11 класс Тема: страноведение Вид контроля: итоговый

 Тест по страноведению для учащихся 11 класса Составлен для проведения итогового контроля :либо  в конце учебного года, либо в  конце 1 полугодия     Источники: «Английский язык. 10-11 классы»В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова, Е.В. Кузнецова, Ю.Н. Балабардина         М.: Просвещение, 2005, 2007 г.   Н.Ольсен» Говорим и пишем без ошибок» Сборник упражнений по грамматике англ.яз.,Москва,Изд.»Менеджер» Верещагина И.Н., Рогова Г.В. Методика обучения английскому я...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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11 класс

Тема: страноведение

Вид контроля: итоговый

1. The United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and …

a) Northern Ireland b) Irish republic

2. The most widely known natural wonder in America is called …

a) Niagara Falls b) the Stonehenge

3. The first character of the Walt Disney's movie was …

a) Donald duck b) Mickey Mouse

4. The other name of Northern Ireland is …

a) Eire b) Ulster

5. Before the American Civil War slavery was the basis for …

a) the South's economy b) the North's economy

6. The fundamental unit of British money is …

a) euro b) pound

7. The name of the "King of rock'n'roll" was …

a) Louis Armstrong b) Elvis Presley

8. The head of the British country is …

a) the President b) the Monarch

9. An outstanding event which took place in Atlanta in 1996 was …

a) the production of the film "Gone with the Wind" b) Olympic Games

10. The Hawaiian Islands are …

a) independent state of the USA b) the part of California

11. Almost all English kings and queens have been crowned in …

a) Westminster Abbey b) St. Paul's Cathedral

12. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in …

a) 1492 b) 1482

13. The official residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain is situated in London in …

a) Downing Street b) Baker Street

14. The United States' Constitution says that …

a) no religion can be made the official religion b) the official religion of the USA is Catholicism

15. The name of the Queen of Great Britain is …

a) Mary b) Elizabeth

16. The most important American holiday is the Fourth of July or …

a) President's Day b) Independence Day

17. How many chambers has British Parliament?

a) three b) two

18. The first President of the USA was …

a) Abraham Lincoln b) George Washington

19. The first European who visited the Hawaii was …

a) James Cook b) Christopher Columbus

20. The official residence of the Queen in London is …

a) Buckingham Palace b) Kensington Palace

21. The coasts of the USA are washed by the waters of …

a) the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans b) the Indian and the Pacific Oceans

22. The headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in London is called …

a) Whitehall b) Scotland Yard

23. The most famous clock in the world, the symbol of London, is called …

a) Big Ben b) Big Jack

24. In the centre of Trafalgar Square in London is situated the statue of …

a) William Shakespeare b) Admiral Nelson

25. A symbol of the American dream is …

a) California b) Colorado

26. London is situated on the banks of the river …

a) Thames b) Severn

27. The Houses of Parliament are situated in the historical part of London, which is called …

a) Windsor b) Westminster

28. Hollywood is the name which is considered to be synonymous to American …

a) business b) cinematography

29. British people are the world greatest drinkers of ...

a) coffee b) tea


  1. «Английский язык. 10-11 классы»В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова, Е.В. Кузнецова, Ю.Н. Балабардина

М.: Просвещение, 2005, 2007 г.

  1. Н.Ольсен» Говорим и пишем без ошибок» Сборник упражнений по грамматике англ.яз.,Москва,Изд.»Менеджер»

  2. Верещагина И.Н., Рогова Г.В. Методика обучения английскому языку в средней школе. - М., 1988.

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