Урок по английскому языка по теме Животные ( 3 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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КГУ Гимназия «БЭСТ»

Открытый урок

по английскому языку

в рамках месячника иностранных языков

по теме

" Pets and Other Animals"

Учитель: Гельд Мария Александровна

Класс: 3

Класс: 3

Учебник: «Английский язык Ш», авторы Верещагина И.Н, Притыкина Т.А.

Тема: " Pets and Other Animals"

Цель урока: Контроль усвоения и активизация пройденного лексико-грамматического материала

Задачи урока:

1) Практические:

  • Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков

  • Развитие навыков монологической речи

  • Развитие умения слушать и понимать английскую речь на слух


  • Расширение общего кругозора

  • Стимулировать общение на английском языке


  • Воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга

  • Воспитание любви и хорошего отношения к животным


  • Развитие памяти, мышления

  • Развитие языковой догадки

  • Развитие языковых способностей


  1. Интерактивная доска

  2. Электронная презентация

  3. Раздаточный материал по теме

  4. Оценочные бланки для жюри

  5. Магнитфон, диск № 3

  6. Карточки с загадками

  7. Жетоны с номерами

  8. Кубик со степенями сравнения

The Procedure of the Lesson

1 Greeting

Today we are speaking about animals. Let`s see what animals you know, if you can compare them and describe.

2 Phonetic Drills

( there is a poem on the active board -picture #1: )

I saw, I saw, I saw

A lion at the zoo.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A baby-tiger, too.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A big grey kangaroo.

I saw, I saw, I saw

I saw them at the zoo.

T: Please, boys and girls, listen to the poem and try to understand what I saw at the zoo.

( Teacher reads the poem. Students answer the question. Then students repeat the poem after their teacher. After it 2 pupils read the poem aloud.

Then teacher changes the picture. Students see the same poem but there are some gaps in it. Students try to read the poem filling the necessary words in.

Then teacher changes the picture again. The poem is given with gaps and pictures, showing animals.

Students try to read the poem. Then teacher turns off the piсture and students try to recite the poem as they remember it.

3 Organization

Today we are having a competition lesson. You `ll work in 2 groups. Take a card from the box. So, if you have a card with number 1, you are in group#1. If you have a card with number 2, you are in group 2. We are having judges. They will say which group knows animals best.

4 Warming-up

First, lets remember the names of different animals. For 2 minutes try to name all animals and birds you know.

5 Revision of the learnt material

Let`s start our competition.

  1. Active Board (task # 1): There are pictures on the board. Say, what animals there are on the board.

P: It is a tiger.

2) Look at the pictures and say what animals:

  • Can swim

  • Can`t swim

  • Eat meat

  • Eat grass

  • Live in Africa

  • Live in Kazakhstan

  1. Guess the riddles ( task # 2): there are 8 riddles. A person of the first group takes a riddle and reads it aloud. Group 2 must guess this riddle. Then a person from the second group reads a riddle for the opponents. ( see the supplementary material)

  2. Comparison (task # 3): Now let`s see if you can compare the animals. But let`s revise degrees of comparison at first.

    • Teacher throws the cube with adjectives on its sides. When a student catches the cube, he is to say comparative and superlative degrees of the adjective.

Small-smaller-the smallest

  • Now look at the board. There are 2 animals for each team. Compare them( their noses, bodies, ears etc.) Make up as many sentences as you can.

Ex: The elephant`s ears are bigger than the lion`s ears.

6 Doing of the exercise " Alouette"

I see you are tired. Let`s do exercises and sing the song " Alouette".

7 Development of monological skills

d) Description ( task #4): Now we going to describe the animals.

Ex 4 p 35- look at the diagram and say how you understand it.

  • Work with the new words:


--- legged



  • Students tell how they understand the diagram

S: Animals can be wild and domestic. Domestic animals are farm animals and house pets. Animals are big and little, short-legged and long-legged etc. Animals eat fish, bread, vegetables and fruit.

  • Students describe the chosen animals.

T: Now, each group is working in pairs. Each pair takes a card of an animal and describes the animal using the diagram.

Ex: The horse is a domestic animal. It is a farm animal. The horse is big. It`s long-legged, long-tailed, long-necked. The horse eats grass.

e)Describing of the favourite animal (task #5)

There are a lot of different animals. What is your favourite animal? Describe your favourite animal using the plan. ( The plan is given on the active board.)

The plan

1 My favourite animal

2 Big\ little

3 colour

4 body ( neck, tail, ears)

5 can

6 eats

7 lives

Teacher gives an example> students prepare> teacher asks 2 pupils from each group.

8 Results of the competition

9 Giving of the home task

Supplementary material


1. I am green. I am long. I live in water. I can swim. I live in Africa.

( crocodile)

2 I am white. I can jump, run. I can`t swim. I don`t like foxes. ( a hare)

3 I am red. I can jump and run. I live in the forest. I have got a beautiful tail. ( a fox)

4 I am big. I am grey. I have got a very long nose and very big ears. I live in Africa. I like grass and fruit. I like water. ( an elephant)

5 I am yellow an brown. I can run but I can`t jump. I have got a very long neck. I like to eat grass and leaves. I live in Africa. ( a giraffe)

6 I can fly. I am clever. I can sing and say different words. ( a parrot)

7 I am a very funny animal. I can jump very quickly. I like bananas.

( a monkey)

8 I am big. I am a domestic animal. I like to eat grass. I give people milk. ( a cow)

Value Our Knowledge:

( the best mark is "5")


Group # 1

Group # 2

Active Board




Favourite Animal


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