Контрольная работа по теме Mass Media

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Test. 1 variant.

  1. Write down the Russian equivalent:

mass media

national daily newspapers

"quality" newspapers


local newspapers

home and international events

emotive reporting


to entertain rather than inform

to express an opinion

  1. What "quality" newspapers do you know? Choose the right answers:

  1. The Times

  2. The Financial Times

  3. The Sun

  4. The Guardian

  5. The Independent

3. Choose the right answer:

1. The "quality" papers try to entertain rather than inform.

a) true b) false

2. Newspapers in Britain are owned by ...

a) the Government and political parties.

b) individuals and publishing companies.

4. Fill in the gaps (Sundays, tradition, report, entertain):

1. British newspapers are very much different from each other in the way they ... news.

2. There are 9 national papers, which are published on ... .

5. Give the name of the words and expressions that mean:

1. A newspaper which is published every day -

2. A serious newspaper -

6. Match brief description of different kinds of programmes with their names:

1. wild life programmes

2. quiz programmes

3. sitcoms

4. current affairs programmes

a) programmes on which members of the audience are asked questions, in case of correct answer they receive prizes

b) situational comedies - short films providing entertainment

c) programmes showing animals, birds etc. in their natural surrounding (environment)

d) deal with political and social problems of modern society

7. Match the two halves:

  1. to report …

  2. entertains its readers rather …

a) to extraordinary events.

b) news.

  1. than inform them.

8. Answer the questions:

- Which media is the most popular in your family?
- What is the most convenient media?
- What is the most useful?
- What could you say about the most modern means of communication? Is it expensive way of communication?

- What is the cheapest way of Communication?

- Do you like to watch TV?
- What do you like to watch on TV? (talk shows; sport programmers; films; news)

Test. 2 variant.

1. Write down the Russian equivalent:

mass media

national weekly newspapers


"Sundays" papers

colour supplements


home and international events

publishing company

to report news

to subscribe to

2.What "tabloids" newspapers do you know? Choose the right answers:

  1. The Daily Mail

  2. The Daily Express

  3. The Daily Mirror

  1. The Daily Telegraph

  1. The Daily Star

3. Choose the right answer:

1. Most colour supplements are published on Sundays and are ...

a) bought with Sunday papers.

b) bought separately from the Sunday papers.

2. In some countries , newspapers are owned by ...

a) the Government and political parties.

b) individuals and publishing companies.

4. Fill in the gaps (Sundays, tradition, report, entertain):

1. The popular press aims to ... its readers.

2. Reading a Sunday newspaper is an important ... in many British families.

5. Give the name of the words and expressions that mean:

1. A newspaper, which usually entertains its readers -

2. A newspaper which reports local news -

6. Match brief description of different kinds of programmes with their names:

1. educational programmes

2. cartoons

3. panel discussions

4. thrillers

a) cinema films made by photographing series of drawings;

b) with the help of these programmes one can get knowledge and abilities, develop his/her character and mental powers;

c) novels, plays or films in which excitement and emotional appeal are the essential elements;

d) deal with a group of speakers, chosen to speak, answer the questions, take part in a game, before an audience, for example listeners to a broadcast.

7. Match the two halves:

1. newspapers are …

2. the editors are allowed …

  1. privately owned.

  2. news.

  1. considerable freedom of expression.

8. Answer the questions:

- Which media is the most popular in your family?
- What is the most convenient media?
- What is the most useful?
- What could you say about the most modern means of communication? Is it expensive way of communication?

- What is the cheapest way of Communication?

- Do you like to watch TV?
- What do you like to watch on TV? (talk shows; sport programmers; films; news)

Эталон ответов

Test 1 variant

1.Write down the Russian equivalent:

mass media-средства массовой информации

a daily newspaper- ежедневная газета

"quality" newspapers-пресса "высокого качества", газета полного формата

"populars" -газета для широкой публики

local newspapers-местные газеты

home and international events-события в стране и за рубежом

emotive reporting-эмоциональная подача материала

item-небольшая заметка

to entertain rather than inform-скорее развлекать, чем информировать

to express an opinion-выражать мнение

2.What "quality" newspapers do you know? Choose the right answers:

  1. The Times

b) The Financial Times

d) The Guardian

e) The Independent

3. Choose the right answer:

1. b) false

2. b) individuals and publishing companies.

4. Fill in the gaps (Sundays, tradition, report, entertain):

1. report

2. Sundays.

5. Give the name of the words and expressions that mean:

1. A newspaper which is published every day - a daily newspaper

2. A serious newspaper - "quality" newspaper

6. Match brief description of different kinds of programmes with their names:

1. c) 2. a) 3. b) 4. d)

7. Match the two halves: 1. b) 2. c)

Эталон ответов

Test 2 variant

1. Write down the Russian equivalent:

mass media - средства массовой информации

a weekly newspaper-еженедельная газета

"tabloids" -малоформатная газета, бульварная пресса

"Sundays" papers-газеты, публикуемые по выходным

colour supplements-цветные приложения

newsstand-газетный киоск

home and international events-события в стране и за рубежом

publishing company-издательство

to report news-сообщать или печатать новости

to subscribe to-подписываться

2.What "tabloids" newspapers do you know? Choose the right answers:

a) The Daily Mail

b) The Daily Express

c) The Daily Mirror

  1. The Daily Star

3. Choose the right answer:

1. a) bought with Sunday papers.

2. a) the Government and political parties.

4. Fill in the gaps (Sundays, tradition, report, entertain):

1. entertain

2. tradition

5. Give the name of the words and expressions that mean:

1. A newspaper, which usually entertains its readers -"tabloid"

2. A newspaper which reports local news - local newspaper

6. Match brief description of different kinds of programmes with their names:

1. b) 2. a) 3. d) 4. c)

7. Match the two halves: 1. a) 2. c)

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