Методическая разработка «Тесты. Решение и составление тестов, как метод закрепления полученных знаний»

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«Тесты. Решение и составление тестов, как

метод закрепления полученных знаний».

Разработана преподавателем английского языка - Николаевой Н.В.

Методическая разработка рассмотрена и утверждена на заседании

методической комиссии социально-экономических дисциплин и языков.

Протокол № _________ от «___________» ______________________2015г.

Председатель комиссии __________________________ А. А. Казаков.

г. Новоаннинский 2015 г.


В методической разработке рассматривается вопрос об использовании тестов по грамматике английского языка в обучении студентов по предмету « Иностранный язык ». Приведены тесты, которые предназначены для обучения английскому языку студентов юридических курсов. Тесты использованы при проведении итоговых занятий по разделам.

Методическая разработка рекомендована для преподавателей и студентов колледжа при подготовке к контрольной работе по изучаемому предмету.


  1. Вступление

  1. Методика использования тестов в обучении английскому языку

  1. Основная часть (тесты)

  1. Приложение (ответы на тесты)

  1. Заключение

  1. Используемая литература

  1. Рецензия


В настоящее время на земном шаре существует более двух тысяч различных языков и диалектов. В одних случаях это малораспространенный язык, на котором говорят всего лишь несколько тысяч человек. В других случаях язык обслуживает огромное число говорящих, число, доходящее до нескольких десятков и даже сотен миллионов.

Английский язык распространен во всех частях света. Где-то он является языком большинства населения, где-то широко используется в дипломатии при составлении деловых, юридических и коммерческих документов. Английский стал рабочим языком деловых людей всего мира! И, поскольку, границы между странами становятся все более прозрачными и любой более или менее амбициозный человек имеет все шансы выйти на международный уровень общения, то, я считаю, каждому человеку еще с раннего возраста должны закладываться знания английского языка. Сначала простые, элементарные грамматические элементы языка, далее, с возрастом и с учетом выбранной профессии, переходить на более сложную специфическую лексику.

Правильная разговорная речь немыслима без знания грамматики изучаемого языка. Поэтому параллельно с устной речью необходимо вести письменные работы для более глубокого усвоения синтаксиса и морфологии, лексики, лексикографии и пунктуации. После прохождения определенного грамматического материала, преподавателю необходимо проконтролировать правильно ли он (материал) усвоен. Одним из таких методов контроля может выступить тестирование.

Данная методическая разработка может являться частью учебно-методического комплекса, построенного на принципе взаимосвязанного обучения видам речевой (письменной) деятельности на профессионально ориентированном материале.

Содержание лексического и грамматического материала соответствует требованиям программы по английскому языку для гуманитарных редних специальных учреждений по курсу «Правоведение».

Тесты для обобщения пройденного материала отражают темы связанные со специальными предметами, изучаемыми на юридическом факультете. Поэтому тестами могут пользоваться студенты II - III курсов по специальности «правоведение» для закрепления пройденного тематического и грамматического материала.

Очень полезна работа студентов по самостоятельному составлению тестов, в первую очередь тематических. Она требует от составителя подготовки в области выбранной темы и знаний при подборе содержания тестов. Тем более, что при разработке только одного пункта теста, составитель должен знать минимум три (по количеству вариантов ответа) грамматические единицы. Ведь кроме правильного ответа должны присутствовать еще два (минимум) варианта ответов по другой, не включенной в этот пункт грамматике (теме).

Тесты по своему содержанию я разделила на три категории:

  1. тематические - варианты ответов несут в себе информацию о

каком-либо явлении, термине, встречающихся в юридической


  1. грамматические - варианты ответов отвечают за грамматику

английского языка: синтаксис, морфологию.

3. тематико-грамматические - несущие в себе взаимосвязанное

содержание 1-ой и 2-ой категории


в обучении английскому языку

Решение и составление тестов относится к дидактической (обучающей) форме обучения. Данная форма обучения содержит учебную задачу, которая направлена на закрепление знаний, навыков и умений.

В начале обучения преподаватель сам составляет тесты. Причем каждый тест несет определенную цель закрепления, систематизации или повторения знаний. Предполагается составление тестов в дальнейшем самими студентами, но старших курсов.


( г р а м м а т и ч е с к и е )

Present Indefinite or Present Continuous

  1. I … in London.

  1. live; b) lives; c) am living.

  1. My brother … tennis every Saturday.

  1. play; b) plays; c) is playing.

  1. What is the noise? Jane … in the next room.

  1. sing; b) sings; c) is singing.

  1. Linda … in Los Angeles.

  1. live; b) lives; c) is living

  1. My Granny is in the kitchen. She … cakes.

  1. cook; b) cooks; c) is cooking.

  1. Fred … English.

  1. speak; b) speaks; c) is speaking.

  1. Douglas … baseball for his University team.

  1. play; b) plays; c) is playing.

  1. John and Jack … test now.

  1. write; b) is writing; c) are writing.

  1. Chris … in the center of London.

  1. live; b) lives; c) is living.

  1. I usually … tea for breakfast.

  1. drink; b) drinks; c) is drinking.

  1. Dan usually … his camera on all trips.

  1. take; b) takes; c) is taking/

Past Indefinite or Past Continuous

1 I … down to the street yesterday when I saw a man I know.

  1. walked; b) was walking.

2 She … at the bus stop when it started to rain.

  1. stood; b) was standing.

3 Her husband … out of the window to see what was happening in the yard.

  1. was looking; b) looked.

4 The police picked him up when he … the rules.

  1. was breaking; b) broke.

5 When the phone rang, he … it.

  1. answered; b) was answering.

6 When the phone rang he … the dishes.

  1. washed; b) was washing.

7 He … to work when he had an accident.

  1. drove; b) was driving.

8 The children … outside when the lessons began.

  1. walked; b) were walking.

  1. I … a book when the lights went out.

  1. was reading; b) read.

  1. He … near the beach when he saw a shark.

  1. was surfing; b) surfed.

  1. The incident happened while I … to work.

  1. went; b) was going.

  1. We were waiting for the boat when the police …

  1. was arriving; b) arrived.

The Verb to be

1 Tom … a good boy.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

2 Jack and Jill … my friends.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

3 Mr. And Mrs. Brown … on holidays.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

4 I … ten years old.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

5 He … a pupil of the fifth grade.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

6 Mike and I … in the yard.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

7 Simon … absent today.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

8 Karen … our new English teacher.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

9 We … doing test.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

10 Peter and his brother … playing football.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

  1. Jane … from London.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

  1. Douglas … a taxi driver.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

The Passive Voice

1 My car … last night.

  1. was damaged; b) damaged; c) has been damaged.

2 This computer … in the USA.

  1. is being made; b) is made; c) was made.

3 The machines … in Scotland.

  1. made; b) is made; c) are made.

4 The President … last night.

  1. is killed; b) was killed; c) will be killed.

5The money … at the bank.

  1. are changed; b) changed; c) is changed.

6 The letter … yesterday.

  1. was posted; b) will be posted; c) posted.

7 Cheese … from milk.

  1. was made; b) is made; c) has been made.

8 The children … some food.

  1. will give; b) were gave; c) were given.

9 The house … every year.

  1. is painted; b) is being painted; c) had painted.

10 Several people … in an accident last night.

  1. has been hurt; b) were hurt; c) were hurted.

11 The garages … every day.

  1. are cleaned; b) were cleaned; c) cleaned.

  1. He … a lot of money.

a) will give; b) has been give; c) has been given.


( т е м а т и ч е с к и е )

The State.

1 … is a product of society at a definite stage of its development.

  1. library; b) judge; c) state.

  1. The special machinery created by …

  1. the class of exploiters; b) the class of ruling; c) the class of slaves.

  1. The system of organs is the …

  1. state machine; b) society machine; c) engineering machine.

At The Meetings

1 … is speaking about the crimes.

  1. prosecutor; b) chairman; c) killer.

2 The … who commited a crime.

  1. witness; b) defence counsel; c) unemployed.

  1. … is taking place at the witness - stand.

  1. defence counsel; b) chairman; c) witness.

John's Composition

1 Parliament is held in the …

  1. Big Ben; b) Tower; c) Palace of Westminster.

2 In … Simon de Monfort called the first Parliament.

  1. 1565; b) 1965; c) 1265

3 The House of Commons is a center of real …

  1. cultural life; b) political power; c) common power.

Steve's Story

1 The … usually opens the new session of Parliament.

  1. King; b) Queen; c) Prince of Wales.

2 The … presides over the debates in Parliament and decides which member is to speak at any particular moment.

  1. Speaker; b) Minister; c) Leader of Opposition.

3 The official of the House of Lords, called …, call the Commons.

  1. Black Rod; b) Black Jack; c) Black Man.


1 Every citizen of Russian Federation at age of … can be elected to the Parliament.

  1. 16; b) 18; c) 21.

2 The US constitution guarantees every citizen the …

  1. right to vote; b) right to kill; c) right to rest.

3 Those who do vote can only make their choice practically between two sets of candidates - …

  1. Republicans and Conservators; b) Democrats and Republicans;

  2. Conservators and Democrats.

Pete's Travel to London

1 … is the capital of Great Britain/

  1. London; b) Edinburgh; c) Cardiff.

2 The … is the commercial part of the capital.

  1. East End; b) West End; c) City.

3 In the … since the beginning of the 14th century English judges, barristers, lawyers, clerks had been working, living and studying.

  1. West End; b) East End; c) City.

Pete's Travel to London (cont.)

1 … is the most governmental building.

  1. Westminster; b) Tower; c) Big Ben.

2 All the kings and queens of England had been crowned in …

  1. Tower of London; b) St. Paul's Cathedral; c) Westminster Abbey.

3 … is the poorest district of London.

a) West End; b) East End; c) City.

Jane's Letter

1 … is the highest judicial organ of the US.

  1. Federal Court of Appeals; b) Supreme Court; c) Magistrate.

2 Each of eleven judicial circuits are served with a …

  1. Federal Court of Appeals; b) Police Court; c) Supreme Court.

3 The lowest court is …

  1. Magistrate; b) Supreme; c) Federal Court of Appeals.

Jane's Letter (cont.) I

1 Most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by …

  1. Supreme Court; b) Court of Appeal; c) District Court.

2 … has the right to declare unconstitutional any low passed by Congress.

  1. Supreme Court; b) Court of Appeal; c) District Court.

3 … hears appeals from lower courts.

  1. Supreme Court; b) Court of Appeals; c) District Court.

Jane's Letter (cont.) II

1 The latest statistical data says that … is rising constantly in US.

  1. violent crime; b) population; c) neighbours.

2 The weapon is being bought not only by criminals but by … citizens too to protect themselves.

  1. richest; b) poorest; c) law - abiding.

3 The … of violence by mass media and especially television and films is one of the reason of rising a violent crime.

  1. propaganda; b) murder; c) speaking.

Steve Tells About English System of Law

1 … also called justices of the peace.

  1. jury; b) judges; c) magistrates.

2 The majority of all criminal cases and some civil cases try the…

  1. Magistrates' Court; b) County Court; c) Crown Court.

3 The … hears all those civil cases that cannot be decided by county courts.

  1. Crown Court; b) High Court; c) County Court.

  1. The … hears both criminal and civil appeals.

  1. Crown Court; b) Court of Appeals; c) Magistrates' Court.

  1. The … is the final appelate tribunal.

  1. House of Lords; b) House of Commons; c) High Court.

  1. … is the Central Criminal Court in London.

  1. Old Man; b) Old Judge; c) Old Baily.

Steve Tells About Judicial Profession in England

1 Barristers and Solicitors are two classes of …

  1. judges; b) lawyers; c) criminals.

2 … conducts the case in the higher courts.

  1. barrister; b) solicitor; c) prosecutor.

3 All serious crimes are tried in a superior court before a …

  1. defendants; b) witnesses; c) jury.

Steve Asks Questions

1 … is the representative and legislative organ of the Russia.

  1. Federation Council; b) State Duma; c) Parliament.

2 The … is a special body of the observance of the law in Russia.

  1. Counsel; b) Procurator; c) Prosecutor.

3 The … is the highest and …are the lowest in the Russian judicial system.

  1. District Court; Supreme Courts;

  2. Supreme Court; district people's courts;

  3. Supreme Court; High Courts.


1 An unusual, unexpected or unforeseen event:

  1. crime;

  2. accident;

  3. occasion.

2 One who breaks into houses or other buildings to steal:

  1. burglar;

  2. killer;

  3. advocate.

3 Violation of law, a grave offence:

  1. crime;

  2. verdict;

  3. trial.

  1. A policeman or other person engaged in investigating crimes or getting information that is not readily accessible:

  1. judge;

  2. jury;

  3. detective.

  1. To put to death (legally) as punishment:

  1. execute;

  2. justification;

  3. verdict.

6 Impression of the lines of a fingertip taken for purposes of identification:

  1. trace;

  2. fingerprints;

  3. evidence.

7 A pair of metal rings connected by a chain for locking round criminal's wrists:

  1. handcuffs;

  2. rings;

  3. jewels.

  1. To seize or detain a person by force and often for ransom:

  1. killing;

  2. burglar;

  3. kidnap.

  1. A solemn promise to tell the truth:

  1. oath;

  2. promise;

  3. telling.

  1. One who steals from pockets or bags:

  1. killer;

  2. burglar;

  3. pickpocket.

  1. To steal something from ( a person or place ), especially by violence or threat:

  1. rob;

  2. kill;

  3. kidnap.

  1. A person who has commited a crime:

  1. advocate;

  2. criminal;

  3. coroner.

  1. A public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court:

  1. judge;

  2. killer;

  3. prisoner.

  1. A qualified lawyer who advises clients, represents them in the lower courts and prepares cases for barristers to try in higher courts:

  1. solicitor;

  2. witness;

  3. barrister.

  1. A formal procedure for voting:

  1. debate;

  2. court;

  3. election.

  1. The number ( of votes ) greater than half of any total:

  1. minority;

  2. majority.

  1. A person with the right to sit in the House of Lords:

  1. worker;

  2. peer;

  3. peasant.

  1. The chief executive and administrative office of a county being chosen by popular election:

  1. sheriff;

  2. policeman;

  3. chairman.

  1. A king or other ruler with supreme power:

  1. president;

  2. sovereign;

  3. council.

20 Right to give an expression of opinion or will by persons for or against somebody or something, especially by ballot or by putting up of hands:

  1. hand;

  2. vote;

  3. leg.

  1. Person who testifies under oath in court regarding what was seen, heard or other wise observed:

  1. prosecutor;

  2. criminal;

  3. witness

  1. Person charged with a crime:

  1. judge;

  2. witness;

  3. defendant.

  1. A judge's private office:

  1. chambers;

  2. cabinet;

  3. judge - room.

  1. Member of a jury:

  1. witness;

  2. juror;

  3. judge.

  1. The presentations of evidence in court to a trier of facts who applies the applicable law to those facts and then decides the case:

  1. trial;

  2. case;

  3. occasion.

  1. Formal decision made by a trier of facts:

  1. justification;

  2. confession;

  3. verdict.


( т е м а т и к о - г р а м м а т и ч е с к и е)

Participles I - II

1 The legislation … by this department is very important.

  1. preparing; b) prepared.

2 … to keep order the police often arrests the demonstrators.

  1. trying; b) tried.

3 There are some state institutions … the life of the society.

  1. regulating; b) regulated.

  1. …by the private property men begin to exploit each other.

  1. dividing; b) divided.

  1. … by the class of exploiters the state is the instrument of their political power.

  1. creating; b) created.

  1. The special machinery … by the class of exploiters - the State.

  1. creating; b) created.

  1. The other part of the state machine consists of the system of state organs … the chief of the state, parliament and other.

  1. including; b) included.

Past Tenses

1 Witness … evidence in the witness - stand while I was sitting and watching him.

  1. giving; b) was giving; c) gave.

2 They … in a court at 2 o'clock yesterday.

  1. was; b) were; c) been.

3 We said … the history of State and Law for six months last year, but she forget of all.

  1. had learnt; b) had been learning; c)has been learning.

  1. The process … when I came.

  1. were beginning; b) was beginning; c) began.

Active and Passive Voices

1 Magistrates … by special commettees in every town and district.

  1. am selected; b) is selected; c) are selected.

2 More serious cases … in the Crown Court.

  1. are heard; b) are hears; c) are hearing.

3 The president of the United States … every four years to a four - year term of office.

  1. are elected; b) is elected; c) was elected.

  1. The political party with the most Senators and Representatives … the President.

  1. does not choose; b) was not chosen; c) were not choosing.

5 The President's policies must … approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate before they can become law.

  1. was approved; b) be approving; c) be approved.

  1. Magistrates' court … over by lay magistrates, who work part - time and … unpaid.

  1. is presided; is; b) was presided; was; c) are presided; are.

Adjectives and Nouns

1 Find an accordance between the columns:


1 общее право a criminal case

2 решение суда b Crown Court

3 уголовный кодекс c civil case

4 гражданский кодекс d County Courts

  1. мировой судья e legal system

  2. Суд Короны f juvenile courts

  3. гражданское дело g European Court of Human Rights

  4. суды графств h unnatural death

  5. Европейский суд по j magistrate

правам человека

  1. правовая система k common type of law

  2. суд по делам l decision


  1. правонарушитель m criminal code

  2. насильственная смерть n civil code

  3. уголовное дело o offender


1 election a examine

2 polling b box

  1. ballot c Power

  2. opinion d Assent

  1. cross e campaign

  2. witness f legislature

  3. previous g day

  4. press h box

  5. Royal j poll

  6. Prime k coverage

  7. Executive l Minister

  8. bicameral m examine

Present Tenses

1 New Legislation in Britain usually … in the House of Lords.

  1. start; b) starts; c) starting.

2 If the House of Commons … the bill is altered and sent back to the Lords.

  1. does not agree; b) do not agree; c) is not agree.

3 They … your case in low voices in front of him.

  1. discuss; b) discusses; c) discussing.

  1. Are you hear? The Clerk of the Court … you to stand.

  1. is telling; b) are telling; c) tells.

  1. In the County Court the solicitor … a black gown over his ordinary clothes.

  1. wear; b) wears; c) wearing.

  1. When you … all the necessary exams, you can " practice", which means you can start business on your own.

  1. have passed; b) has passed; c)have pass.

  1. The policeman who arrested you … evidence in the next room.

  1. is giving; b) are giving; c) gives.

  1. The Supreme Court … of a chief justice and eight associate justices.

  1. consist; b) consists; c) consisting.

9The Court of Appeal … both criminal and civil appeals.

  1. hear; b) hears; c) hearing.

  1. County Courts … the main civil courts.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

  1. Barrister … my case in the High Court now.

  1. is conducting; b) are conducting; c) conducting.

  1. There … three separates systems of law in the United Kingdom.

  1. am; b) is; c) are.

  1. The courts … of between 2 and 7 magistrates.

  1. consist; b) consists; c) consisted.


( K E Y S )


I - 1a; 2b; 3c; 4b; 5c; 6d; 7b; 8c; 9a; 10a; 11b.

II - 1b; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8b; 9a; 10a; 11b; 12b.

III - 1b; 2c; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6c; 7b; 8b; 9c; 10c; 11b; 12b; 13a.

IY - 1a; 2b/c; 3c; 4b; 5c; 6a; 7b; 8c; 9a; 10b; 11a; 12c.


The State - 1c; 2a; 3a.

At the Meetings - 1a;2b;3c.

John's Composition - 1c; 2c;3b.

Steve's Story - 1b; 2a; 3b.

Elections - 1c; 2a; 3b.

Pete's Travel to London - 1c; 2a; 3a.

Pete's Travel to London (cont.) - 1a; 2c; 3b.

Jane's Letter - 1b; 2a; 3a.

Jane's Letter (cont.) I - 1c; 2a; 3b.

Jane's Letter (cont.) II - 1a; 2c; 3a.

Steve Tells About English System of Law - 1c; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6c.

Steve Tells About Judicial Profession in England - 1a; 2a; 3c.

Steve Asks Questions - 1c; 2b; 3b.

Theme - 1b; 2a; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8c; 9a; 10c; 11a; 12b; 13a; 14a; 15c; 16b; 17b; 18a; 19b; 20b; 21c; 22c; 23a; 24b; 25a; 26c.

тематико - грамматические:

Participles I - II - 1b; 2a; 3a; 4b; 5b; 6b; 7a.

Past Tenses - 1b; 2a; 3b; 4b.

Active and Passive Voices - 1c; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6c.

Adjectives and Nouns -

I - 1k; 2l; 3m; 4n; 5j; 6b; 7c; 8d; 9g; 10e; 11f; 12o; 13h; 14a.

II - 1e; 2g; 3b; 4j; 5m; 6h; 7a; 8k; 9d; 10l; 11c; 12f.

Present Tenses - 1b; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7a; 8b; 9b; 10c; 12a; 13c; 14a.


Систематическое использование тестов в учебном процессе позволяет:

  • систематизировать и обобщать знания студентов по определенной грамматике ( теме ) английского языка;

  • использовать тесты параллельно с содержанием учебного материала;

  • дать представление о грамматике и содержании английского языка в непосредственно профессиональной сфере;

  • рассматривать тесты как элемент проблемного обучения, главное содержание которого состоит в постепенном переходе от одного уровня овладения знаниями к другому, направленному на длительное запоминание и осмысление определенного материала

И С П О Л Ь З О В А Н Н А Я Л И Т Е Р А Т У Р А:

1 Зеликман А. Я. English for law students. Учебное пособие -

Изд - во «Феникс». Ростов н /Д., 1997.

  1. Just English. English for law students. Учебное пособие /

Ю.Л. Гуманова, В.А. Королева, М.Л. Свешникова,

Е.В. Тихомирова; под ред. Т.Н. Шишкиной. - М.: Гуманитарное

знание Т Е И С, 1996.

  1. Николаенко Т.Г. Test your grammar. - М.: Рольф, 1997.


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