Урок-проект в 8 классе Зал славы

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Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Урок- проект в 8 классе Зал славыУрок- проект в 8 классе Зал славыУрок- проект в 8 классе Зал славыУрок- проект в 8 классе Зал славы8 класс Unit 4.

Lesson 8.


Цель урока: Обучающая - закрепление, совершенствование, углубление полученных знаний, умений и навыков.

Развивающая - развитие навыков культуры труда, учения, способности к логическому изложению своего высказывания.

Воспитательная - развитие навыков коллективного труда.

Тип урока: по основной дидактической цели - применение знаний и умений;

По основному способу проведения - урок-выставка;

По основным этапам учебного процесса - урок повторения и обобщения.

Оснащение: таблица Language of discussion, таблички со словами, обозначающими качество, таблица времен Present Perfect и Past Simple, схема высказывания, таблички оценивания, ноутбук.

Ход урока:

1. Warm-up. Introduction.

T: Hello my friends. I am glad to see you. The title of the lesson is «Hall of Fame». What will this lesson be about?

P1: About famous (well-known, outstanding) people.

T: What are these people?

P2: They are artists, politicians, scientists…

T: And may be your classmates, relatives, friends. Are they heroes or ordinary people? P3: …

T: Do you respect them? P4

T: Do they do extraordinary deeds? P5

T: What qualities do they have? P6


T: So, the purpose of our lesson is to retell about your heroes, outstanding people.

2. Well, Make a list of candidates for your gallery.

(Ex 2, p.67)

P1: In my opinion it is…

P2: I think, …

P3: To my mind, …

Let's divide into groups. What are the human qualities of the candidates, their talents and abilities? What deeds did they perform? What are their achievements?

3. Prepare your presentations (Ex3, p.67)

The purpose of our lesson is to retell about your heroes, outstanding people.

Don't forget about the using of the time Present Perfect or Past Simple. I give you 5 minutes to sum up the material.


4. Your time is up! Choose one candidate from each group to present your Hall of Fame to the class. (Ex4, p.67)

Listen to each other and try to evaluate using these charts.

The purpose of our lesson is to retell about your heroes, outstanding people.

(раздаю оценочные таблицы)

5. Let's sum up our today's work.

What presentation did you like most of all? (Рефлексия)

I think everybody has prepared for the lesson.

The most colorful presentation is …

The most interesting presentation is …

The most unusual presentation is …

Was the lesson interesting for you?

You have worked very hard today. Your marks are excellent. Thank you very much. The lesson is over.

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