Check the timetable

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:


ОІМ______________ Қ.С.Төлегенова

Lesson 13.

Theme :Check the timetable .

Form:3 .

Date: 04. 07. 09. 12. 2015.

The aims :

-To introduce pupils with the letter " ight"and with the guestions 'What is your favourite … ?

-To develop the interest to English language , to teach pupils to respect to each other.

-To enlarge pupils vocabulary ,to pay attention to their pronunciation .

The aids :

Cards with the letter "ight",pictures night ,light, right bright, knight, fight, midnight , flight .

Warm - up :

---Good afternoon pupils!

---Good afternoon teacher!

---How are you?

---We are fine.

The Procedure of the lesson :

New words :

Today we'll introduce with the letter "ight" , to practice the new vocabulary in reading and write .

Ex.1.Listen , point and repeat.

Ex.2.Listen and tick. Ex. 3.Write.

Ex. 4.Listen and repeat.

Maths -математика, Music -музика,Art- сурет,PE-денешынықтыру сабағы ,Kazakh -қазақ тілі,Russian -орыс тілі.

Ex.5.Listen and answer.Remember!

Ex.6.Write,ask and answer.

Ex.7.Speaking .Ex.8.Listen and sing.

Ex.9. Write,ask and answer.

Home work :

To learn by heart the new words.

Conclusion :

The lesson is over , goodbye!

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