Тест по английскому языку, 6 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
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Параскова И.В.


(6 класс, учебник «Enjoy English» Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.,

тема «Learning more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»)

Выполните тест. За каждый правильный ответ Вы получаете 1 балл.

Максимальное число баллов - 30.

  1. Take part in the Quick Smart Quiz. Complete the sentences.

  1. They say that ghosts live in old… .

    1. Trees

    2. Towns

    3. Cafes

    4. Castles

  1. The United Kingdom … four countries.

    1. Takes part

    2. Makes up

    3. Consists of

    4. Connects with

  1. The … of the island is very changeable.

    1. Language

    2. Nature

    3. Climate

    4. Custom

  1. London is … in historic monuments.

    1. Full

    2. Bright

    3. Great

    4. Rich

  1. The official language of the UK is … .

    1. England

    2. English

    3. British

    4. Britain

Key: 1d, 2c, 3c, 4d, 5b.

  1. Match the words to the definitions.

        1. Custom

    1. A belief which is based on old ideas about luck and magic.

        1. Tradition

    1. A well-known statement that people often say.

        1. Saying

c. Belief and actions from past to the present.

        1. Superstition

d. A usual practice people have done for a long time.

Key: 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a.

  1. Read the conversation between the guide and tourists. Put the sentences in the correct order.

____ Guide: Yes, it will be tomorrow. Every year the Grand Parade takes place with over 3,500 musicians, singers, bands and dancers from all over the world. All of them will be in their national costume.

__1_ Guide: Hello! I'm your guide. I'll show you around Scotland this week. Have you got any questions?

____ Christy: Hello! What will we visit first?

____ Guide: They will parade through the city streets. It will be not far from your hotel.

____ Mike: Oh! A festival! That sounds amazing! I can't wait to hear the bagpipes. Will the Grand Parade take place tomorrow?

____ Christy: Fantastic! Where can we watch the Parade?

____ Mike: OK! Let's go to the hotel!

__2_ Mike: Hello!

____ Guide: We are going to Edinburgh first. It is the cultural centre and the capital of Scotland. On Sunday, we'll take part in a Festival of Music and Drama.

Key: 6, 1, 3, 8, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4.

  1. Read and say if the statements are true or false.

  1. People in Wales only speak English.

  2. The Millennium Stadium is in the capital of Wales.

  3. Wales is famous for its white cliffs.

  4. The biggest Welsh waterfall is in a place which is difficult to reach.

  5. The water in St Winifred's Well is warm and has special powers.

Key: 1 - F, 2 - T, 3 - F, 4 - T, 5 - T.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct names of the places.

Edinburgh, the Highlands, Glasgow, the North Sea, Loch Ness, Aberdeen, Ben Nevis

1. Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain. ... is to the east of Scotland.

2. In ... there are very old mountains.

3. The highest mountain in Scotland is … .

4. One of the most famous lakes is called … .

5. ... is the biggest oil centre in Scotland.

6. … is the cultural centre and the capital of Scotland.

7. The most well-known shipbuilding centre in Scotland is … .

Key: 1 - The North Sea, 2 - the Highlands, 3 - Ben Nevis, 4 - Loch Ness, 5 - Aberdeen, 6 - Edinburgh, 7 - Glasgow.

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