Урок по английскому языку на тему Surprise birthday party

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Маңғыстау облысы, Қарақия ауданы, Жетібай селосы

№4 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Шораханова Жанар Юсуповна

The theme of the lesson: Surprise birthday party and Present perfect

Aims: a) To revise Present perfect with already, yet and speak about birthday party

b)To develop pupils' skill in speaking, grammar & enrich their vocabulary

c) To bring up pupils' interest for English

Literature: Hot Spot 4. Colin Granger, Katherine Stannett

Visual aids: CDs, interactive board, cards

Organizational moment:

II.Checking hometask.

First I devide you into two groups using irregular verbs.

1st group- see, hear, lose, buy, find, have

2nd group- seen, heard, lost, bought, found, had

Warm up.

Answer my questions.

  • When is your birthday?

  • What present did you use to get when you were little kid?

  • Do you like surprises?

New theme. If you like surprises, today our new theme is "Surprise birthday party" We'll speak about Glooms' surprise birthday party and revise present perfect.

New words. There are some new words: blow up

Decorate, Make, Put away, Put up, Wrap, Spend money, Light


Now let's listen and read . The Glooms are preparing a surprise birthday party. Who is the party for? Have the Glooms done all the jobs? What grammar were used in these dialogue?

Of course, Present perfect. Do you remember the rule of the Present perfect?

- We use present perfect when talking about an indefinite time in the past and can see the result at the present time.

Look at the picture attentively can you see the result of the Glooms' jobs.

At last lesson I introduced you to Present perfect with just. Today I introduce you to Present perfect with already and yet.

Grammar spot.

Present perfect with already, yet

Ex: I've already decorated the cake.

I haven't vacuumed the carpet yet

Have you blown up the balloons yet?

Now let's say what have they done with these phrases using present perfect.

1.Sam and Pam have already put away the toys.

2. Martha has already made the sandwiches.

3. Rudolph has already wrapped the presents

4. Mandy and Helga have already lit the candles

Work with group

A.B Ex 3p16 Look at Asem's bedroom. Are the sentences true or false?

  1. F. She hasn't put away her clothes yet.

  2. F. She has already made her bed

  3. T

  4. F.She hasn't put away her books yet

  5. T

  6. F. She has already put up her poster

Work in pairs

Ex 4 Look at Activity 3 and complete the dialogue.

Mum: Have you put away your clothes yet?

Asem: No, not yet

- Have you made your bed yet?

- Yes I have

…Do you remember new words? I give you cards where written verbs, you must complete it with the words.

And I want to devide you once more. Even numbers are first group, odd numbers are second group.

1.Decorate the cake

2Make the sandwiches

3.Wrap the presents

4.Put up the banner

5.Light the candles

Individual work.

Look at the list. Which of the things have you already done today? Which haven't you done yet?

Make true sentences with already or yet.

Example: I've already cleaned my teeth

I haven't spent any money yet.

1. cleaned your teeth

2. spent some money

3. had a snack

4. spoken to your friends

5. used your mobile phone

6. answered a question

7. been in a car, a bus or a train

8. laughed


-Whose birthday is on December in your class?

Now image that you prepare a surprise birthday party for her using present perfect as the Glooms.


Look at the blackboard and answer the questions.

  1. What lesson have we just learned? English

  2. What book have we just read? Hot Spot

  3. What holiday have we celebrated recently? The Independence day and The President's day

-When did we celebrate them? On the 16th and 1st of December

-How long have we been celebrating the independence day of Kazakhstan? For 24 years.

Let's write cinquain about Kazakhstan and President.


You were very active and clever. Thank you! Your marks are…


To make the dialogue and Ex 1,2 p62

The lesson is over. Good bye!

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