Тема урока I could dance

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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I could dance

Сыныбы: 5 «Ә»

The theme: I could dance
The aims:
Educational: to teach pupils to use the modal verbs in the speech, to enrich their knowledge with new facts
Development: to develop pupil's speaking, writing, reading skills & pronunciation abilities.
Bring - up: to arouse pupils' interest to subject
The type of the lesson: consolidation lesson
The methods: explanation, question - answer, complex work, individual work, interactive
Visual aids: cards, posters, pictures.
Resources: an interactive board, slides
Procedure of the lesson

I Organisation moment
Good morning, pupils.
How are you?
Sit down, please

II Warming up
Let's play a game. It called "Can you..?"
Stand up, go to the board and stand in a circle. I'll be your leader and you must answer for my questions. Then you must show how you do it.
Can you swim like a fish?
Can you run like a cat?
Can you play a piano?...
Thank you, now take your places.

III Checking the home task
You were given to make up sentences about what you can do or can't do.
Thank you, let's do the next task.

IV Reading & writing
Subject + can + main verb
+ I can play the piano
- She can't play the piano
? Can you play the piano?
Subject + could + main verb
+ I could swim
- She couldn't swim
? Could you swim?

V Doing exercises
Let's do ex 7 p 43
I can't dance, but Yerzhan can. He loves dancing.
Let's do ex 9 p 43
Work with active vocabulary on p 45

VI Group work
Let's work in two groups. You must read the texts op p44. Then answer the questions.
VII Make the dialogues
You mustuse your learnt materials in your speech & make the dialogue.
VIII Conclusion
Answer the questions
IX Evaluation
I'll give you marks. Come to the board and answer the questions (slide)

X Saying good bye
Thank you for your attention. Our lesson's over, good bye.

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I could dance

Сыныбы: 5 «Ә»

Пән мұғалімі: Бейсенбай Н.Қ

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