Внеклассное мероприятие День Святого Валентина

Тема: St. Valentine's Day (внеклассное мероприятие) Цели урока: - практиковать учащихся в устнгой речи и чтении; - ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме; - обогащать словарный запас учащихся через соловарную работу;  - прививать учащихся уважение к обычаям и традициям другой страны;  - учить учащихся быть активными в обсуждениях Оборудование:  - текст для чтения "ST. Valentine's biography"  - иллюстрации, кроссворды;  - мультимедийная доска;  - компьютер; ST. VALENTINE’S DAY    Dear boys ...
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Внеклассное мероприятие День Святого Валентина


(внеклассное мероприятие)

Цели урока:

  • практиковать учащихся в устной речи и чтении;

  • ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме;

  • научить учащихся работать с опорными таблицами и схемами;

  • обогащать словарный запас учащихся через словарную работу;

  • прививать учащимся уважение к обычаям и традициям другой страны;

  • учить учащихся быть активными в обсуждении.


- текст для чтения "St. Valentine's biography";

- таблица, иллюстрации, кроссворды;

- мультимедийная доска;

- компьютер;


Dear boys and girls! You know that nowadays people all over the world celebrate St. Valentine's Day, a day for lovers. At this time of the year, it's traditional for young people to send cards and presents with red hearts on them to one another. The fourteenth of February has been considered a good time to choose your lover because it's in the mating season of the birds!

Many people think that British are unemotional and even a bit shy. They are in fact, a passionate nation. More than 19 million sentimental Valentine's cards are sent every fourteenth of February. Some more facts about this holiday. Teachers receive most Valentine's cards. 25% of Americans go out for a special meal this day.

  1. Приветствие команд.

Звучит музыка. На сцену выходят 2 команды. Каждая команда имеет свое название и эмблему. Форма и эмблема соответствует названию команды.

Оценивается: выразительное чтение, соответствие формы и эмблемы с названием команды.

Максимальная оценка - 4 балла.

  1. Конкурс стихов

Каждая команда читает не менее 3 стихотворений о любви, которые они подбирают с учителем заранее.

  1. O, my love's like a red, red rose,

That's newly sprung in June.

O, my love's like the melody,

That's sweetly played in tune.

As fair art than my bonny lass,

So deep in love am I,

And I will love thee still my dear,

Till a' the sea gang dry.

Till a' the sea gang dry, my dear,

And rocks melt wi'the sun!

And I will love thee still, my dear,

While the sands a' life shall run.

And take thee weel, my only love!

And take the weel a while!

And I will come again, me love,

Though it were then thousand mile

  1. She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies,

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes,

Thus mellow'd to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

( Byron "She Walks in Beauty")

All women born are so perverse

No man need boast their love possessing

If nought seem better, nothing's worse:

All women born are so perverse.

From Adam's wife, that proved a curse

Though God had meant for a blessing,

All women born are so perverse

No man need boast their love possessing.

(Robert Bridges "Triolet")

Оценивается: выразительное чтение, правильное произношение и количество участников от команды.

Максимальная оценка - 5 баллов.

  1. Историческая справка теории происхождения Дня Святого Валентина

На сцену выходят двое ведущих:

1 ведущий: There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine's, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February the fourteenth, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. Legends also says that St. Valentines left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine".

2 ведущий: Other aspects of the story say that St. Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine. Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems simple gifts such as flowers and candy.

  1. Конкурс знатоков традиций, связанных с этим праздником.

Команды готовятся к этому конкурсу заранее: к каждой традиции готовят иллюстрации.

  1. Hundreds of years ago in England, many children dressed up as adults on Valentine's Day. They went singing from home to home/ One verse they sang was:

Good morning to you, Valentine;

Curl your locks as I do mine -

Two before and three behind.

Good morning to you, Valentine.

  1. In Wales wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favourite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, "You unlock my heart!"

  2. In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from the bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeve for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.

  3. In some countries a young woman can receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him.

  4. Some people used to believe that a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, would marry a millionaire.

  5. A love seat is a wide chair. It was first made to sit one woman and her wide dress. Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in S-shape. In this way, a couple could sit together - but not too closely!

  6. Think of 5 or 6 names of boys or girls you might marry. As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off.

  7. Pick a dandelion that has gone to seed. Take a deep breath and blow the seeds into the wind. Count the seeds that remain on the stem. That is the number of children you will have.

  8. If you cut an apple in half and count how many seeds are inside, you will also know how many children you will have.

  9. On the eve of festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars. Each young man would draw a girl's name from the jar and would then be partners for the duration of the festival with the girl he chose.

Жюри оценивает не только содержание традиций, но и соответствие иллюстрации к ней

Максимальная оценка - 5 баллов.

  1. Конкурс эрудитов.

В данном конкурсе проверяются знание истории возникновения Дня Валентина. Приглашаются 2 участников (по 1 из каждой команды). Они получают текст о Дне Валентина с пропущенными словами. Задание: как можно быстрее восстановить текст.

BABY BOOKS BOYFRIEND BOYS CARDS FEBRUARY FESTIVAL HOLIDAYS HUSBAND IN JUNO KISSED LOVED MEN SATURDAY ON PEOPLE POEMS POST SOFA STORIES TAKE TEDDY TIMES WALL WEEKS WOMENRead the story of Valentine's Day. Choose the correct word to go in each gap and write it in the heart. When you have finished you will find the names of two famous lovers.


In Roman times people celebrated a festival of love in the month of 1____________. The festival was called Lupercalia. It was the festival of the Roman Gods Pan and 2_____________. Young men and young 3____________ played games to find a wife or a 4______________. In early Christian 5____________ St. Valentine was a holy man. He was killed for his beliefs. Before he died he wrote a message on the prison 6___________. The message was for the woman he 7____________ and he signed the message "Your Valentine". The feast day of St. Valentine is the 14th of February. St. Valentine's Day became the 8____________ of lovers. Young men wrote 9____________ to give to young women. If they were no good at writing poetry, they copied one from the book. Girls made cards to give to the young 10_____________. The sender of the card was a secret/ People never signed the cards. In the XIX century, the postal service started. Now people could 11_____________ their Valentine's cards. Today you can buy lots of 12______________ and presents to send 13______________ Valentine's Day. How about a cute 14________________ bear, a heart-shaped balloon or twelve red roses?














ANSWERS: 1. February, 2. Juno, 3. Women, 4.husband, 5. Times, 6. Wall, 7. Loved, 8. Festival, 9. Poems, 10. Men, 11. Post, 12. Cards, 13. On, 14. Teddy.

  1. Инсценированная постановка истории Дня Святого Валентина

Пока участники конкурса эрудитов работают с текстом, на сцену выходит один из ведущих в костюме священника Римской империи (по ходу рассказа декорации меняются).

Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I live in Rome during the third century. That was long, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an Emperor named Claudius. I didn't like Emperor Claudius, and I wasn't the only one!

A lot of people shared my feelings.

Claudius wanted to have a big army. He expected men to volunteer to join. Many men just didn't want to fight in wars. They didn't want to leave their families and wives. As you might have guessed, not many men signed up. This made Claudius furious. So what happened? He had a crazy idea. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law was cruel. I certainly wasn't going to support this law!

Did I mention that I was a priest? One of my favourite activities was to marry couples? Even after Emperor Claudius passed the law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies - secretly, of course. It was really quite exciting!

Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself. We would wisper the words of the ceremony, listening all the while for the steps of the soldiers.

One night, we did hear footsteps. It was scary! Thank goodness the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught. (Not quite as light on my feet as I used to be, I guess.) I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.

I tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? Wonderful things happened. Many young people came to the jail to visit me. They threw flowers and notes up to my window. They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.

One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. She agreed that I did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages. On the day I was die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, "Love from your Valentine".

I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A.D. Now, every year on this day, people remember. But most importantly, they think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh - because they know that love can't be beaten!

  1. Конкурс на лучшую иллюстрацию к аудиотексту

(Команды слушают текст диалога и рисуют иллюстрацию к нему).

Ведущий: I can't even choose which team is better, But let's see how you will cope with our next task. You have to listen to the dialogue only once and draw a picture of it. The dialogue is about one family. Let's see what can happen at St. Valentine's Day.

MAN: Happy Valentine's Day, honey! Guess what I have brought home for you?

WOMAN: What? Tell me!

MAN: A huge appetite for dinner …

WOMAN: ???

MAN: And two dozen long stemmed red roses!


Оценивается: степень понимания диалога, умение передать смысл текста.

Максимальная оценка - 3 балла.

  1. Конкурс "Побеждает последний…"

Ведущий: Your pictures were wonderful, I should admit. And now we'll see how well you know English. I begin the sentence and you continue it. That's how you can describe your girl-friend to your best friend. Be attentive, one word - one team, another word - another team. The team that says the last word is the winner.

SHE IS …(beautiful, nice…)

SHE LOOKS LIKE …(flower, sun…)



Команда, ответ которой был последним, получат 3 балла.

  1. Конкурс художников

Всем участникам команды (по очереди) предлагается нарисовать свой вариант «валентинки» или эмблемы своей команды с закрытыми глазами.

Оценивается: аккуратность выполнения.

Максимальная оценка - 2 балла.

  1. Музыкальный и танцевальный конкурс

Ведущий: Soon you will hear your favourite song. Next task a girl and a boy from each team have to dance on this sheet of paper but they mustn't go out of it. My assistants will help me to decide who is the winner. Our guests can also dance. By the way, today id St. Valentine's Day, and all pupils can dance.

(звучит любая песня о любви)

Оценивается: артистизм, костюмы пар, соблюдение правил конкурса

Максимальная оценка - 5 баллов.

  1. Игра со зрителями

Ведущий: Remember 6 proverbs about love.

  • Love is blind

  • One can not love and be wise

  • It's love that makes the world round

  • Love is not found in market

  • No herb will cure love

  • Love is without reason

  1. Конкурс капитанов

Ведущий: And now I need captains from each team. You will take part in such competition: I will give you the sentences with one word missing, and different answers to them below. You have to choose the correct one. You have two minutes.

  1. The origins of Valentine's Day date back to ancient____________.

    1. Rome *

    2. Greece

    3. Africa

  2. During the Lupercalia festival, the boys would each pick the girl's name from a ____________.

    1. Vase *

    2. Box

    3. Bag

  3. When Christianity became Rome's official religion, the new authorities moved to _____________ all the old rites.

    1. Approve

    2. Recognize officially *

    3. Ban or transform.

  4. The new festival was named in honour of martyred ______________, one of the several men named Valentine who had already been as saints.

    1. Bishop *

    2. Wrestler

    3. Merchant

  5. In 1969 St Valentine's Day was one of the several holidays _____________ from the official catholic calendar.

    1. Recognized

    2. Removed *

    3. Permitted

  1. Подведение итогов

(Пока жюри подводит итоги, ведущий проводит игру со зрителями).

Ведущий: Your captains are really smart. And now our guests are to make a proverb or a saying out of these words on the blackboard. What I can say it is about girls in general.



  1. Награждение победителей (жюри объявляет результаты конкурса и особо понравившихся игроков, также награждаются зрители, принимавшие активное участие в конкурсах).

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