Тест Tag guestions для 6 класса

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Tag questions

I. Complete the questions

Model: She works as a teacher.- She works a as a teacher, doesn't she?

  1. Tom likes to walk in the park.

  2. My parents don't call me Tiny.

  3. Kate is a nice girl.

  4. The children mustn't make noise at a lesson.

  5. I am a doctor.

II. Complete the questions and answer them

Model: He is a teacher- He is a teacher, isn't he?- Yes, he is

  1. Moscow is the capital of Russia.

  2. My birthday is in June.

  3. I like reading.

  4. My friend can speak French.

  5. Today it isn't raining.

III. Translate into English

  1. У меня есть сестра, не так ли?

  2. Твой брат работает в банке, не так ли?

  3. Она всегда помогает маме, не так ли,

  4. Я доктор, не так ли?

  5. Мой друг может говорить по-английски, не так ли?

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