«Celebrating holidays» 6 grade

The theme of the lesson: «Celebrating holidays» The aims of the lesson: 1.      Білімділік: Жаңасөздердіоқытуғабайланыстыоқушылардыңсөздікқорынжәнесөзмәнерінбайытуға, дамытуғакөмектесу;ОқушыларғаҚазақстанменҰлыБританияныңмерекелерінсалыстыраотырып, мерекеатауларыментаныстыру 2. Дамытушылық: оқушылардыңжазу, оқу, тыңдау, сөйлеуқабілеттеріндамыту. 3. Тәрбиелік: оқушылардымейірімділікке, ұйымшылдыққатәрбиелеуОқытутехнологиясы: білімберудіілгерілендіруСабақтыңтипі: жаңасабақСабақтыңтүрі: аралассабақ...         II. Main part: III. Checking up the home task Ex 16. Write. ‘Gardening in my village’  IV. Presentation New theme:‘Celebrating holidays’ Тақырыпқа сай бейне-көрме көрсету (видеоролик) Today we are going to talk about holidays. Open your books on page 118 New words: • Decorate – [‘dekә,reit],v -сәндеу, безендіру • Chimney–[tʃimni], n-мұржа • Celebrate– [seli,breit], v-тойлау • Neighbor– [‘neibә], n-көрші • Costume – [kәstju:m], n-костюмкиім • Guest–[gest], n-қонақ • Knock – [nɔk], v-қағу...
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The theme of the lesson: «Celebrating holidays»

The aims of the lesson:

  1. Білімділік: Жаңа сөздерді оқытуға байланысты оқушылардың сөздік қорын және сөз мәнерін байытуға, дамытуға көмектесу;
    Оқушыларға Қазақстан мен Ұлы Британияның мерекелерін салыстыра отырып, мереке атауларымен таныстыру
    2. Дамытушылық: оқушылардың жазу, оқу, тыңдау, сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту.
    3. Тәрбиелік: оқушылардымейірімділікке, ұйымшылдыққатәрбиелеу

    Оқыту технологиясы: білім беруді ілгерілендіру
    Сабақтың типі: жаңа сабақ
    Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ
    Сабақтың әдісі: дамыту сабағы
    Сабаққа қажетті құралдар мен көрнекіліктер:
    Құралдар: оқулықтар
    Көрнекіліктер: интерактивті тақта, түрлі-түсті тәттілер, суреттер

    Пәнаралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

    Сабақтың жоспары: I. Org moment

    II. Checking up the home task
    III. Presentation
    IV. Practice
    V. Conclusion
    VI. Giving the home task
    VII. Evaluation

    I. Org moment
    I. 1. Greeting
    - Good afternoon pupils
    - Good afternoon teacher
    - Sit down please
    - Who is on duty today?
    - I'm on duty today
    - Who is absent?
    - …..
    - What date is it today?
    - Today is ….
    - What day is it today?
    - Today is ….
    - Come here and choose these sweets and divide into 3 groups. You are leader. Give marks to your groups members. Бір оқушыны топбасшы қылып, топ мүшелерін бағалау тапсырылады.

II. Main part:
III. Checking up the home task
Ex 16. Write. 'Gardening in my village'

IV. Presentation

New theme:'Celebrating holidays'

Тақырыпқа сай бейне-көрме көрсету (видеоролик)
Today we are going to talk about holidays. Open your books on page 118

New words:
• Decorate - ['dekә,reit],v -сәндеу, безендіру
• Chimney-[tʃimni], n-мұржа
• Celebrate- [seli,breit], v-тойлау
• Neighbor- ['neibә], n-көрші
• Costume - [kәstju:m], n-костюмкиім
• Guest-[gest], n-қонақ
• Knock - [nɔk], v-қағу, тарсыылдату
• Trick - [trik],n- айла,тәсіл
• Threat -[ɵret], n -қауіп
• Roast- [rәust], adj -қуырылған
• Turkey - [tә:ki], n-күркетауық
• Pie-[pai], n-бәліш
• Sock -[sɔk],n-шұлық
• Stocking-[stɔkiȠ],n-шұлық

•Guy-[gai], n -бала, жігіт

•Bonfire-[`bonf`aiә], n -алау

•Fireworks -[faiәwә:k], n -отшашу

•Stick - [stik], n -таяқ

•Straw-[strɔ:], n -сабан

•Light-[lait], v -жағу

•Gloves -[glʌvs], n -биялай

•Night -[nait], n- түн

V. Practice. Please, look at the interactive board and find.
1. Read the text and find what holiday is it
a) People in many countries decorate Christmas trees and give each other presents. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of the bed on December 24. They hope that Santa Claus will come down the chimney during the night and bring them presents. The special food is a big turkey and Christmas pudding (Christmas day- December 25)

b) It is a very interesting night forEnglish children. On that evening they make bonfires and have fireworks. They make the guy of stick and straw and then put an old hat on his head and old gloves on the stick that are his hands. Children or their parents light the guy. (Bonfire night - November 5)

c) On this day families gather together usually in a home for a traditional dinner. They have a roast turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. All give thanks together for the good things that they have. (Thanksgiving Day - November)

d) People in Britain begin celebrating this holiday on December 31. Sometimes they have parties where guests dress up in costumers and cover their faces with masks. Next day people visit friends, relatives, neighbors. There is a lot to eat and drink. Many families watch television. (New Year - January 1)

е) It's a holiday for children in Britain. Children dressed in costumes knock on their neighbor doors and ask if he/she would like "trick" or "threat" and you must give them money or sweets then they go away. If you don't give they will play a trick on you. (Halloween - October 31)

f) People celebrate this holiday in March in Kazakhstan. People have "kozhe", "baursak", drink "kymyz", and "shubat". Over 100 nationalities celebrate this holiday. They love it. (Nauryz - March 22)

2.I'll give you sheet of paper where wrote new words, do not show these words, you'll explain with motion or body movements.

Decorate - ['dekә,reit],v -сәндеу, безендіру

Celebrate- [seli,breit], v-тойлау

Costume - [kәstju:m], n-костюмкиім
Knock - [nɔk], v-қағу, тарсылдату

Sock -[sɔk],n-шұлық

Fireworks -[faiәwә:k], n -отшашу

Stick - [stik], n -таяқ

Gloves -[glʌvs], n -биялай

Turkey - [tә:ki], n-күркетауық

3.Please, Fill in the chart

Special occasion activities


Special Foods

Have parties, celebrate holiday, wear costumes, cover faces with masks, visit friends, visit relatives, visit neighbours, watch TV-set, decorate Christmas tree, big turkey, Christmas pudding, roast turkey, sweet potato, pumpkin pie, sweets, kozhe, baursak , kymyz, shubat, ,flowers, cards, gift, toys, cake.

2. Complete the sentences
1. If you don't give them sweets or money they play a trick ______ you.
2. They dress ______ costumes and cover their faces ______ masks.
3. They hope that Santa Claus will come ______ the chimney during the night.
4. They gather together ______ a home ______ a traditional dinner.
5. Children dressed __________ costumes knock ________ the neighbours doors.

Warm-up, stand up please, and move.

'If you happy and you know it, clap your hands'

Answer to the questions.

1.What holiday celebrated in 22-nd of March?

2.This holiday for children in Britain. What holiday?

3.What do people give each other on holidays?

4.What kind of food do people prepare on holidays?

5.When celebrated Bonfire night?

6.What is the most interesting holiday in your country?

VI. Production
3. Let's check your knowledge.

1. When people celebrate New Year?
a) 1st January
b) 31st October
c) 25th December
2. When children hope that Santa Claus come?
a) In Nauryz
b) On Christmas

c) In Thanksgiving day
3. Which Food people have in Nauryz?
a) Pie, roast potato, turkey
b) Sweets, sugar, milk
c) Shubat, kymyz, kozhe
4. What children leave at the end of the bed on December 24?
a) Trick
b) Sock
c) Costumes
5. When people give thanks together for the good things that they have?
a) In Nauryz
b) On Christmas
c) In Thanksgiving day

VII. Conclusion

In every holiday we prepare national dishes. Please, help me to lay the table.

We are waiting guests. Write your impression in the back of picture about this lesson.

Rise your smiling face, please. Did you like this lesson?
VIII. Giving the home task
- Your homework is ex. 11 p. 123
IX. Evaluation
- The lesson is over good bye.
- Good bye teacher.

-You are free.

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