Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Научные работы
Формат doc
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The theme: When is your birthday?

The aim: Оқушыларға жыл мезгілдері, ай атаулары, еуған күн, күн реті туралы үйрету. Ойлау қабілеттерін арттыру, білім, білік дағдыларын қалыптастыру. Өзара сыйласымдылыққа баулу.

The method: Ойын элементтері, ой қозғау, топпен, жұппен жұмыс жасау.

The equipment: The Interactive board, pictures, poster and the programmer of Baiterek, music and song.

The lesson plan:

I. Organization moment:

  • Good morning, pupils!

  • Good morning, teacher!

  • Who is on duty today?

  • I'm on duty today.

  • What date is it today?

  • The 13th of December

  • What day is it today?

  • Thursday

  • Who is absent?

  • All are present

  • Thank you, sit down please!

II. Phonetic drill:

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

III. Checking up the home task:

  • What was your home task for today?

- Our home task was ex 17.

- I'll check up your home task by box, pen and book.

The book is on the box The pen is behind box….

IV. New lesson

- Ok pupils, today we've an open lesson. The theme: "When is your birthday?"

- Open your book at page 77

- Now, look at the board, listen to me, then repeat after me the new words all together.

Season ['si:zәn] Жыл мезгілі

Month [m^nӨ] Ай

Spring [sprin] Көктем

Summer ['s^mә] Жаз

Autumn ['o:tәm] Күз

Winter ['wintә] Қыс

March [ma:ts] Наурыз

April ['eiprәl] Сәуір

May [mei] Мамыр

June [dзu:n] Маусым

July [dзu'lai] Шілде

August ['o:gәst] Тамыз

September [sep'tembә] Қыркүйек

October [ok'tәubә] Қазан

November [nәu'vembә] Қараша

December [di'sembә] Желтоқсан

January ['dзәenjuәri] Қаңтар

February ['februәri] Ақпан

After ['a:ftә] Кейін, соң

Before [bi'fo:] Дейін, бұрын,алдында

Birthday ['bә:Өdei] Туған күн

- And write the new words

- Now, I'll divide you into 5 groups. The first you choose the numbers. The pictures are behind the numbers.

- What're the pictures?

- They're seasons.

1) this is a year, a season

2) this is spring

3) this is summer

4) this is autumn

5) this is winter

Ой қозғау

- Now, pupils let's ask a year.

- How many seasons are there in a year?

- How many months are there in a year?

A year:

-Hello, boys, and girls! I'm a year. I have 4 seasons and 12 months

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

- O'K and let's ask a season

- What seasons are thare?

A season:

- Hello boys and girls! I'm a season I have 4 seasons

They're spring, summer, autumn, winter

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

- O'k pupils and let's ask what months are thare in seasons.


- Hello friends! I'm spring. I have 3 months.

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?


- Hello, my friends! I'm summer. I have 3 months.

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?


-Урок англиского языка When is your birthday? Hello, my friends! I'm autumn. I have 3 months.

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?


- Hello, my friends! I'm winter. I have 3 months.

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

- Now, pupils And what season is it now?

- It's winter

- And what month is it now?

- It's December

- Fine, children And we'll repeat the numbers. Look at the poster In the poster the cardinal numbers

- O'K and look at the board, listen the programmer of Baiterek, the ordinal numders

1-1 st / 2-2 nd / 3-3 rd /4-4 th/ 5 -5t h / 6 -6 th / 7-7 th / 8- 8 th /9- 9 th / 10-11 th /…

21-21 st /22-22 nd / 23 - 23 rd / 24- 24 th /…….

31- 31 st .

- All right pupils and tell me please, when is your birthday?

- My birthday is in summer. It's on 5 th of August

-Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?Урок англиского языка When is your birthday? Now let's do exercise 1. Look and say

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

Урок англиского языка When is your birthday?

For example:

- Conti's birthday is on 21 st of December

- Evans' birthday is on 28 th of March

- Now and ex. 3 Listen, read and translate the dialogue

- Who wants to read?

Very good and make a dialogue. You ask your friend about birthday, then you talt to your friend.

- Hello

- Hi

- What's your name?

- My name is …

- When is your birthday?

- It's on 5…

- Thanks, good bye!

- Bye!
- O'K pupils and write your birthday in your exercise book.

- The next ex.6 Read

A) What month is it after December?

It's January

B) What month is it before December?

It's November

- Next ex. 8 Write

- Who wants come to the blackboard?

- Please, ….

A) What month is it after January?

It's ….

B) What month is it before January?

It's ….

- And ex.9 Read

- In which month is your birthday?

- In January

- Next ex. 10 Write

- In which month is your birthday?

- In ……..

V. Physical training:

- Now pupils, let's do physical training. Look at the board, and sing a song

- Very well and ex 12 Read

- When is your birthday?

- It's on 31 of January

- Next ex 13 Look at the blackboard. Find the season, the number and month of your birthday

- When is your birthday?


- Pupils stand up. Sing a song "Happy birthday!"

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear my friend! Happy birthday to you!

VI. Home task:

- Take your home task. Exercises 11learn by heart and 15 write

VI. Marks:

- I'll give your marks by weather's pictures

VII. Conclusion:

- Stand up, pupils. You are clever boys and girls! The lesson is over. Good - bye!

- Good - bye, teacher!

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