Урок английского языка по теме «Театр»

Используя материалы данного урока, учитель сможет ввести и научить употреблять в диалогической и монологической речи лексические единицы по теме «Театр»,закрепить использование лексико-семантической группы слов по теме, закрепить применение грамматических конструкций условных предложений. В ходе урока выполняется лингво-страноведческая задача: работа с текстом. Тип урока - смешанный. применяется достаточное количество лексического материала. Для повышения эмоциональности урока необходимо применить аудиозапись  фрагментов представлений различных театров мира и изображения театров на картинках.
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Конспект урока английского языка

на тему «Театр»


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Урок английского языка по теме «Театр».


Дата проведения:

Задачи урока:

1.Ввести и научить употреблять в диалогической и монологической речи лексические единицы по теме «Театр».

2.Закрепить использование лексико-семантической группы слов по теме.

3.Лингво-страноведческая задача:работа с текстом.

4.Закрепить применение грамматических конструкций условных предложений.

Тип урока:смешанный.

Оснащение урока:распечатки из пособия по теме «Театр»,карточки с заданиями,опорная схема здания театра,аудиозапись фрагментов представлений различных театров мира,изображения театров на картинках.

Структура урока:

1.Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности на английском языке: 1)организация группы;

2)ассимилятивно-проблемная установка;

3)речевая зарядка;

4)повторение лексического материала;

5)выход на микродиалог.

2.Работа с текстом:

1)функционально-проблемная установка;

2)упражнения на выявление понимания прочитанного текста;

3)аудитивные задания по теме.

3.Обучение грамматике:

задания на закрепление условных типов предложений.

4.Введение нового материала по теме.

5.Заключительный этап:

1)подведение итогов;

2)домашнее задание.

Ход урока:

1.English-speaking atmosphere creation.

1)Answer these questions:

a)What is a theatre?

b)What theatrical performances can we see in a theatre?

c)What people take part in theatrical productions?

d)Do you know any of famous theatres?

2)Revision of the vocabulary.Read the definition,write the word or word-group on a card and put it in a proper place in the scheme of a theatre:

a)a place where a performance takes place (the stage)

b)the second main part of the theatre (the auditorium or hall)

c)the hall is separated from the stage by (the orchestra pit)

d)they are at the sides of a stage (the wings)

e)this thing covers the stage (the curtain)

f)they illuminate the stage from above (toplights)

g)they illuminate the stage from beneath (footlights)

h)the seats on the ground floor (the stalls)

i)the seats nearer the stage are(orchestra stalls)

j)the passages between the rows of stalls are (aisles)

k)the raised part of the ground floor (the pit)

l)the small compartments nearer the stage and separated by an aisle from the stalls (the boxes)

m)the seats in the first floor (the balcony)

n)the seats in the first floor and nearer the back (the dress circle)

o)the farthest and cheapest seats where standing room is available for the lowest admission fee (the gallery)

Answer the questions:1)What seats do you think to be the cheapest?

2)What are the most convenient seats?

3)When do people buy standing room?

3)Translations of the dialogues.Translate into English:

-Есть ли у вас места в партере на завтрашний спектакль?

-Есть только 2 места в 10-м ряду.

-Сколько они стоят?

-По 200 руб. каждый.

-Я возьму их.Вот деньги.

-Вот билеты и сдача.

-Как летит время!Мы все считали кукольный театр Сергея Образцова молодым.Нам казалось,что он недавно организован,а он уже отпраздновал свое 60-летие.

-Это и мой любимый театр.И на детские ,и на взрослые спектакли почти невозможно достать билеты.

-Я купил 2 билета в первый ряд в партер на спектакль «Необыкновенный концерт».Пойдем?

-С удовольствием.

-Куда вы идете?Касса еще закрыта.

-А мы уже купили билеты заранее.Вот.Галерка.И одно место для стояния.

-Проходите направо.

4)Dramatization of funny stories:

1)Once,when a young musitian's concert was poorly received by the critics,Sibelius patted him gently on the shoulder."Remember,son",he consoled the young man,"there is no city in the world where they have erected a statue to a critic."

2)Jimmy Saphier,the talent agent,answered his phone and was asked for a job."I can sing,dance,balance a banana on my nose…",said a voice."I'm sorry,but it's a slack season.I don't have any spots for novelty acts.""Wait,Jimmy,don't hang up!I can play the musical saw while sawing a girl in half,and I do a swimming act where I play a two minute harmonica solo under water.""Sorry,"Jimmy told the voice."Not unusual enough."

"Wait,don't hang up!Jimmy.There's one more thing…I'm a dog!"

3)The actor of a theatre before the beginning of a performance in which he was to drink champagne demanded from the director real champagne:

-I am not going to act in the play where they serve champagne which is not real.

-Have it your own way,-answered the director.But in the play"Intrigue and Love" I'll have real poison served to you.

5)Memory training.Listen to the dialogues and try to reproduce them:

1)-What is on at the musical comedy today?

-I think it is some performance by the touring company.

-Are they good?

-Well,yesterday the house was so full that there was no room even in the aisles.

2)-I have an extra ticket for the matinee tomorrow.Would you care to come along with me?

-What theatre?And what is on?

-It's the ballet Giselle.

-Why,thank you.I'd love to see it.

-So,how shall we meet?

-I suggest we should meet at the entrance to the theatre.

3)-I was very much moved by the performance of Smirnov.

-Oh,that's a talented actor.

-And so versatile.


2.Work with the text.

1)Answer these questions:

a)Why do you think the theatre is so important in the lives of people?

b)Do you share the author's opinion that we behave differently when we're part of an audience?Why?

c)What is essential on the part of the audience to enjoy the theatre?

2)Point out the main ideas of the text.Say what you consider to be the central problem of the theatre as the author sees it?

3)Find in the text the arguments the author gives to illustrate the following statements.Add your own arguments as well.

1)The theatre is a special kind of pleasure and amusement.

2)To enjoy the theatre we have to join it.

3)The theatre is a two-levelled phenomenon based on the imaginary life of the play and on the reality of the performance.

4)Acting possesses a double aspect.

4)Work with the dialogues.What would you say if you took part in these dialogues?

1)-I know you're an admirer of ballet…Could you tell me about the new productions at the Bolshoi Theatre?


-Did you happen to see any of them?


-Is it difficult to book seats?


-Thank you.It's very kind of you.

2)-Could you believe if somebody told you that the theatre was dying?


Can we say that the theatre is always renewing its life?


3.Grammar revision.

Give responses using conditional sentences:

1)Would you refuse to go to the theatre if you had tickets for the first night?

2)What operas would you recommend to stage if you were asked for advice?

3)What problems would you advise a playwright to take up if he asked for advice?

4)Would you have agreed if ,for example,Lubimov or Zakharov had asked you to take part in their plays?

4.Guess-game "Theatres of the world".Try to find a suitable picture to each recording and guess what nation it belongs.Then listen to the information about these theatres.

№1-the Japanes No Theatre

№2-the Russian Ballet Theatre

№3-the Classical Peking Opera of China

№4-the British National Shakespeare Theatre.

5.Hometask.Make up short dialogues.

Talk your friend into going to the theatre.Your situations:

1)She is a stay-at-home and can spend hours sitting in an armchair with her eyes glued to the TV-set.

2)She isn't through with her homework yet.

3)She isn't much of a theatre-goer.

4)She is unwell.

5)She has an appointment with her boy-friend.

6)She's made up her mind to go to the pictures.

7)She'busy making a new dress for her birthday party.

Use the following expressions of agreement or disagreement:

a)That would be fine.That suits me fine.That's exactly what I was going to suggest myself.It sounds all right to me.That sounds fine.I couldn't think of a better plan.I don't see any reason why we shouldn't.

b)The theatre is O.K,but I'm afraid I can't afford the time.Thank you for the invitation but I'm in no mood for it.I'm afraid I shan't be able to keep you company.I'm up to the ears in work.The theatre?Hadn't we better go to the pictures?The theatre?Oh,no,I'd better stay in.How can I go out with the exams just round the corner?

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