Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «My native land»

Конспект предназначен учителям не только английского языка, но и учителям других иностранных языков, нужно просто немного подредактировать. Можно использовать так на уроке, так и во внеурочное время. Конспект мероприятия содержит материал для учащихся среднего и старшего звена. Конспект мероприятия на тему «Моя родная Земля». Мероприятие проходит в виде «путешествия» класс нужно разделить на 2 команды, далее на каждой «станции» учащимся нужно решить разные задания, так же есть конкурс капитан...
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Сценарий проведения внеклассное мероприятия по английскому языку

«My native land»

Учитель английского языка

Лисина Анна Николаевна

2013 год

Вступительное слово учителя: Hello, dear children! I'm sure everybody likes reading adventures as well as travelling. Today I suggest you going on a short trip of Mamadysh. Its history is really full of mysteries and legends. We're going not only to travel but to find a treasure.

Stage 1.Across Mamadysh.

You know that Mamadysh is located in the Volga region. It is rich in historical and cultural monuments. Let us do a crossword.









(В скобках даны ответы на вопросы кроссворда).

  1. The head of Mamadysh. (Ivanov)

  1. The Church for Tatars. (Mosque)

  2. The name of the main street. (sovetskaya)

  1. The river on which Mamadysh is located. (Vyatka)

  2. Victory ….. . (Square)

OK, let us make a short trip to Mamadysh and find the treasure.

Stage 2.At the Travel Agency.

So before travelling we must fill in application forms. Please write down your name, surname, age, nationality and home address. Then give the Application forms to the travel agent. (Ученики получают бланки анкет и заполняют их).

Application form

Home address…
Telephone number…
Now we may travel to Kazan.

Stage 3.At the Airport.

We are going by plane. Then let's go to the airport. At the airport you must make out the number of your flight. Now, listen and write down the number of your flight. (Учащиеся прослушивают аудиозапись объявлений полетов и отмечают номер рейса на Казань).

Passengers to Moscow on Flight AC 667-this flight is now boarding at the gate number 4. AC 667 to Moscow is now boarding at the gate number 4.

Passengers to Kazan on Flight AG 342 -this flight is now boarding at the gate number 5. AG 342 to Kazan is now boarding at the gate number 5.

Now you know the number of our flight and we may get on the plane.

Stage 4.In the Plane.

We are in the plane. First let's translate into Russian some signs which we can see both in the plane and at the airport.

(Учащиеся получают карточки и переводят на русский язык).

Attention, please!
No smoking.
Fasten your seat belts.
Be careful.
Meeting point.
Passport control.

About an hour has passed and we are in the capital of Tatarstan.

Stage 5." If I were the Mayor of Mamadysh…"

Mamadysh is getting more beautiful day by day. First, from the list with the words complete a word chart.







(Учащиеся получают карточки со словами и группируют их по таблице).

(Учащиеся по очереди составляют свои предложения).

Then we'll say about the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan

Stage 6.Lunch.

Spasskaya Tower has struck one. It is time for our lunch. The nearest cafe is in Bauman Street. We may have lunch there. Tatar cuisine is great. We are in the cafe now. Please, read the menu and work in pairs: order something for lunch.(Учащиеся получают карточки с мe ню и составляют мини-диалоги).












Stage 7. The Kazan Kremlin.

The Kazan Kremlin is the only monument to the lost culture of the Kazan khanate. It is the only surviving Tatar fortress. Nowadays the Kazan Kremlin symbolizes the nation history, its culture and traditions. In 2000 it became a monument of UNESCO World Heritage.

So, do you know that the Kazan Kremlin was one of the best fortresses in Russia? When?

Do you know how many towers there are now? (8 towers)

Do you know the name of the only street in the Kremlin? (Proezd Sheinkmana)

(Учащиеся получают карту (см. рисунок) и карточки с названиями достопримечательностей Казанского Кремля и отмечают на ней их местоположение).

Карта территории Кремля.

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «My native land»


На карточках:

Spasskaya Passage Tower.
Southwestern Round tower.
Multi-sided tower.
Consistory Round Tower.Tainitskaya Passage Tower.
Administration corps of the President of Tatarstan Republic.
Suyumbike Tower.
Governor's Palace.
Annunciation Cathedral.
Kul-Sharif Mosque.
The Artillery Yard.
Cadet's School.
Public Offices Complex.


  1. Спасская башня.

  2. Юго-западная круглая башня.

  3. Многогранная башня.

  4. Консисторская башня.

  5. Тайницкая башня.

  6. Представительский корпус президента РТ.

  7. Башня Сююмбике.

  8. Губернаторский дворец.

  9. Благовещенский собор.

  10. Мечеть Кул-Шариф.

  11. Пушечный двор.

  12. Юнкерское училище.

  13. Присутственные места.

Stage 8.TheSuyumbikeTower.

We come close to the Kasanka and our next stop is the Suyumbike Tower. It is the most unusual structure of the Kremlin complex.

It has become the architectural symbol of Kazan and is famous a long way from the Rebublic of Tatarstan.

There are some legends about the sights of the city. One of the most beautiful and sad legends is connected with Suyumbike. Do you know it? Don't forget: you may get the treasure here, but it is locked and the key is the legend!

(Учащиеся рассказывают или инсценируют легенду, команда, набирает баллы за лексическое наполнение и правильно составленные предложения).

Возможные варианты ответа: Moscow tzar Ivan the Terrible knew about the beauty of the Tatar Queen. He wanted to marry her. He built a nice tower for her. But it was very hard for Suyumbike to leave Kazan and become the Russian tsarina. She went to the top of the tower, looked around for the last time and threw herself down on the sharp stones.

Thank you for taking part in our game. I think everybody enjoyed it.

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