаться


  1. Have you decided what you are to do after school?

  2. Why did you choose English?

  3. If you fail to get the job you want the most, what will you do?

  4. Is it easy to choose a profession?

  5. Why is knowledge of a foreign language important?

  6. What kind of person can be a teacher?

  7. What should a good teacher know?

  8. Do you like to speak English?

  9. How many years did you study English?

  10. IS it useful to learn foreign language?

  11. Does English help you to make friends?

Task 11 Speaking

Are there any other problems of the young?

  • The problem of love is very important for the young. Today the young fall in love when they reach the age Of Romeo and Juliet. Romanticism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. For a happy family life two people must understand and respect each other They are concerned with education, money, employment, hobby, spending their free time, communication and the like.

Romeo and Juliet

So, I said to her, "What's your name?"

She said to me, "What's your game?"

So I said to her, "I think you are great".

She replied, "You are too late"

So, I said to her, "Will you come tonight?"

She said to me, "Are you all right?"

So I said to her, "Let's make a time".

She replied, "It might be nine"

So, I said to her, "Where shall we go?"

She said to me, "How should I know?"

So I said to her, "We'll go in my car".

She replied, "Will we go far?"

Task 12 Let"s Translate into Kazakh. Let's sing song "Love me"

Conclusion stage. A) making conclusion Thank you. You are very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed you work at the lesson today. B) Marking students' achievements. You were excellent today. I' ll give you your marks. C) Giving home- task. Thank you for your coming. Have a nice day. Lesson is over. Good bye!



























Tense forms of the verbs


The Present Indefinite Tense

V, Vs


The Past Indefinite Tense

Vd, Ved


The Future Indefinite Tense

Shall/ will


The Present Perfect

Have (Has) + V3


The past perfect

Had + V3 (Past Participle


The Future Perfect Tense

Shall/ will have+ past participle


The Present Perfect Continuous

Have/ has + been + Past Participle


The Past Perfect continuous

Had + been + V ing


The Future continuous Tense

Shall+ be + Ving

Will+ be+ Ving


The Present Continuous Tense

To be +V+ ing Present Participle


The Past Continuous Tense

Was/were+ V+ ing Present Participle

Passive voice


Present Indefinite Passive Voice

Am/ are/ is + Past Participle


Past Indefinite Passive Voice

Was/ were + Past Participle


Future Indefinite Passive Voice

Shall/ will+ be+ past participle


The Present Perfect Passive

Have/ has + been + Past Participle


The Past Perfect Passive

Had + been + Past participle


The Future Perfect Passive

Shall/ will+ have+ been+ Past Participle


The Present Continuous Passive

Am/is/are+ being+ Past Participle


The Past Continuous Passive

Was/ were+ being + Past Participle

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