План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Дома и квартиры

План- конспект открытого урока английского языка   Дата: Класс: 6 «А» Тема: Дома и квартиры. Цель: вывести учащихся на творческий уровень владения письменной речью на основе подготовительных и продуктивных упражнений по аудированию, чтению и говорению. Задачи:  Обучающая: формировать лексические навыки говорения, практиковать учащихся в чтении и аудировании, тренировать навыки диалогической речи. Развивающая: развивать навыки говорения на английском языке. Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру по...
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План- конспект открытого урока английского языка

Дата: 06.02.2014

Класс: 6 «А»

Тема: Дома и квартиры.

Цель: вывести учащихся на творческий уровень владения письменной речью на основе подготовительных и продуктивных упражнений по аудированию, чтению и говорению.


Обучающая: формировать лексические навыки говорения, практиковать учащихся в чтении и аудировании, тренировать навыки диалогической речи.

Развивающая: развивать навыки говорения на английском языке.

Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру поведения на уроке.

Тип урока: урок изучения и первичного закрепления нового материала.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, технологические карты для учащихся, ноутбук.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, pupils.

How are you,…? - I am fine, thanks.

How is your mother? - She is fine, thanks.

What season is it now? - It's winter now.

I don't like winter. What about you, …?

What's the weather like today?

What's the date? - Today is the 31st of January

Is anybody absent today? - All are present.

2. Подготовка к изучению нового материала.

Look at the blackboard please. Here you can see the proverbs. Let's read all of them and translate.

"East or West, home is best"

"There is no place like home"

"My home is my castle"

Ok, very well. And who tell me, what the common word for all these proverbs is. You are right- HOME. Today we will speak about houses and flats.

3. Цели и задачи урока.

The theme of our lesson is "Houses and flats". And what do you think what should you learn and know during this lesson. Yes, you are right. Today we'll watch the film about the traditional English house, make up dialogues and describe your own room.

4. Фонетическая зарядка.

Look at the blackboard, please. Here you see the crossword. You task is to write the words which begin from these letters.





Are you ready? Let's check.

5. Первичное изучение новой лексики.

Please, pay attention to the blackboard. Now you are going to study new lexica. (Presentation 7).

Pupils, you know many words on the topic "At Home". Let's see if you know the names of the rooms in a flat or in a house. Complete my sentences, please.

  1. We take our overcoats in the ….(hall)

  2. We watch TV in the ….(sitting room)

  3. We eat in the ….(dining room)

  4. We sleep in the ….(bedroom)

  5. We cook in the ….(kitchen)

  6. We wash in the …(bathroom)

  7. We read books in the ….(living room)

All the rooms have special things. Look at the pictures and say what things you can find in different rooms.

4. Individual work. You have an individual task. You are going to work using your technological card.

What things can you find in …

What is usually there in….

…..the sitting room? - There is a sofa, two armchairs, some chairs and a bookcase in the sitting room.

……in the dining room? - We can find a table, a cupboard and some chairs in the dining room.

…. in the bedroom? - There is a bed, a wardrobe and a mirror in the bedroom.

…. in the kitchen? - There is a cooker, a fridge and a sink in the kitchen.

….in the bathroom? - We can find a bath and a sink in the bathroom.

5. Обучение аудированию. It's time to watch the film about houses and flats of England. You are going to watch the video. Your task is to listen the film, understand the information and after the film you will do the task which connected with the film.

True or false.

  1. Most British people live in houses.

  2. A good place for fireplace is kitchen.

  3. There is a study in this house.

  4. British people do not like gardening.

  5. Oscar is a cat.

  6. Buckingham palace is a famous house in Britain.

7.Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Now let's speak about your homes. I would like you make up short dialogues.

I am sure you are good actors.

Опорная таблица.

Where do you live ?

Do you live ….?

near the park

in …..street

behind the school

next to the shop

Do you live in ……or in…..?

a flat

a house

a high-rising building

What rooms are there in your house / flat?

a living room

a sitting room

a dining room

a bedroom

a kitchen

a bathroom

What's your house / flat like?

small but comfortable

big but cosy

not big but nice

not big but unusual

ordinary but modern

….., you are a policeman. The children are lost. Ask them where they live.(1 таблица)

…., you are a journalist. You should write an article about where people prefer to live.(2 таблица)

…, you are an agent. Ask a client about his house or flat.(3 таблица)

…., you are a customer. You want to buy a house. Pupils, prove that your house is the best one to buy.(4 таблица)

Pupils, imagine that you've met your friend. He's recently moved into a new flat. Ask him where he lives. Work in pairs and make up a dialogue.

8. Физминутка.Now, stand up everybody. Let's get relax.

9. Подготовка к чтению текста (страноведческий материал)

In English there are two words which mean ДОМ. They are home and house. Explain the difference, please. You may speak Russian. (карточки со словами home house)

Home - это место, где живут люди (квартира, коттедж, дворец), а также его обитатели, домочадцы.

House - это здание, в Англии чаще всего двухэтажное.

Now, pupils, let's play a game. You should choose the right variant.

  1. My house / home is near my school.

  2. Is your brother at home / house?

  3. Do you live in the house / home or in the flat?

  4. I come home / house at 10 o'clock.

  5. I like to be at home /house.

Thank you, pupils.

10. Чтение и работа с текстом

There are different types of houses in England.

Now we are going to read the text about the traditional Englishman's house.

Read the text, please.

An Englishman's House.

In England the streets are often narrow and the houses are small.

Many English families live in their own houses. The traditional English houses have two floors: the ground floor and the first floor. They usually have a living room, a kitchen and a hall downstairs. You can see two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.

The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. English people usually have a fire in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to music or sit around and speak.

In England they like gardens and a lot of houses have little gardens on the front and behind. You can see beautiful flowers in the gardens, often they are roses. Sometimes you can see a garage near the house.

People in England like their homes and often say, "There is no place like home" and "East or West, home is best."

Answer the questions:

  1. Where do many English families live?

  2. How many floors do the traditional English houses have?

  3. What rooms are usually upstairs?

  4. What rooms are usually downstairs?

9.Активизация лексики в речи и развитие навыков монологического высказывания. (описание своей комнаты)

Pupils, I see you have prepared the plans of your rooms. …., will you try to describe your rooms, please. You should describe your house using all new lexica.

It's ______ room. It's big. There are ____ windows in the room. There is a _____on the floor. The ______ is near the ______. Next to it there is an ____. A ______ is next to the door. My ____ is near the window too. There is a _____near the_____. There is a ______and a _______in the room. There are many books in the bookcase. There is a _______ on the wall. The room is clean and cozy.

10.Подведение итогов урока.

Our lesson is over.

Do you know all the words on the topic "At Home". - Yes, we do.

Can you make up dialogues? - Yes, we can.

Can you describe your rooms? - Yes, we can.

Your marks are…

Open your record books and write down your home task. Be ready to describe your rooms next time.

ГУ «Карабалыкская средняя школа №1 имени М.Горького отдела образования акимата Карабалыкского района»

Открытый урок по английскому языку

в 8 «А» классе

на тему: «Is it easy to be a teenager?»

Учитель: Бурнашова А.Л.



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