Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsLesson Plan

Teacher name: Batima Kozhatayeva Country: Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda

Part 1:

Subject: English for Pre-Intermediate Students

The theme of the lesson: Unit 3. Education. Text: Hidden Talents. Grammar: The Past Simple Tense.

Class (brief description of course and students): Students are school students who are over fourteen years old. The number of the students is fifteen. They study in the 9th grade. English lesson is an obligatory discipline which all class students have to attend in their academic years. Students have different backgrounds and sometimes different English levels.

English level of the lesson: English level of learners is accepted as pre-intermediate as they study English from the 2nd grade. The Ministry of Education and Science of the RK confirm the student's book, which we use for 9th grade for pre- intermediate students.

Overall duration of the lesson (number of hours): According to the timetable, English lesson is planned twice a week that is why the lesson is planned as two hours. Two hours are taught at different days of the week. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes.

Brief description of the lesson: The focused skills of the learners' during the lesson are speaking, listening, writing and reading skills based on the new grammar and the new theme using power point presentations, activity worksheets, audio material, verbal and visual techniques, question & answer, CLT(brainstorming, jigsaw), group work, pair work, TS and SS activities, demonstration, teacher and peer assessment.

Evaluation and Assessment: Observation, feedback, correction and summary.

Materials and handouts needed: Student's book, pictures of education symbols, placards, pencils, worksheets.

Equipment and technology needed: Whiteboard, Computer, Projector, and Speakers

Classroom layout and grouping of students (feel free to include a diagram):

I divide the class into four groups by giving them pictures of knowledge symbols as my lesson is dedicated to the new Unit "Education".

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Part 2:

Lesson Goal

Lesson Objectives


In this course students will develop effective practical skills and critical thinking that can be understood by classmates and outside for academic and social purposes

By the end of the lesson students will be able to brainstorm and outline the ideas of the theme "Education"

Teacher observation

Understand the listening and match the pictures with the text

Teacher observation

Learn specific information and details in the given text and make up 10 sentences using Past Simple Tense

Fill in the blanks

Demonstrate effective word choice vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, correct pronunciation and fluency allowing 85% accurate communication

Teacher observation

Present their own opinions by summarizing, paraphrasing ideas what they have read

Teacher observation

Recognize their own verbal mistakes and correct them

Peer and Teacher assessment

Increase autonomous learning

Self-study log activity hand out

Part 3: The Lesson Procedure

Teacher action

Students (anticipated response)




T talks about general issues

-Greeting the students: "Hello, everyone, how are you today?"

- Elicits answers and gives positive feedback; "How nice!" or "Nice to hear that!"

Students join the conversation

No material

2 min

T reviews the last course and give some feedback about the homework

Ss. listen and sometimes join the conversation by answering or asking questions

Student specific reports or any material based on the assignment

3 min

T involves students to set up the lesson's rules

Ss. set up their rules

  1. Try to use English

  2. Participate in all activities

  3. Good behavior

They clip their posters on the blackboard


2 min


Activity 1 Brainstorming

T helps Ss to understand the theme and objectives of the lesson , for example, brainstorming ideas with the class.

At the beginning of the lesson, T divides the class into three groups distributing the pictures of symbols of Education.

T begins the presentation stage with the Chinese proverb:

A child without education is like a bird without wings.

T asks students' opinion about the meaning of this proverb.

Students give their own opinions about the proverb and the importance of knowledge in modern life.

White board

Slide 1

5 min

T engages students to find out the theme of the lesson

Students try to find out the theme of the lesson

No material

1 min

Activity 2 Mind Mapping

T tells the groups to complete the mind mapping with the word "education" in a circle and write verbs, people, in class and subjects. T asks them to write as much words as they can. Which group knows more words?

People Subjects


In class


Ss do mind mapping with associated words


Slide 2

Papers and coloured pencils

2 min

Activity 3

  1. Pre-listening and pre-reading activities

Teacher tells that they are going to listen and read the text "Hidden talents". Before doing it, they must complete some activities. The first task is to match the people with photographs A-D and find out what they are famous for?

Use the verbs to complete the sentences about them. Teacher checks the answers and then makes them to correct their mistakes and allow the volunteers to answer the questions.

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Students matches pictures with the photos.

They fill the gaps with the necessary verbs in the past tense.

F.eg: Agatha Christie wrote detective stories etc.

The task is done by Ss in groups and gives Ss a chance to use whatever language they already have to express themselves and

say whatever they want to say. This may be in response to reading a

text or hearing a recording.


Slide 3

Student's book

5 min

B)Teacher asks what they think about the heading of the text "Hidden Talents"

What is dyslexia? Do you happen to know this word?

Teacher shows the video on the theme "Dyslexia"

Teacher checks their understanding.

Students will give their opinions about the heading of the text.

Students watch the video and try to get the main information.

They discuss what famous people suffer from dyslexia and their achievements in their life. Talk about their genius abilities. They also discuss about that not every person who suffers from dyslexia can be genius.

Student's book

Computer, projector



Reading activity Teacher gives groups their chunks to read. She explains the activities, which they are to complete.

The groups are called home groups. Every student's role is vital. They are specialized and gain expertise in one concept, which they'll teach others.

Then teacher asks them to change their groups by giving them numbers. First numbers creates one group and other numbers do the same. They are in the expert group they have to teach each other, make notes etc.

After that, they go to their home groups and discuss the whole text and choose the reporter.

Every group reads their chunks while reading the text they are to understand the idea of the text and try to paraphrase it, make notes.

In expert groups they teach each other, make notes.

They extend their mastery of the concept they are responsible to teach.

At the end of the activity, each group's reporter explains the main idea of the text and other students ask questions.



Activity 5 Teacher gives a quiz to measure how well they have understood the text as to match headings a-f with paragraphs 1-5, find words and phrases in the text that mean the same as the words or phrases below.

  1. Stop going to school- drop out

  2. Pupils in the same class at school-classmates

  3. Learn by heart- memorize

  4. A score which shows how good a piece of work is-mark

  5. Unhappy because of poor results-embarrassed

  6. Good at using your imagination- creative.

Students show their acquired knowledge



5 min

Next course

Teacher walks around and monitors, encouraging in a supportive way everyone's attempt at communication in the target language. T. allow students to complete activity

Observes students from a distance to gauge speed and accuracy

Students read the meaning of given phrases and words then they make up their story in a group using given phrases and words

Croup members help each other, share their opinions

Group chooses a group leader to present their story

Student's book

10 min

Teacher listens to the students answers in completing the given text with Past Simple tense

Students read the text completing the text with the necessary verbs in the past.

Student's book

5 min

Teacher involves students to work in pairs and ask questions about their first day at school and about their feelings about that day. She listens to their conversation and gives some ideas. T helps Ss to formulate what they want to say, but will not intervene to correct errors of form.

Students work in pairs and act out a dialogue about their first day at school remembering their first grade at school.

10 min

T asks students to demonstrate a presentation about the model of the educated person of the 21st century. T. helps on clarity, organization, and accuracy, as appropriate for a public presentation.

T listens, fills in the rubric and takes some notes and sometimes participates in the presentations

Ss draft and rehearse what they want to say or write.

The group leaders present their group ideas in order and try to convince listeners about their ideas.

Other group members fill in the rubric in their seats for the other groups' presentations.

Placards, Rubric, Pencils

10 Min

T handles the group evaluation rubrics and reports the group performances by averaging rubric scores including his and each groups' final assessment.

Ss discuss the demonstration with each other and T.


5 Min


T gets feedback about the course and activities.

Ss participate in T- or Ss-initiated questions about the activities


2 min

T assigns homework to write an essay on the theme

"The importance of knowledge in our life"

Ss listen and ask questions on the activity

No material

2 min

T finishes the course

Students listen and reply

No material

1 min

Part 4:

Student products: Presentation, Placards, Rubric, Fill in the blanks papers and handouts


Student's name Participation and group work







Level of engagement in class

Student proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions more than once per class

Student proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions once per class

Student rarely contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions

Student never contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.


questioning and discussing

Respectfully listens, discusses and asks questions and helps direct the group in solving problems

Respectfully listens, discusses and asks questions

Has trouble listening with respect

Does not listen with respect, argues with teammates


Students almost never displays disruptive behaviour during class discussions and group activities

Student rarely displays disruptive behaviour during class discussions and group activities

Student occasionally displays disruptive behaviour during class discussions and group activities

Student almost always displays disruptive behaviour during class discussions and group activities


Student is almost always prepared with assignments and required class materials

Student is usually prepared with assignments and required class materials

Student is rarely prepared with assignments and required class materials

Student is almost never prepared with assignments and required class materials


Actively seeks and suggests solutions to problems

Improves on solutions suggested by other group members

Does not offer solutions, but is willing to try solutions suggested by other group members

Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems

Group/partner teamwork

Works to complete all group goals. Always has a positive attitude about the tasks and work of others. Performed all duties of assigned team role.

Usually helps to complete group goals. Usually has a positive attitude about the tasks and work of others. Performed nearly all duties of assigned team role.

Occasionally helps to complete group goals. Sometimes makes fun of the group tasks and work of others. Performed some duties of assigned team role.

Does not work well with others and shows no interest in completing group goals. Contributed little to group effort. Did not perform duties of assigned team role.



Main category


Insufficient (1)

Acceptable (2)

Good (3)



The group leader

Name and number



Less than 1 minute

2.50-3 minutes

3-4 minutes

Content and presentation

Not organized or not in order

Includes fewer details and poorly presented.

Only include two or three dimensions.

Acceptably organized and presented.

Well organized including all dimensions.

Well-presented with different approaches


Less or any collaboration.

No task sharing in the group.

Group collaboration can be seen but have one dominant member.

Clear group collaboration

Individual Accuracy and Fluency

Speak with many mistakes and with many hesitations. The utterances are not connected.

Speak with acceptable mistakes and hesitations The utterances are connected but need improvement.

Speak with very few mistakes and any hesitations The utterances are well connected.

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden TalentsКонспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Конспект урока по английскому языку Education Hidden Talents

Part 5:

Supplemental activities/extensions or remediation (in case activities are easier or harder than expected):

For listening part:

If it is harder,

The recording can be listened twice.

Wordlist of new words and phrases can be given beforehand.

If it is easier,

Students can give their own opinions about the video.

T can ask follow-up questions such as "What is dyslexia? Are all brains same in their functions and structure? What is the right/left brains' function? etc. can be asked.

T can bring the modified version of the script which has mistakes and wrong words, and lets students correct while listening.

For speaking part:

If it is harder,

Students can be grouped in smaller groups or pair work can be supported.

If it is easier,

Students can be encouraged to express their ideas one by one.

Technology alternatives (in case things don't work as planned): CD player, IPOD, Laptop or even cell phone for playing the audio file can be used.

Potential obstacles and challenges: (describe any challenges or problems you anticipate encountering when teaching this lesson):

  • Meaning: They might have lack of vocabulary about the topic.

  • Form: They might create wrong structured sentences.

  • Pronunciation: Mispronunciation might be observed.

How will you overcome the potential obstacles and challenges?

Meaning: To overcome this problem, vocabulary which is to be presented, should be explained in a simple way.

Pronunciation: Mispronunciation should be covered up by repeating the word in the correct pronunciation and ask them repeat what they hear.

Part 6:

What elements of this lesson are new, i.e., that you haven't used or thought before? (A requirement of this final project lesson plan is that you use something new in the lesson that you learned as part of our course)

At the course of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, we acquired a lot useful information. As I am an English teacher some of them are not new for me.

I think that we'll apply them in our lessons. Before coming here, I didn't know about Silent Way and De-Suggestopedia Teaching Methods. I guess that it will be interesting to use some of their elements at the lesson.

We've been using Cooperative Language Teaching in our lessons for many years and I didn't know that it's one of the methods of Communicative Language Teaching approaches. At the lesson, I used some elements of CLT. However, I hadn't used Jigsaw activity for many years before coming here. I refreshed it in my mind and decided to use it at my lessons frequently. I always use brainstorming, problem-solving activities to extend students' communication.

In order to achieve your target aims and objectives you are to be creative and involve students, motivate them.

In which part of the course did you get the idea for these elements (based on the teaching methods)?

We were acquainted with many methods at our course and I think they will be useful in the future. Time does not stop in one place it always moves on and so methods as well. We are to choose effective ones and use them to reach our aims.

I'd like to use Content-Based and Task-Based techniques to improve my students creativeness and practical skills. Frankly speaking, I liked this course, the way of your teaching.


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