Сабақ жоспары How many boys are there in your class

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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The date: 11.02.2015

Grade: 5 "а"

Theme: How many boys are there in your class?


  • Develop the pupils' interest to a studied subject; to speak about the days and give a new words; practice communicative skills; widen their knowledge on the theme "How many boys are there in your class? ".

  • Use modern information and communication technologies at the lesson, interest pupils in learning foreign language, to enrich children's memory, logical thinking.

  • To bring a visual memory and ability to adequate perception of new lexical units in given texts; to bring up pupils to love the foreign language.

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Resources : cards with the new words and presentation.


I. Organization moment.


Ask usual question to divert the attention of pupils to the lesson.

  • Good afternoon, children! Sit down!

  • I'm glad to see you! How are you?

  • Who's on duty today?

  • Who's absent today?

  • What date is it today? Today we are going to have an interesting lesson. We'll talk about professions

II. Checking up(h/t).

Ex: 7,8 p. 80

A gymnasium [ dȝim'neiziәm ] гимназия

A library [ laibәri ] кітапхана

A canteen [ kæn'ti:n ] асхана

A disco [ dis' kʌ ] дискотека

A computer room [ kәm' pju: tә rum ] компьютер бөлмесі

Karate lessons [ kәra: ti lesәn] каратэ сабағы

Judo lessons [ dȝ: dәu lesәn ] дзюдо сабағы

Aikido lessons [ aikido lesәn ] айкидо сабағы

Computer lessons [ kәm' pju: tә lesәn] информатика сабағы

Lessons in Art [ lesәn in a:t] өнер сабағы

Lessons in Music [ lesәn in mju:zik] музыка сабағы

Lessons in boxing [ lesәn in bᴐksin] бокс сабағы

III. Presentation.

  • Our theme is "How many boys are there in your class"

Chair [ tʃeә ] орындық

Picture [ piktʃә] сурет

Window [ windәu ] терезе

Plant [ pla:nt ] өсімдік

Bag [ bæg] сөмке

V. Practice (training exercises).

Ex: 1 p.82 Listen and repeat

Omar: How many boys are there in your class?

Colin: There are thirteen boys.

Ex: 2 p.82 Talk to your friend about the boys and girls in your class


- How many boys are there in your class?

- There are …….

Ex: 3 p.82 Talk to your friend about the classroom objects


  • How many desk are there in your classroom

  • There are …….

Ex: 4 p. 82 Talk to your friend about your thing in your bags


  • How many book are there in your bag?

  • There are …….

Ex: 5 p. 83 Listen and repeat

Omar: Are there any boys from Kazakhstan?

Colin: No, there aren't any.

Ex: 8 p. 83 Write how many boys and girls there are in your class.

There are ______ boys.

There are ______ girls.

Home task

Ex.7 p.83

To learn the new words

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