План уроки What are you wearing? 6 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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Date: 01.03.16

Class: 6

Theme: What are you wearing?
● Introducing and practicing new vocabulary.
● Developing pupils speaking, writing, reading skills.
● Bringing up children to be tidy, polite and friendly.

Visual aids: interactive board,pictures, cards.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.
Good afternoon, children?
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
− What date is it today?
− What day is it today?
− Who is absent today?

II. Last lesson you have learnt "Colours". Let's repeat these colours by playing the game. I will ask questions. For example: I say the colour in Kazakh language and you must say it in English.
сары - yellow

жасыл - green

ақ - white
қоңыр - brown

қызыл - red

қызғылт сары - orange
қара - black

көк - blue

We have a new theme about "Clothes". There are a lot of clothes, but we will stop in some clothes, which we must know.
Open your vocabulary and write down the date and new word

Trousers ---------- [ trauzәz] ----------- шалбар
Skirt --------------- [ skз: t] ------------- белдемше
Sweater ---------- ['swetә] -------------- жемпір
Dress -------------- [dres] --------------- көйлек
Shirt --------------- [ ] ------------------- жиде
T - shirt ------------ ['ti: ----------------- футболка
Shorts ------------- [sc: ts] ------------- шорты
Socks -------------- [soks] -------------- носки, шұлық
Shoes -------------- [ z] ----------------- туфли
Jeans -------------- [dзi: nz] ------------ джинсы
Hat ----------------- [hæt] --------------- бас киім

Video 1

Have you finished? Look at the blackboard and repeat after me all together.

Let's answer the questions which I ask you. I have a picture. We see the clothes in the picture. And I'll ask you a question and you have to give full answer. Let's start.

Teacher: What is it? What colour is the skirt?
Pupil: It is a skirt. It is red.
Teacher: What is it? What colour is the jeans?
Pupil: It is jeans. They are blue.
Teacher: What is it? What colour is the dress?
Pupil: It is dress. It is yellow.

Video 2

Find the words

Warming-up (If you happy and you know it)

III. Play game.
Teacher: Now. We play the game. Look at the blackboard. And you see the wrong words. You must make the right words.
I ----------------------------------- II -------------------------------III


Video 3

IV. Speaking.(Postcards)
I have cards. We see the picture on the cards. Your task is to make up sentences.

Video 4

V. Conclusion.

a) Giving home task.

b )What have you learned at the lesson?

What do we use?

What new words do you know?

c) Giving marks.

The best pupils of the lesson are…….

Try to work harder……..

Your marks are……

Stand up children!

The lesson is over, Good bye!!!!!!!!

High school A.Baitursynov MGA

The theme:

План уроки What are you wearing? 6 класс

Made by: Mukayeva M.B

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