Сценарий литературной гостиной по творчеству У. Шекспира

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку.Литературная гостиная по биографии и творчеству У. Шекспира "Любил, любим, люблю..." Содержит презентацию по биографии писателя и презентацию по трагедии "Ромео и Джульетта". Приложения с сонетами Шекспира на русском и английском языках, а также сценарий инсценировки из трагедии "Ромео и ЖДжульетта" с эпизодом "На балу у Капулетти". Сценарий предназначен для проведения внеклассной работы по иностранным языкам в старших классах общеобразова...
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Звучит сонет №25 У.Шекспира в исполнении Лилии Троицкой «Любил, люблю, любим».

На экране портрет У.Шекспира.

Ведущий: Good afternoon, everybody! You've just heard one of William Shakespeare's sonnets, sonnet # 25, translated into Russian by Samuel Marshak and performed by Lilia Troitskaya. And the meeting of our literary club today is devoted to the greatest playwright in the world - W. Shakespeare. Who was he? English people often call him " The Swan of Avon", "English national bard". Today we'll get acquainted with the biography of this great man and his immortal works. The pupils of our form have made the presentation of his biography and they will demonstrate it now. Listen to them, please.


Ведущий: As you already know, W. Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. Sonnet is one of the most difficult poetic forms. All Shakespeare's sonnets consist of 14 lines and the last 2 lines are always aphoristic. You will hear it yourselves if you listen to any of his sonnets. I'd like you to listen to sonnet # 40.

(SONNET # 40)

Ведущий: All the creative work of W. Shakespeare can be divided into 2 periods. In his first period (1590-1600) he is young, optimistic and believes in the harmony in the world. Shakespeare is sure that mankind can achieve perfection, that's why at that period he writes comedies and historical novels, which are full of love, jokes and humanism. We can see it also in the sonnets of that time.

(SONNETS # 36, 116)

Ведущий: In the second period (1600-1608) Shakespeare loses his optimism and faith, that the harmony in the world can be achieved. He is disappointed in life, he sees that society he lives in is full of jealousy, ambition, money worship, that's why in this period he writes tragedies. And one of his best tragedies is " Romeo and Juliet". I believe that everybody knows this story of two young people. The pupils of our form would like to show you the presentation.


Ведущий: His tragedy "Hamlet", written in 1601 is also famous all over the world. Describing Denmark, Shakespeare meant England of the 16-th century, where the coming bourgeois relations destroyed such human qualities as duty, honesty and justice. Hamlet, a young noble man, seeing all this, begins to doubt the value of life itself. And you can hear his doubt and disappointment in his monologue.


Ведущий: The sonnets of that period are full of bitterness too. Listen to sonnet # 66, please.

(SONNET # 66)

Ведущий: More than 4 centuries have passed but Shakespeare's plays are still performed and will be performed for many years. People in different countries translate them into their own languages, study them and put them to music. And Russian composers are not the exception. Many famous Russian singers sang Shakespeare's sonnets, among them Michael Tariverdiev, Sergei Nikitin, Phillip Kirkorov, Alla Pugachova and others. Vika Klebanskaya, the pupil of our form, will sing Shakespeare's sonnet # 90, put to music and translated into Russian.


Ведущий: William Shakespeare wrote: " all the world is a stage and all the men and women are merely players". The pupils of our form will also try to be players and perform a scene from the tragedy " Romeo and Juliet", the ball at the Capulet's house.


Ведущий: And we would like to finish today's meeting of our literary club with the performance of Shakespeare's sonnet # 102 in a Russian translation.

(SONG - all together)

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