You will be ill if you eat all that

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

The form: (Cыныбы).

7 - а, б, в, г

Date: (Мерзімі).


Subject: (Пәні).


The theme: (Сабақтың тақырыбы).

You will be ill if you cat all that.

The aim of the teaching:

( Оқытудың негізгі мақсаты).

To improve the students' critically thinking , first conditional, polite requests.

Using of seven topics and methods:

(Модульдердің енгізілуімен әдіс-тәсілдер).

1. Learning to think critically.

2. Using ICT in teaching and learning.

3.Assessment for and of learning.

The aids: ( Pесурстар).

Interactive board, CD disc, computer, grammar table.

The results of the learning.:

( Оқу нәтижелері).

1.The students will think critically .

2.students can talk about results

3. make a conversation in a restaurant

The teacher's action:

(Мұғалім әрекеті).

The student 's action:

(Оқушы әрекеті)

Marking -Бағалау.


І. Organization moment: (Ұйымдастыру кезеңі).

1.Greeting. Explaining the aim and tasks of the lesson.

2.The teacher will ask about the absence of the students.

1.Greeting with the teacher.

2.The students in duty will report the condition of the class.

Formative, Summative


II.Білу: Remember

Еске сақтау. The revision of the former lesson.

1.Checking up students' home tasks.

p.53.To write an email to their friends. S.B.

1. The students will check up home tasks and change their note book with each other and find their mistakes and will mark them selves.



III. understanding


Warm up

1. The teacher will ask 1st groups students to

answer the questions .What dishes do you know?

2.The teacher will ask 2nd groups students to

answer the questions

Do you know table manners?


Students of the two groups try to answer teacher's questions.

5 min

IV. Applying



Presentation You'll be ill eat all that

Teacher explains the rules, put and play them tape recorder.

Students read the menu and then listen to the conversation and follow in their book. And answer how many people are having starter.

10 min

V. Analyzing

( талдау )

Teacher make students to close the book and ask questions.

Ex 2 b Students should find and answer these sentences are true , false. If they are false they try to correct.


VI. Evaluating (жинақтау )

Explains first conditional again

Ex 4 p 59

Students put the verbs in the right form and write complete sentences.

Ex 5 p 59

They match 1-6 a-f and make six sentences.


VII. Creating (бағалау )

Teacher ask the leader of the 3 group say and show students' marks.

Students take their marks.

VIII. homework

S.B Ex 7 p 59

At a restaurant


Checked up: (Тексерілді) -----------------

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