Little Red Riding Hood музыкальное представление для 5 класса

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"Little Red Riding Hood"

Мақсаты: оқушылардың ағылшын тіліндегі ертегілерін драматизациялауға деген қызығушылығын ояту.


1. Диалогтік және ауызекі тілді дамыту.

2. Сөйлемдерді дұрыс ырғақпен және дұрыс екпінмен айтуға үйрету.

3. Берілген материал бойынша есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту.

4. Ертегі-мюзикл қойылымына қатысу арқылы оқушыларды шығармашылық жұмысқа тарту.

5.Оқушылардың актерлік қабілеттерін дамыту: Берілген кейіпкерге дұрыс дене қимылы және бет қимылы арқылы құбыла білуге үйрету.

4. Оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылығын дағдыландыру және ағылшын тілін оқуына деген уәждемесін арттыру.


Орындық, әжесінің отыратын орны, орман ағаштары, қызыл телпектің үйінің макеті, гүлдер, себет, ойыншық пистолет және кейіпкерлердің киімдері..

Қойылымда қатысушы кейіпкерлер:

1. Little Red Riding Hood - қызыл телпек - Ракая

2. Mother - анасы - Жазира

3. Wolf - қасқыр - Нияз

4. Grandmother - әжесі - Асель

5. Choir - Хор - Фатима, Фархад, Қарақат, Айдана, Илья.

6. Author - Автор - Ақнұр

Part 1

Сахнаның төріне 5 оқушыдан құрылған хор тобы шығады. Хордағы оқушылар өлең айтып, кейіпкерлерге қолдау жасап отырады. Ертегіге арналған өлең ойнап тұрады.

Narrator : Once upon a time there was a small girl called Little Red Riding Hood.

She lived with her mother in a deep, dark forest.

In a cottage on the other side of the forest lived her grandmother.

And in the deep, dark forest lived a big, bad wolf.

Besides, in that dark forest lived hunter.

(Әрбір кейіпкер сахнаға шығып, өзін таныстырады)

Choir: Sam The Sham орындауындағы «Little Red Riding Hood» өлең ойнайды. Балалар өлеңді айтып отырады.


Who's that I see walkin' in these woods

Why, it's Little Red Riding Hood

Hey there Little Red Riding Hood

You sure are looking good

You're everything a big bad wolf could want

Listen to me

Little Red Riding Hood

I don't think little big girls should

Go walking in these spooky old woods alone


What big eyes you have

The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad

So just to see that you don't get chased

I think I ought to walk with you for a ways

What full lips you have

They're sure to lure someone bad

So until you get to grandma's place

I think you ought to walk with me and be safe

I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on

Until I'm sure that you've been shown

That I can be trusted walking with you alone


Little Red Riding Hood

I'd like to hold you if I could

But you might think I'm a big bad wolf so I won't


What a big heart I have-the better to love you with

Little Red Riding Hood

Even bad wolves can be good

I'll try to be satisfied just to walk close by your side

Maybe you'll see things my way before we get to grandma's place

Hey there Little Red Riding Hood

You sure are looking good

You're everything that a big bad wolf could want


I mean baaaaaa


Сахна төріне қызыл телпек шығып, гулдер теріп жүріп:

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm little Riding Hood.

I'm Red Riding Hood!

I'm nice,

I'm good.

Choir: This is little Riding Hood.

This is Red Riding Hood!

Let's look!

She is good! She is good!

She is nice! She is good!

Қызыл телпектің анасы сахна төріне шығады.

Mummy: Little Red Riding Hood! Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you? Come here!

Your Granny is sick!

Take the basket!

Go there and Be quick!

Choir: Granny is sick!

Be quick! Be quick!

L. R. R. H.: I'm ready!

And I'm quick!

Mummy: Don't stop on your way!

Don't talk on your way!

Don't play on your way!

Go there and come again!

Choir: Go there and come again!

Mummy: Bye-bye, Little Hood!

Don't talk to a wolf!

Choir: поет песню I love red

Қызыл телпек анасымен қоштасып, әжесіне жол тартады. Орман жолында ол гүлдер, саңырауқұлақтар тереді.

Part II.

Little Red Riding Hood: Flowers here,

Flowers there,

Flowers growing everywhere!

Choir: Don't pick flowers.

Granny is sick!

Be quick! Be quick!

L. R. R. H.: My Granny is sick, I should be quick!

Choir: Your Granny is sick

Be quick! Be quick!

L. R. R. H.: My Granny is alone

She is sick at home.

Choir: Please, hurry up!

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Сахна төріне қасқыр шығып «I Like Food» әнің орындайды

Wolf. Hello! I am Mister Grey Wolf. I live in the wood. I want to eat Little Red Riding Hood! Oh! I see Little Red Riding Hood! Hello, Little Red Riding Hood!

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello, Mister Grey Wolf.

Wolf. Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going to?

Little Red Riding Hood. I am going to my Granny.

Wolf. Where does your Granny live?

Little Red Riding Hood. She lives in a little house in the wood. I am sorry, Mister Grey Wolf. I must hurry. Good-bye, Mister Grey Wolf.

Wolf. It is very good! I must hurry!

Part III.

Сахнада орындықта нәски тоқып әжесі отырады. Аш қасқыр Әжесінің үйіне жол тартады.

Narrator : As soon as Wolf began to feel

That he would like a decent meal,

He went and knocked on Grandma's door.

When Grandma opened it, she saw

The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,

And Wolfie said

Wolf. Knock-knock-knock!

Granny. Who is knocking at the door?

Wolf. It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Granny. Come in, my dear.

Wolf. Hi, silly Granny! I am Mister Grey Wolf! I want to eat you!

Granny. No! No! Help! Help!

(Әжесі қашып)

Wolf. Where is Granny? She ran away! What a pity. (Ойланып тұрады) What to do? What a good idea. I will be a granny and meet RED Riding Hood. I will eat her!

Narrator : Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood

Comes home from walking in the wood.'

He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,

(Of course he hadn't eaten those.)

He dressed himself in coat and hat.

He put on shoes and after that

He even brushed and curled his hair,

Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.

In came the little girl in red.

She stopped. She stared. And then she said,

Сахнаға қызыл телпек шығады.

Little Red Riding Hood. Knock-knock-knock!

Wolf. Who is knocking at the door?

Little Red Riding Hood. It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf. Come in, my dear! Come in!

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello, Granny! I am glad to see you!

Wolf. I am glad to see you, too!

Little Red Riding Hood. Let me kiss your face. Oh! Granny! What big eyes you have!

Wolf. The better to see you, my dear!

Little Red Riding Hood. Oh! Granny! what big ears you have!

Wolf. To hear you, my dear!

Little better to Red Riding Hood. What sharp teeth you have!

Wolf. To eat you my dear!

Little Red Riding Hood. Help! Help!(Сахнаға аңшы щығады)

Hunter. Hands up, Mister Grey wolf!

Wolf. Don't kill me! I am good. I am kind. I'll never eat Granny.

Granny. Never?

Wolf. Never! Never! I'll never eat Little Red Riding Hood!

Little Red Riding Hood. Never?

Wolf. Never! Never!

Little Red Riding Hood. That's OK! Let's be friends!

Wolf. Let's! Dear Granny, sit down, please!

Granny. Thank you.

Narrator : So the wolf became good, kind, and he never ate people.

(Барлық кейіпкерлер сахнаға шығып ән шырқайды)

The more we are together, together, together!

The more we are together!

The happier we are!

For my friend is your friend.

And your friend is my friend!

The more we are together!

The happier we are!

The more we sing together, together, together!

The more we sing together!

The happier we are!

For his friend is her friend.

And her friend is his friend!

The more we sing together!

The happier we are!

The more we dance together, together, together!

The more we dance together!

The happier we are!

For our friends are their friends.

And their friends are our friends!

The more we dance together! Little Red Riding Hood музыкальное представление для 5 класса

The happier we are!

The more we dance together!

The happier we are!

Little Red Riding Hood музыкальное представление для 5 классаLittle Red Riding Hood музыкальное представление для 5 класса

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