Контрольные работы по английскому языку

Контрольная работа. The Spartans lived in the part of Greece called Laconia. Sometimes people call them Spartans and sometimes Laconians. Those people were very brave and their way of life was very simple. One of their rules was always to speak very briefly, using no more words than were necessary. To this day often call a short answer laconic. There was in Greece a land called Mac...
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Контрольная работа.

1. Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу местоимением.

  1. He always makes dinner………. .

  2. We have very many relatives in ………. native town.

  3. They can do it…………

  4. We live in a new flat. ….. is very comfortable.

  5. Give this book to …. Please.

2. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be, to have.

  1. I …………..a new tape-recorder.

  2. My father usually ………. breakfast at 7.

  3. You ……. good at physics.

  4. She …….. proud of her children.

  5. I …… sixteen years old.

  6. I don't …….. coffee in the evening.

  7. We'll ………… holidays in summer.

3. Напишите существительные во множественном числе.

a box ___________ a boy___________

a child___________ a bush____________

a photo____________ a deer___________

a lady____________ a leaf_____________

a shelf____________ a chief ___________

4.Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу прилагательным (old, small, large, pleasant, more)

1. I like Saturday …………. than Sunday.

2. Snow is more …………. than rain.

3. The flat of my friend is …………. than ours.

4. The kitchen is the ……… room in our flat.

5. I've got a sister. She is ……….than me.

5. Заполните пропуски артиклями a(an), the где необходимо.

1. I like … tea with …..milk in it.

2. I often listen to… radio when I get up.

3. Fred is ….. only child in …. family. He's got no brothers or sisters.

4. …. Mississippi longer than … Thames.

5. What time do you usually have…… dinner?

6.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Определите формы и функции глагола to be.

A Laconic answer.

The Spartans lived in the part of Greece called Laconia. Sometimes people call them Spartans and sometimes Laconians. Those people were very brave and their way of life was very simple. One of their rules was always to speak very briefly, using no more words than were necessary. To this day often call a short answer laconic.

There was in Greece a land called Macedon, ruled over by a king, Philip by name. He had a great army and conquered state after state. But Laconia remained free. When Philip reached Laconia he sent a letter to the brave Spartans saying, "If I conquer your country, I shall level your great city to the ground". In a few days he saw the answer brought to him. There was only one word written in it. That word was "If."

Using - причастие1, образованно от глагола to use - использовать. В этом предложении using играет роль обстоятельства и переводится деепричастием - используя.

no more than - не больше… чем

by name - по имени

Saying - причастие1, образованное от глагола to say - сказать. В данном случае причастие saying играет роль определения и его можно перевести или причастием гласившее или придаточным предложением, которое гласило

Shall level - глагол в будущем времени.

Контрольная работа

1. Напишите выделенные существительные во множественном числе.

1. Put the knife on the table.

2. He keeps his toy in a box.

3. She tells me a very funny story.

4. The woman has an ox, a sheep, a goose, a mouse and a fish.

2. Вставьте нужные местоимения:

a) Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями:

1. The granny asked my brother to wash the apples.

2. Mr. Smith helped the children to read the letter.

b) Вставьте притяжательные местоимения:

1. I have two children. Both …. Children are boys.

2. My mother is a teacher. …. Students are clever.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the friends of our family. … come to see us every day.

4. We have had …. lunch. Have you had ….?

c) Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any:

1. I want to show you …. …photos.

2. Are there ……… English students in you group?

3. Употребите нужную степень прилагательного:

1. It is one of (important)…………………. questions of our conference.

2. Health is (good)…………………. than wealth.

3. This house is (high)……………… in our street.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Mary is not so lazy as her brother.

2. The longer the night is, the shorter the day.

3. The students are as clever as previous ones.

5. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент:

1 We ……… study the transportation documents very carefully.

2. ………… I have one more cup of tea?

3. The Sales Trainee ………….. type very well.

6. Вставьте предлоги:

1. Our lesson begin ….7 o'clock …. the morning.

2. He took some books … the table and put them … the bag.

3. They will go … the college tomorrow.

7. Употребите, где надо, артикли:

1….. Volga is … longest river in …Europe.

2… butter and cheese are made of …. milk.

3. Usually I get up at … 7 o'clock in … morning.

4. This is … house. … house is white.

5. He is … engineer by … profession.

8. Переведите текст, выделяя сказуемые в перфектной форме. Определите их характеристики и объясните их использование.

Voyages to the Moon.

Fifty years from now the wonders of the Cosmic Age will have unfolded before the eyes of mankind. Several expeditions already will have gone to Mars and Venus and exploratory voyages will have been extended as far as Jupiter and Saturn and their natural satellites.

Voyages to the Moon will have become commonplace. The surface of the Moon will have been subdivided into spheres of interest by major powers, and much prospecting, surveying, and even a limited amount of actual mining operations of precious ores and minerals will be conducted.

At some particularly suitable sports on the Moon housing structures will have been established. They may be operated for the purpose of "attracting" more traffic of scientists and explorers to man laboratories and observatories.

mining operations - добыча (чего-то) в шахтах

housing structures- жилые постройки (комплексы)

to man- обратите внимание: to man - инфинитив (а не существительное), который играет роль обстоятельства цели: чтобы…(подберите сами русский эквивалент глагола)

Контрольная работа

1.Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных:

1. Which is (long) day of the year. 2. Winter is (cold) season. 3. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 4. My friend's car is not so (new) as my car. 5. Where is it (beautiful), in the mountains or near the sea? 6. A tram is not so (quick) as a bus.

7. Apples are (cheap) than oranges. 8. In spring the days are (long) than in winter.

9. It is (cold) today than it was yesterday. 10. The Russian grammar is (difficult) than the English one.

2. Вставьте вместо точек нужное по смыслу местоимение.

1. I have lost … pen, may I take …? 2. If you've left …dictionary at home, you may take …. 3. These pencils are …, take … if you want. 4. Help …, please. 5. … meet … here. 6. He always makes dinner…. 7. We have very many relatives in … native town. 8. They can do it …. 9. …of you knows his address? 10. There is … butter on the table, but there isn't …milk.

3.Поставьте следующие предложения в the Past and the Future Simple, употребляя соответствующие обстоятельства времени.

a) 1. It is warm today. 2. I am glad to meet them. 3. The days are rainy in October. 4. I am sixteen years old. 5. We are busy now. 6. My father is at work. 7. You are late today.

b) 1. We have many apples in our garden. 2. My sister has a nice cat. 3. You have little time left. 4. We have breakfast at 8 in the morning. 6. She has a good rest every summer.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. … England has to import … raw materials, such as … timber, petroleum, wool and others. 2. Many ships with … grain, oil, cotton and other goods come to … London along river Thames. 3. I usually drink … tea with … sugar. 4. Will you have … cap of tea? 5. Pass me … sugar, please. 6. … tea is very hot; I'll put … milk in it. Don't pour milk into my cup, please. I don't like … tea with … milk. 7. … Peace is … life, war is … suffering and …death. 8. What … beautiful flowers!

5.Задайте к каждому предложению вопросы пяти видов.

1. Mother cooks chicken soup for dinner, 2. I like vegetables. 3. They go shopping in the afternoon.

6.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите сказуемые, определите их время, напишите три основные формы.

Our personal interests blind us.

It's interesting wrote W. Y. Reilly, to watch how our views change with our personal interests. One day, when I was a boy, I went fishing with three other boys. On the way to the river we decided to pool the "catch" and to divide it equally among all of us. And I agreed. I felt that it was absolutely right. But during the course of the day, I found that I was leading the rest in the number of fish caught, and my attitude. By the time the day was over and there was no chance for anyone else to catch as many fish as I had, I became violently opposed to our original proposition and told the boys that I could not understand why a good fisherman should be penalized because of the bad luck of his associates.

It's - сокращенная форма

among - между

was leading - был первым (лидировал)

the rest - остальные

to become opposed - противопоставлять, противоположный, враждебный

could - мог (прошедшее время)

should - должен

because of - из - за

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