Методическая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему Dream vacation (9 класс)

  Цели:1) расширение кругозора по англоязычному страноведению 2) реализация творческого потенциала учащихся   3) интеграция межпредметных связей    Задачи:               Обучающие:   1.      познакомить уч-ся с достопримечательностями стран мира   2.      закрепить новую лексику, развивать навыки аудирования    3.      обобщение грамматического материала               Развивающие:   1.      развивать творческие способности учащихся   2.      развивать мышление, память, внимание, воображение    ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Урок по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему "Geography and travelling. Dream vacation"

Куштаева Сара Турганбаевна,

учитель английского языка

средней школы № 31

Жалагашского района Кызылординской области

Цели: 1) расширение кругозора по англоязычному страноведению

2) реализация творческого потенциала учащихся

3) интеграция межпредметных связей



  1. познакомить уч-ся с достопримечательностями стран мира

  2. закрепить новую лексику, развивать навыки аудирования

  3. обобщение грамматического материала


  1. развивать творческие способности учащихся

  2. развивать мышление, память, внимание, воображение


  1. воспитывать культуру общения

  2. формировать чувство толерантности к др. странам

  3. формировать потребность в коллективной работе и работе в группах.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Ход урока

I. The Preliminaries.


Classroom activities

T: Hello dear friends. At our previous lessons we talked about - Pleasures of life - What are they?

Ss: Art, music, literature

Leisure activities such us: going to the cinema, theatre, sport events, listening to music and so on.

T: You are right!

T: But today we are going to talk about one of the most interesting and famous thing or acting.

II. Brain storming

T: Guess please how we call moving from one place to another and the name of your school subject.

S1: Geography

S2: Travelling

T: You are right. Before starting my presentation I want you choose the name for your groups.

1st group - Travellers; 2-nd - Journalists

- Look at the board . (Presentation) On the screen you see the map of Eurasia. Read the names of the countries and give the names of the languages, name the capitals.

T: What do you know about these countries and capitals?

Ss: Britain is a country. English people like to drink a lot of tea.

The Queen is the head of the country.

S: There are 50 states in the USA.

T: What do you know about Moscow?

S: It's a capital of Russia.

What is the capital of Germany (France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, China, Japan)

T: Look at the slides and read the capitals and countries

Now please read the famous sights in Great Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Germany.

At the end of the slides let's make a conclusion

The Eifel tower is in …

St. Basil's Cathedral is in …

The Great wall is in …

You can see Sacura in …

The Coliseum is in …

Berlin wall is in …

T: You are great.

III. The main part. New material. Text "Kuralai's dream vacation".

  1. Pre - reading task. "Know" or "don't know" activity. Geography, travelling, vacation, dream, Venice, unusual, Hermitage, spend, going to, fly, the Statue of Liberty, Notre Dame Cathedral, Nile river, Samba, Pyramids at Giza, koala, kimono, croissants.

  2. Work with the text. ( Приложение) The text is divided into 2 parts and given to groups.

Task: read and put 2-3 questions to each part. Then groups change the parts of the text and ask questions to each other.

S1: 1. What about this text?

2. Where will Kuralai start her trip?

3. What countries will she want to visit?

S2: How many days will she stay in Melbourne?

2. Why does she want to travel to Australia?

3. Where will she travel to the last?

T: Thank you. You're right.

  1. Audition. Let's do "True" or "False" activity

T: I read the sentences, you should listen attentively and if the sentence true you raise yellow flower if not show orange flower.

  1. Doing ex-s:

    1. Find the suitable sights: "New York- Statue of Liberty" Paris ….

    2. Make sentences: "She is going to see ….

In Paris …..

T: Students from each team make a report.

(Выступление докладчиков)

T: Good job. Now it's time to brush up our grammar.

  1. Grammar revision. English tenses - from Present Simple to Future in the Past.

T: Look at the board and let's remember the rules of formation the tenses.

(Сводная таблица времен - приложение)

6. Let's play "Bingo" game. You should make up sentences using the right tense.

Go ahead!

(Используется интерактивная доска и таблица для заполнения)

T: You are brilliant my dear friends.

IV. Evaluation

  1. T: At the end of our lesson I want you try to make your opinion about our today's lesson through the presentation which you make on a piece of paper and you should draw, write about your dream vacation. I'll give you 5 min.

1st group 2-nd group

  1. Giving marks.

V. Home work. Make up tests about sights of Kazakhstan.

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