Урок английского языка в 3 классе на тему: Международный женский день

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Класс 3 класс
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Урок английского языка в 3-м классе

Тема урока: Международный женский день.

Цель: расширениесловарногозапасачереззнакомствосанглийскиминазваниямицветов (rose, bluebell, daffodil, tulip, violet) и качеств (kind, good, beautiful, tender, clever, nice, pretty);

- развитие оперативной памяти, речи, мышления;

- воспитание уважения и любви к мамам, ко всем женщинам;

- семантизация лексических единиц (названия цветов и качеств).


1) Раздаточный материал: театральные куклы (медведь и заяц), цветы, открытки, шаблоны для подписи, карточки с незнакомыми словами.

2) Демонстрационный материал: плакат «С 8 марта», коллаж, игрушка Маша из м/ф «Маша и медведь», цветы иллюстрации, ширма, слова новые с иллюстрацией (описание мам).

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

  1. Приветствие.

- Good morning children. I'm glad to see you. Today we have an unusual lesson. Сегодня у нас необычный урок, сейчас мы узнаем, чему он посвящен.

  1. Проверка готовности к уроку.

  1. Основная часть

  1. Сообщение темы и цели урока

- Look at kollage and say: «What is а celebrating today? »

- Women's day.

- Today topic is "Women's day". Say it together:"Women's day".

  1. Введение сказочного персонажа

- Children, today we have a guest. Her name is Masha. Let's say her: "Good morning, Masha!"

- Masha: "Good morning, сhildren! I want to be with you in such happy holiday. Who are we celebrating in "Women's day"?"

-Mothers, sisters, grannies and all women we know.

- That's right.

  1. Закрепление лексических единиц.

- Masha always gives her Mummy flowers. What flowers can we give our Mums? Let's look here. (На доске рисунки цветов с названиями: rose, daffodil, tulip)

-What is it? Rose.

-What is it? Daffodil.

-What is it? Tulip.

- What colour is the rose? - The rose is red.

- What colour is the daffodil? - The daffodil is yellow.

- What colour is the tulip? - The tulip is pink.

- Какие цветы вы бы подарили своей маме? Let's say it to Masha. For example, I give my mother tulip. And you?

- Thank you very much.

Урок английского языка в 3 классе на тему:Международный женский день

  1. Постановка сказки

  • Masha likes watch cartoons and tail. Let's see a tail about Women's day.

Hare:Hello hare!

Bear: Hello hare! What is this? (показывает на руки)

Hare: This is the fresh plant for my mother and Granny.

Bear: Is it your mother's birthday today?

Hare: Oh, no. Today it's the 8th of March.

Bear:And what is this -"the 8th of March? Is it a holiday?"

Hare: This is holiday for all mothers and grandmothers of all universe. And these flowers are for them. And what gift do you present your mother and granny?

Bear: Oh, I don't know. I have not any gift.

Hare: Think about it, but I must go, Good bye Bear.

Ведущий: Suddenly, the Bear sees the flowers. (выходят цветы)

Bear: Who are you?

Snowdrop: I am a nice little flower in a white dress. I have no smell. I am a snowdrop.

Bear: And who are you?

Rose:Rose - one of the most ancient cultures. I am grown from time immemorial. I am pleasing to the eye.

Bear: And who are you?

Narcissus:Look at me please. I am like the sun.My color is yellowor white. It grows in the garden. Flowers are narcissus have strong sweet smell.

Flowers: We are flowers.

Snowdrop: Who are you?

Bear: I am a Bear.

Rose: What are you doing here?

Bear: I am looking for the gift for my mother. Today it's the 8th of March.

Narcissus: Let's help him. (Цветы дают по одному цветку для медведя)

Bear: Thank you flowers. You are so kind. Now I have the gift for my mother.

Урок английского языка в 3 классе на тему:Международный женский день

Физминутка «If You're Happy»

  • Stand up! Let's have a rest.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happyclap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy clap your hands, clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.

If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet, stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet.

If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!" Say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!"

If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap.
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap.
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap, take a nap.
If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy clap your hands, clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happyclap your hands.

  1. Знакомство с новыми словами

- Let's tell we love our mothers and tell what they are.(На доске слова c иллюстрациями: kind, nice, beautiful, clever, tender, pretty) Let's read together.

- Ok. Let's say it. I love my Mum. She is kind. And you? - I love my mum. She is pretty.

- Very good.

  1. Пишем пожелания на открытке

- Маша предлагает подарить цветы нашим мамам. Это не простые цветы, а цветы открытки, которые никогда не завянут. Но сначала давайте их подпишем.

Dear Mummy!
I love you! You are ... and … .
Your ...

- Вместо пропуска напишите, какая ваша мама. Выберите одно или несколько слов из этого списка.

- Finish your work, please.

Урок английского языка в 3 классе на тему:Международный женский день

  1. Заключительная часть.

  1. Беседа

- Ребята, давайте попрощаемся с Машей. "Goodbye, Мasha!"

- И давайте не будем забывать, какие наши мамы, бабушки, сестры и будем дарить им радость не только по праздникам, но и в обычные дни. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Goodbey, children!

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