Внеклассное мероприятие для 7-ого класса The Star Hour

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Внеклассное мероприятие

"The Star Hour"

T. Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, quests and teachers! Today we are having a competition "The Star Hour". Now the participants will introduce themselves. (The participants tell about themselves, read a poem or sing a song to get a star).

The First Round "Country study"

Task 1

На доске карта мира, на которой отмечены цифрами страны. Ниже перечислены страны в такой последовательности:

a) The UK d) Australia

b) Scotland e) The USA

c) Canada f) England

The questions:

1. What country is called "the unknown southern land"?

2. What country consists of four parts?

3. What country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands?

4. What country lies to the south of Scotland?

5. What country has got fifty states?

Answer the questions and match the words with the countries on the map. After that tell some words about the geographical position of the country.

Task 2

На доске помещены эмблемы:

a) a red rose c) a shamrock e) the bald eagle

a thistle d) a daffodil


What is the national symbol of Wales? (d)

What is the national symbol of Scotland? (b)

What is the national symbol of Ireland? (c)

What is the national symbol of England? (a)

Task 3

На доске фотографии с изображением:

1)Trafalgar Square; 2) The Tower of London; 3) Buckingham Palace; 4) Westminstes Abbey; 5) The Houses of Parliament; 6) St. Paul's Cathedral; 7) Royal Albert Hall


a) A very large concert hall where the best musicians of the world perform classical music. (7)

b) It is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II.

c) It is a royal church where the coronation takes place. There are tombs of many British kings queens and others famous people.

d) It was built by William the Conqueror as a fortress in the 11th century. Later it was a prison.

Task 4

На доске написаны даты.

1492; 2) 1901; 3) 1994; 4) 1066; 5) 1918; 6) 1666; 7) 1782; 8) 1564; 9) 1952; 10) 1812/


When did Queen Elizabeth II come to the throne?

When did Columbus discovers America?

When did the Great Fire of London take place?

When was William Shakespeare born?

Task 5

The pupils get cards with sentences and missing words suggested below. In a minute they must be ready.

The highest mountain peak in Wales is . . . . . . . . . . (4)

The US President is . . . . . . . . . . . .(2)

All to get her there are ten royal parks in and around London which are owned by . . . . . . . . (8)

The main attractions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .are certainly the Lake Districts, the cities of york and Newcastle - upon - Tyne.(5)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .is sometimes called the apple isle because it produces a lot of apples (1)


1. Tasmania 4. Snowdon 7. WestminsterrAbbey

2. Commander in Chief 5. the North of England 8. the Crown

3. Wales 6. New South Wales

Task 6

На доске расположены поздравительные открытки.


1. These cards are used for such things as a wedding or an anniversary. (congratulations card)

2. If your friend is sick, you can send this card. (Get - well card).

3. This card is sent to family or friends on special days during the year. ( Special occasion card).

4. This card is sent on the day when somebody was born. (Birthday card).

Task 7

Cross out letters in every word to find out the name of the town.

After that say what this town is famous for?

1) cdmingbirfeham 4) sidrolneyk

2) manterkepcches 5) tonmwangshidis

3) deendaberlog

The Final

Make as many words as you can out of the word "Parliament"

The participants get stars for each right answer.

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