Видео урок по теме Discover yourself

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Видеоуроки
Формат zip
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План-конспект открытого урока в 8в классе

по теме «Discover yourself» - «Познай себя заново»

Дата: 21.11.15 Учитель: Садыкова Резеда Фаритовна


Образовательная: дальнейшее развитие коммуникативной компетенции;

Воспитательная: Анализ личностных характеристик учащихся, выяснение ими своих положительных и отрицательных качеств.

Познавательная: изучение нового материала, развитие ассоциативного мышление, формирование критического мышления (сингапурские системы - тик-тек-тоу, конерс)


Повторение и обобщение изученного материала по теме посредством:

- введения нового лексического материала по теме личностные качества,

- построения коротких высказываний о различных аспектах своего характера и своих предпочтениях;

- совершенствование догадки при помощи построения собственных устных ответов,

- совершенствование работы в группе,

- формирование собственного мнения.

План урока.

1. Организационный момент (Warming up).

2. Личностные качества. (Matching).

3. Высказывания о своих личностных качествах.

4. Угадывание по карте ассоциаций, о каком из качеств идет речь.

5. Чтение письма и догадка, расстановка пропусков.

6. Выявление наиболее важных аспектов в высказывании

Ход урока

1. T: Good morning, dear friends! You are welcome here at our lesson "Discover yourself". We are going to do a lot of interesting tasks individually and in groups. During the lesson you should be able to tell us about your personal qualities, about your attitudes to some problems. You will be able to know each other much better today. O.K., let's start!

2. T: Tell me, what personal qualities (features of personality) can you name. What adjectives do you know?

P-ls: confident, honest, jealous, moody, shy, ambitious, reasonable, careful, reliable, generous.

T: Let's do the following task. Match the qualities with their definitions. Make it in groups, please. You get 5 minutes for that. So look at the blackboard and name the adjectives:


Personal quality


You are very interested in what you are doing


You are always sure in what you are doing


You are always willing to give or share


You always take wise decisions and behave in a sensible and fair way


You always think about what you are doing so that you don't do anything wrong


Other people can ask you for help if they have a problem or trust you with a secret

3. T: Now briefly tell me about your character. So? Boys and girls tell me please "Are you reliable people… generous… honest"

P-ls: I am generous because I am always willing to share or give something to others.

I am reliable because…

I am sometimes moody because… (3 minutes)

4. T: Thank you for your work. And now please? Look at the black board and read the letter. We have an interesting letter from Linda, she has some problems. So, begin reading

P-ls: begin reading and understanding the purpose of the letter

T: Now, we have to help to Linda. So, your task is to fill the gaps, just think about missing words. . (5 minutes)

P-ls: Honest, honest (объяснить в каком случае явл-ся прилагательным, в каком наречием). Исправить ошибки, если таковые имеются. Self-confident….

T: Thank you for your answers!

5. T: Now let's work in groups. On your tables in each group you have shits of paper, you should make the WHOLE sentence from these words and write down in your exercise books the meaning of your sentence - the key idea (it will be only an adjective). (3-5 minutes)

1st table - I always behave in a sensible, fair way (reasonable)

2nd table - I am always sure what I am doing (confident)

3rd table - I never tell lies to people (honest)

6. T: Thanks! Now we have next brainy exercise. Just think about the last meanings of the sentences. I divided our class-room into four corners. Your task is to choose the best corner for you, don't forget about the meaning of the adjectives…

HONEST - the first corner

REASONABLE - the second corner

CONFIDENT - the third corner

SHY - the forth corner

Дети распределяются по углам, выбирая наиблизшее значение для себя, объясняют свой выбор. Задают вопросы друг другу.

7. Now take your seats and will you open your books at page 41. Very quickly look at the table, find our adjectives, and be ready to work with new words: write down the nouns from the adjectives. Begin

( 3 minutes) and then answer my questions:

(вопросы по тексту с использованием необходимой лексики для устного высказывания)

P-ls: confident - confidence, reliable - reliability, honest - honesty and so on.

8. Now, we are going to finish our lesson, please tell me your opinion about Personal qualities…

P-ls: I'm very shy, because… I'm very honest, 'cause

9. Now please write down your home task for the next lesson. Ex.5a, p.43

And to learn by heart all the new words. Thank you for your cooperation, you're dismissed.

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