Classroom management (basic priciples)

The overall aim of teaching English to speakers of other languages is to involve all the students all the time. We want to have active learners who are following the lesson, building on what they learn and feeling that they are achieving something . Remember that we are teaching communication, this means we want our students to talk (in English of course). If you come from a teaching background where everyone is supposed to be getting on with work quietly then this may be a bit of a shock for yo...
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Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
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Lesson (practical lesson) is the main form of the educational process.
In each lesson of English language for foreign students can be divided into two sides:
• content - language or speech material that students are to understand, assimilate and they need to communicate;
• organizational forms, methods and techniques of working with this material.
At the lesson the teacher seeks to implement three main objectives:
• training;
• developing;
• raising.
The purpose of this lesson defines its structure and learning material. It must be specific and to be clearly defined.
As auxiliary materials are used textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, reference books. In the modern lesson great place audiovisual materials, various media visibility, technical equipment. Tables, pictures, films, slides, sound recordings, computer presentations should naturally get into the structure of the lesson, to help the introduction of a new material, it training and the control of mastering. Language lesson material is usually given in the notes of the teacher as a whole.
For learning English as a foreign language is characterized by the prevalence of collective forms of learning in combination with various forms of individualization of educational process.

  1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson, or the introduction into the language environment (3-5 minutes).
    Depending on the level of knowledge of English language, psychological, age, national peculiarities of the group method of education, peculiarities of the purpose and content of the lesson element may be implemented in different ways.

    To establish contact with the audience, the teacher can spend speech warm-up, or speech exercises.
    Students should get used to immediately get into the speech activity. In addition, they should understand that the teacher wants to talk with them, he wants to know their problems, their needs and interests, gifts and other
    Speech workout can be an emotional character or nature of the evaluation of something:

    2. Homework review (5-7 minutes) - a mandatory element of any lesson.

    Homework review may take various forms.
    The main thing is the implementation of the feedback between the teacher and the learners. Frequently checking homework is done in the following form: a student answers the question a teacher that was set on the house, and then carried out the front material inspection.

Checking homework can cause error correction, i.e. the execution of one or two repetitive tasks or repetitive-generalizing character.

3. Preparation for active educational-cognitive activity on the primary stage of the lesson (2-3 minutes).
This is an important stage of the lesson, the aims are:
• to focus the attention of students;
• to prepare them for the new perception of a teaching material;
• to formulate the topic of the lesson and its main goal.
4. Introduction of new training material and the formation of a new language and speech skills (10-15 minutes).
Presentation of the new material is not permanent component of lesson as the objectives of the lesson may be different.
The teacher should introduce the new material in a communicative form, through thematic or situational texts, by means of illustration, showing diagrams, pictures, slides, etc. through the realities of the Russian language, by simulating real communication (dialogue), as well as in the form of creative tasks.
Explanation of the material should be:
• brief;
• clear;
• serial;
• available to students;
• the most obvious.

5. The primary check student understanding of new training material (5-10 minutes).
Here is the control over the speed and quality of learning new skills. Control of mastering of new training material is carried out through the system of codified questions, tests and other.

6. The consolidation of the new language and speech skills (20-25 minutes).
In fact, the exercises are present at all stages of the lesson: they shall bear the necessary information that a student perceives, analyzes and uses in communication. It is necessary to gradually include exercises:
• recognition,
• play familiar to students of units of speech in new situations, in terms of new intentions.

The main activity at this stage it is expedient to consider the exercise by analogy.

7. Generalization and systematization of educational material (5-25 minutes, depending on the type of the lesson).
Exercise at this stage of the lesson is aimed at systematizing introduced educational material, performed mostly on the material of the lesson (or a system of lessons). At this stage it is advisable to include not exercise similar (both at the stage of reinforcing new speech skills), and creative job, communicative type.

8. Homework (2-3 minutes).This phase involves:
• message content of the job and write it on the Board and in notebooks students: non pages, exercises, etc.;
• brief instructions on its implementation - new types of exercises should not be included in homework.

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