Вікторина «Who Knows Britain Better»

This is a very interesting competition, which helps students to learn more about  Great Britain, improve their knowledge of English and demonstrate their creative skills.       It’s an unusual competition, because after it you will learn who knows more about Britain? Who knows English better? Who is more lively and quick-witted? Boys or girls? We welcome you to this event and wish you every success.        The quiz consists of 25 questions  and pupils get a smile for the correct answer. The winner is a person who has more smiles and will be awarded with a diploma.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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(6 КЛАС)



3 квітня 2014 р.

Мета заходу:

Освітня: удосконалення лексичних і мовленнєвих навичок учнів.

Навчальна: перевірка знань учнів з англомовного країнознавства.
Розвивальна: розвиток творчих здібностей і комунікативних навичок, вміння працювати індивідуально; підвищення мотивації до вивчення англійської мови учнями.
Виховна:формування поважного ставлення до культури і традицій Великобританії.

Обладнання: країнознавчі питання, смайлики, дипломи.


T: This is a very interesting competition, which helps students to learn more about Great Britain, improve their knowledge of English and demonstrate their creative skills.

It's an unusual competition, because after it you will learn who knows more about Britain? Who knows English better? Who is more lively and quick-witted? Boys or girls? We welcome you to this event and wish you every success.

You'll have 25 questions and you'll get the smile for a correct answer. The winner is a person who has more smiles and will be awarded with a diploma.

  1. What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

  2. What is the British Queen's name? ( Elizabeth II)

  3. What is the symbol of England? (a red rose)

  4. How many historical places does London consist of? (4)

  5. What river does London stand on? (The Thames)

  6. When did London become the capital of Britain? (in 1066)

  7. What is the name of the famous clock in London? (Big Ben)

  8. What is the traditional British drink? (tea)

  9. How many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace? (600)

  10. Which is the largest and oldest museum in Britain? ( The British Museum)

  11. When did the Great Fire of London break out? (in 1666)

  12. What are the ancient names of London? (Llyn-din, Londinium)

  13. Where was W. Shakespeare born? (Stratford-upon-Avon)

  14. What's the name of a man the monument to whom stands on Trafalgar Square? ( Admiral Nelson)

  15. Where is London Zoo situated? ( Regent's Park)

  16. Who was called "An Iron Lady" ( M. Thatcher)

  17. What street does connect Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace? ( The Mall)

  18. What is the most popular game in Britain? (football)

  19. What park is famous for Marble Arch? ( Hyde Park)

  20. What's the name of the London Metro? (Tube)

  21. What is the official royal residence? (Buckingham Palace)

  22. Who is the ruler of Britain? (Queen Elizabeth II)

  23. When do British people celebrate Christmas? (on the 25 of December)

  24. How many royal parks are there in London? (5)

  25. What is the most popular ceremony in London? (Changing of the Guard)

T. Our quiz is over. I'd like to know what the score is and who is the winner? Thank you for participating in the quiz. I hope you liked it.

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