Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса (УМК Spotlight. 10 класс) по теме Food and Health (Module 6)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса УМК Spotlight 10 по теме «Food and Health» разработана для двух вариантов. Тест состоит из 6 заданий. Задание 1 - аудирование в формате ЕГЭ. Файл с аудио записью один для двух вариантов, но задания разные.Задания 2 и 3 - проверка усвоения грамматического материала раздела 6 - Сослагательное наклонение и Условное наклонение, а также конструкций с глаголом 'wish'.Задание 4 - трансформация предложений с использованием форм Наклонений. Дается обр...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат rar
Изображения Нет
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Module 6

Variant 1

I. Listening. You will hear people talking about health. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F what each person says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter.

A People need to be educated about healthy eating. B Good health care is too expensive for many people. C Many people are confused by health advice. D People consider their health more now than in the past. E It's a good idea to know your doctor well. F Health risks have changed over the years.

Speaker 1__ Speaker 2__Speaker 3__Speaker 4__Speaker 5__

II. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

1) This train journey seems endless! I wish we (go)by car. 2) I wish I (have) the money to buy some new clothes, but I can't afford any at the moment. 3) I wish the government (do) something about the pollution in the city. 4) I'm getting really soaked! I wish I (not forget) my umbrella. 5) I wish you (not do) that! It's a really annoying habit. 6. If I (not/have) to work tonight, I would go with you to the restaurant. 7. I (enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn't been talking all the time. 8. You won't have indigestion if you (avoid) spicy food. 9. If only I (be) skinner! 10. If we (not/get) lost, we would have been here long ago.

III. Underline the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

a) Why didn't you tell me? If you told/had told me, I had helped/would have helped you. b) If Bill didn't steal/hadn't stolen the car, he wasn't/wouldn't be/hadn't been in prison now. c) If Ann wasn't driving/didn't drive/hadn't driven so fast, her car didn't crash/wouldn't crash/wouldn't have crashed into a tree. d) Let me give you some advice. If you smoked/would smoke/had smoked less, you didn't feel/wouldn't feel/wouldn't have felt so tired. e) What bad luck! If Alan didn't fall/hadn't fallen/wouldn't fall over, he won/would win/would have won the race.

IV. Rewrite the sentences using the correct Conditional Type, as in the example

e.g. I wish Jack were here (he/help us) - If Jack were here he would help us.

1. I wish you paid more attention in class (you/understand everything). 2. I wish they had called before they came (I/cook something)

V. Fill in the correct word: keep, fight, protect, feel, complain, grapes, spices, rumbling, greedy, carrots.

1. I'm making a fruit salad with apple, peach and ___. 2. Why do you always __ about everything? Don't you like the food? 3. The soup is very tasty. What __ did you use? 4. Fruit and vegetables __ us from all kinds of illnesses. 5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is __. 6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I __ down in the dumps too. 7. She is so __; she can eat without even offering anyone! 8. He can't __ his emotions under control. 9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and__. 10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it's the only way to __ off infections.

VI. Put down the correct prepositions:

1. You must give __ this diet; it's not good for you. 2. She suffers __ headaches. 3. He can't cope __ the stress. 4. The doctor advised me __ fatty food. 5. What are you cooking there? It's giving __a nasty smell!


Module 6

Variant 2

I. Listening. You will hear people talking about health. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F what each person says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter.

A People need to be educated about healthy eating. B Good health care is too expensive for many people. C Many people are confused by health advice. D People consider their health more now than in the past. E It's a good idea to know your doctor well. F Health risks have changed over the years.

Speaker 1__ Speaker 2__Speaker 3__Speaker 4__Speaker 5__

II. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

1) That was a lovely meal, but I wish I (not eat) so much. 2) I wish I (study) harder for my exams. I'm not going to pass. 3) I wish you (not leave) your dirty shoes in your bedroom! 4) I'm afraid I have no idea where Diana has gone. I wish I (know) 5) I really enjoyed our trip to the theatre. I wish we (go) more often.6. If I (not/have) to work tonight, I would go with you to the restaurant. 7. I (enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn't been talking all the time. 8. You won't have indigestion if you (avoid) spicy food. 9. If only I (be) skinner! 10. If we (not/get) lost, we would have been here long ago.

III. Underline the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

a) If you invited/had invited me last week, I was able/had been able/would have been able to come. b) I'm sure your letter hasn't arrived yet. If it came/had come I'm sure I noticed/had noticed/would have noticed it. c) We have a suggestion to make. How do you feel/would you feel if we offered/would offer/had offered you the job of assistant manager? d) If you lent/had lent us the money, we paid/would pay/had paid you back next week. e) Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches/caught/had caught a fish, he throws/would throw it back!

IV. Rewrite the sentences using the correct Conditional Type, as in the example

e.g. I wish Jack were here (he/help us) - If Jack were here he would help us.

1. I wish Sandra got up early (we/run in the morning). 2. I wish we had not got stuck in traffic (we/be late for work)

V. Fill in the correct word: keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices, rumbling, sour, carrots.

1. I've had this ___ in my back since yesterday. 2. Why do you always __ about everything? Don't you like the food? 3. The soup is very tasty. What __ did you use? 4. You can get this midicine only with a doctor's __. 5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is __. 6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I __ down in the dumps too. 7. I find that natural lemonade is extremely __! 8. He can't __ his emotions under control. 9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and__. 10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it's the only way to __ off infections.

VI. Put down the correct prepositions:

1. You must give __ this diet; it's not good for you. 2. She suffers __ headaches. 3. He can't cope __ the stress. 4. The doctor advised me __ fatty food. 5. What are you cooking there? It's giving __a nasty smell!

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