Серия текстов с заданиями на знание английских пословиц

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
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Test 1. Combine the parts of the proverbs :

A man can die……

If the cap fits ……

Don't cut your chickens……

The devil is not so black….

Don't trouble trouble ….

Great boast ….

A good beginning …..

Scratch my back ……

An apple a day …..

One good turn ………

as he is painted.

until trouble troubles you.

but once.

wear it.

before they are hatched.

keeps the doctor away.

deserves another.

and I'll scratch yours.

small roast.

makes a good ending.

Test 2.

Translate ;

Привычка - вторая натура.

С глаз долой -из сердца вон.

Делать из мухи слона.

О вкусах не спорят.

Горбатого могила исправит.

Друзья познаются в беде.

Test 3. Answer the questions using the proverbs.

  1. When somebody did you good, what will you do in return.

  2. If you feel homesick , what will you say?

  3. One likes tea another likes coffee.

  4. What might you say to a person who thinks too much of himself and boasts all the time ?

  5. A person who talks very much , but does little.

Step 1.

All is well that ends well

As you make your bed so you must lie on it.

Out of sight out of mind

To kill two birds with one stone

Exercise 1. read the text and say which proverb will be suitable

A Clever Answer

A boy once went into the shop to buy some oranges . He said to the shopman , " please give me oranges for five pence. "

When the shopman gave him the oranges for five pence , the boy counted them and then said , " My mother bought some oranges here last week , and she also paid you five pence , but she got more than I have . Why did you give me so few?"

" Don't ask questions , " said the shopman in an angry voice . " I am a busy man and I have little time to waste"

" I am sorry, but sir…."

" It's quite all right , my boy, " said the shopman . " Don't you understand? The fewer oranges you get , the less you will have to carry"

" Very well, " said the boy , and put four pennies on the counter. Then he turned to go.

" Come back!" cried the shopman . " This is not enough money"

" That's quite all right ," said the boy . " Don't you understand ? The fewer pennies you get , the less you will have to count"

  1. All is well that ends well.

  2. As you make you bed so you must lie on it.

  3. To kill two birds with one stone.

Exercise 2. Render into English the following Russian proverbs

  1. С глаз долой - из сердца вон.

  2. Убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом.

  3. Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.

  4. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

  5. Как постелешь, так и поспишь.

Exercise 3. Use the proverbs in your own situations :

  1. As you make your bed so you must lie on it ( to prepare lessons badly, to copy homework from smb., to fail in an examination, a sad face)

  2. Out of sight out of mind ( to make friends with smb., to see much of smb., to part with, to promise to write letters, no wonder)

  3. All is well that ends well ( to be a stanger in, to go to see , to lose one's way, to take a bus, in the end, to be glad)

Model : Nick spend his summer at his grandmother's in the country. He made with Pete there. They saw much of each other . They swam in the river , went to the forest and did a lot of things together. It was difficult for Nick to part with his new friend. When he was going home he promised Pete to write him letters every week. In two months Nick's mother asked him about his new friend . But Nick said that he stopped writing letters to Pete. " Out of sight out of mind, you know, Mother"

Nick's mother was very angry with her son. She said ," When you are in trouble nobody will help you. And no wonder - you are a bad friend"

Step 2.

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.

Talk of the devil and the devil will come. ( Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.)

Fortune favours the brave.

Don't look a gift horse into the mouth.

Text 1.

Jane lived with her parents in the Far North. But the little girl was ill. She could neither run nor play. She could not eat. " There is just one thing that will help Jane, "said the doctor. , " but I haven't got that medicine. We must try to get it as soon as we can. I know what I can do ".

The doctor sent a telegram to a doctor in a far-away city. The doctor in the far-away city got the medicine and went to the airport. He told the captain about the sick girl in the Far North, and the captain told his man his men about her. The weather was very bad , but one of the pilots said at once , " Give me the medicine. I shall take it to her. " He took the medicine and got into his airplane. In a few minutes he was off and a telegram was sent to the doctor in the Far North.

The brave pilot flew on and on all day through the snow and the winds . He flew on and on all the night. He did not see any houses , any lights. He saw nothing but snow everywhere.

Jane's father and many other people got up very early that day. They were all waiting for the airplane.

Suddenly they saw it far away in the sky. " There it comes!" cried Jane's father . Soon it landed on the snow. Jane's father ran up to it. The pilot gave him the medicine.

The brave pilot was cold and tired. But he was happy . He knew that now the girl was safe. Jane's parents invited him into the warm house and gave him a good breakfast. He had a short sleep and then flew back to the far-away city.

Fortune favours the brave.

A bird in the hand i9s better than two in the bush.

Talk of the devil and the devil will come.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Exercise 1. Translate:

  1. Легок на помине.

  2. Смелость города берет.

  3. Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят.

  4. не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.

  5. Где смелость, там и победа.

Exercise 2. Make up your own stories , use the given words and word combinations:

  1. Fornute favours the brave ( to go in for swimming, to jump into the water , to save smb., to be proud of )

  2. Don't look a gift horse into the mouth ( to have a birthday party, to invite smb., to give smth as a present )

  3. Talk of the devil and the devil will come ( I haven't seen her for ages, to stay in the country with, here she comes)

Model : Peter went in for swimming. He was a good swimmer. On e day he was walking along by the river when he saw a small dog in the water. Though it was a very cold day Peter was not afraid of getting wet. He jumped into the cold water and saved the dog. The dog grew up to be a good friend of the family. Peter's mother was proud of her son and told everybody that fortune favoured the brave.

Step 3.

To make a mountain out of a molehill.

Rome was not built in a day.

As well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb.

Where there is a will there is a way.

Text 1.

A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He could not speak English well and his vocabulary was not large.

Once when he was eating in a small country inn, he wanted some eggs. But he could not remember the word for eggs. Suddenly through the window he saw a cock. The Frenchman asked what the cock's wife was called. The waiter told him that she was called a hen. The Frenchman then asked what the hen's children were called . The waiter asked what the hen's children were called. The waiter told him that they were called chickens. The Frenchman then asked what the chickens were called before they were born. The waiter told him that they were called eggs. " Fine, " said the Frenchman . " Please, bring me two eggs and a cup of tea with some cakes"

Exercise 1. Translate :

  1. Делать из мухи слона.

  2. Москва не сразу строилась.

  3. Семь бед - один ответ.

  4. Где хотенье - там уменье.

  5. Была бы охота , заладиться всякая работа.

Exercise 2. Make up our own stories :

  1. Sister is very angry with her little brother , he got two bad marks. She says she did not see him doing his lessons. He does not agree with her. ( To make a mountain out of a molehill)

  2. You come home late and try to explain to your mother why you did not come home at the time you said you would. ( As well be hung for a sheep or for a lamb)

  3. You explain to your friend that it needs time and practice to learn a foreign language ( Rome was not built in a day )

Step 4.

The last said the soonest mended

Jack of all trades and master of none.

Half a loaf is better than no bread.

No pains, no gains.

Text 1.

The Vain Crow.

A crow who thought that she was very beautiful -though she looked like any other crow- sat on a branch of a tree. She had a piece of cheese in her mouth which she had taken from a farmer's house. At the foot of the tree sat a fox. The fox saw the piece of cheese in the crow's mouth and wanted to have it. So he got up and spoke to the crow:

" I'm very glad to see you, my friend , " he said . " You look very beautiful today."

The crow sat quietly on her branch and said nothing though she was very pleased.

" You are so beautiful that you could be our queen . Can you talk? I am sure your voice is very beautiful too."

The crow still said nothing because she still had the cheese in her mouth and did not want to dro[p it. The fox was silent for a moment and then he said :" Oh, I see. You can't talk. Well, we can't make you our queen if you can't talk."

Now the vain crow wanted to show that she could talk , so she opened her mouth and cried " Caw! Caw!" The piece of cheese fell to the ground . The fox ran to it and ate it up. The foolish crow looked sadly at him from her branch. And the fox laughed.

" My dear friend ," he said, " now I see that you have a voice, but there is something more important that you haven't got - brains "

  1. The least said the soonest mended.

  2. Where there is a will there is a way.

  3. No pains, no gains.

Exercise 1. Translate .

  1. За все берется , да не все удается.

  2. На безрыбье и рак рыба.

  3. Без труда не вытащишь санки из пруда.

  4. В добрый час молвить , в худой промолчать.

  5. Любишь кататься - люби и саночки возить.

Exercise 2. Make up your stories.

  1. The least said the soonest mended ( to be impolite, to answer back, a teacher, to be sorry, to understand, to excuse, to keep silence, to promise, parents.)

  2. No pains, no gains ( to get bad marks, to fall ill, to help, to catch up with the class, to work hard, to get good marks)

  3. Half a loaf is better than no bread ( to decide, after school, to go to the cinema, a film, interesting, difficult, to buy tickets, to eat ice-cream, to be glad)

  4. Jack of all trades and master of nothing ( to try, to do homework, to draw pictures for a wall newspaper, to take pictures, to take care of flowers, not to be able )

Model : When I studied in the 7th form I fell seriously ill. I was taken to the hospital and stayed there for two months. I was very much afraid that when I returned to school I would get bad marks . But my friends helped me a lot to catch up with the class. I worked hard. I remembered the proverb " No pains , no gains". Soon I got only good marks.

Step 5.

Look before you leap

Many men, many minds

Better late than never

He laughs best who laughs last

Text 1.

A Sly Cat.

When he was a strong young cat he caught many mice. The mice were afraid of him then. But in time he grew old and could not catch mice any more.

One day he decided to play a trick on the mice. He lay on his back and did not move at all. A mouse saw him and thought that he was dead. She ran to her friends and cried : " The cat is dead! Let us dance and play!"

And all the mice began to dance and play . They were very happy, they danced and danced round the cat , and the cat did not move. Then one of the mice jumped on the cat's head.

" Look at me ! Come nearer , all of you! The bad cat is dead! Let us dance on his head!"

But suddenly the cat jumped up and caught the foolish mouse. The other mice ran away as quickly as they could.

Mice ! Never believe a cat! Don't forget!

  1. Look before you leap.

  2. He laughs best who laughs last.

  3. Better late than never

  4. Many men , many minds

Exercise 1. Translate :

  1. О вкусах не спорят.

  2. Лучше поздно , чем никогда.

  3. Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последний.

  4. Не зная броду , не суйся в воду.

  5. Сколько голов, столько умов.

  6. Семь раз примерь, один раз отрежь.

Exercise 2. Make up a story, using the following information , add a proverb you know )

  1. It is very difficult to decide something at a class meeting because all the pupils have different opinion.

  2. Once you broke your leg when you tried to jump from a tree. You were not very careful.

  3. If you promised to do something and did not do it in time , all the same do it.

  4. Never pay attention to those who laugh at you. Remember that time will show who was right.

Model : During our winter holidays I went to Moscow. After I returned home I promised my friends to tell them about everything I had seen there . But I could do it only yesterday. My friends laughed and said : " Better late than never"

Step 6.

Action speak louder than words.

One man's meat is another man's poison.

In for a penny , in for a pound.

The leopard cannot change his spot.

Text 1.

The Hunter and the Woodman.

A hunter who was not very brave liked to boast to his friends about his brave deeds. Once he went to the forest to hunt. There he met a woodman and asked him , " My god man, can you tell me where I can find the tracks of a lion? Do you know where lions live ?"

" Yes, " said the woodman , " I can show you not only the tracks of a lion , but, if you come with me, I shall show you the lion himself"

The hunter grew pale and said, " Oh, no, thank you, I have no wish to go anywhere with you . I am looking for a lion's tracks , and not for the lion himself"

  1. The leopard cannot change his spots.

  2. Actions speak louder than words.

  3. He laughs best who laughs last.

Exercise 1. Translate

Взялся за гуж, не говори , что не дюж.

Горбатого могила исправит.

Не по словам судят , а по его делам.

Что полезно одному , то другому вредно.

Exercise 2.

  1. I am reading the book " Lion at Large" after Richard Parker. I have read about Ingred who was the smallest girl in the class. The boys in the class did not care much for her; she seemed rather boyish. And she always sucked her hair. It was a habit she had, and she could not do anything about it. ( The leopard cannot change his spots )

  2. My elder brother is a person whom many people loved. He words in the daytime and studies in the evening . He is a good worker and an excellent student. He goes in for sports as well. My brother does not like to talk about himself ( Actions speak louder than words )

  3. Your mother sends you to your aunt with something for her. You say it won't take long and go. When you get to your aunt's home, your aunt says , " Oh, how glad I am you've come. I'm not well and there 's nobody at home . Will you go to the shop for me? " ( In for a penny , in for a pound )

Step 7.

Make hay while the sun shines

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Let begones be begones.

Text 1. They Both Made a Mistake.

Two men were staying at a hotel in the same room. One of them could not finish his purse and said that his neighbour had taken it. After some time the man found the purse in his pocket and apologized to his neighbour. The man said , " You thought I was a chief and I thought you were a gentleman , and we both made a mistake!"

" Well, let's forget about it." Said the other , " I opologized"

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Let begones be begones.

He laughs best who laughs last.

Exercise 1. translate :

  1. Куй железо пока горячо.

  2. Завтра , завтра - не сегодня ,так ленивцы говорят.

  3. Предупрежденье - то же бережение.

  4. Кто старое помянет, тому глаз вон.

  5. Кто предостережен, тот вооружен.

  6. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

  7. Береженного бог бережет.

Exercise 2. Use proverbs instead of the italicized words.

  1. When Sue told Behfman about Johnsy , he became very angry and shouted at Sue. But he could not be angry for a long time. He soon forgot everything and forgave Sue.

  2. When the doctor told Sue that Johnsy was worse and had only one chance in ten to live, Sue

knew what to do. She had been warned.

  1. Sue tried to pursuade Johnsy to fight for her life. It was necessary to want to live, and Sue did everything she could to make Johnsy think about all the interesting things she would do when she was well again. There was no time to lose. Before Johnsy shut her eyes , Sue must make her think of the future. She had to act at once or it would be too late.

  2. Behrman caught cold and died. It was a cold , rainy night when he went out to paint the leaf on the wall. But he knew that if he put it off till the next day it would be too late.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you say to one who had a good chance but missed it because he could not do the necessary things at once?

  2. Why is it best to do things at the right time?

  3. Why is it always good to know beforehand about a possible danger?

  4. What do we say when we want to forget our quarrels with friends and forgive them ?

Step 8.

To run with the hare and to hunt with the hounds.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

All is not gold that glitters.

Nothing venture , nothing have.

Text 1.

The Devoted Friend.

" Oh! I know nothing about the feeling of parents, " said the Water-rat. " I am not a family man. In fact, I have never been married, and I am not going to. Love is all very well in its way, but friendship is much higher. I indeed , I know of nothing in the world that is either nobler or rarer than a devoted friendship"

" And what is your idea of the duties of a devoted friend?"asked a green little bird who was sitting on a tree and had overheard the conversation.

" Yes, that is just what I want to know," said the Duck, and she swam away.

" What a silly question!" cried the Water-rat. " I should expect my devoted friend to be devoted to me, of course"

" And what would you do in return ? " said the little bird. " I don't understand you, " answered the Water-rat.

To run with the hare and to hunt with the hounds.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Nothing venture , nothing have.

Action speaks louder than words.

Exercise 1. Translate:

Вести двойную игру.

Друзья познаются в беде.

Не все золото , что блестит.

Попытка - не пытка.

Exercise 2. Use proverbs instead of italicized words

  1. Sue was beside Johnsy during her illness and she helped her to get well. She was a real friend to Johnsy.

  2. You want it both ways. You're either for us or against us. Which is it?

  3. The Miller spoke so well about true friendship that Little Hans believed him. But when it came to deeds the Miller was not so quick , and many people understood that he wasn't as good as he seemed to be.

  4. The men in Jack London's books live a difficult life, a life full of danger. In the terrible world that Jack London shows us in his stories about Alaska,. A man who makes even the smallest mistake will fall and die in the snow. But his characters are afraid of nothing, and they risk their lives in the struggle with nature. They know that if they don't , they will lose everything they have hoped for.

Exercise 3. Here are two ideas of friendship. Say who is right and give your opinion.

  1. The rich Miller who always asked Little Hans to help him said, " When people are in trouble they should be left alone and not be bothered by visitors. That at least is my idea of friendship and I am sure I am right"

  2. " But could we not ask Little Hans here? " said the Miller's youngest son. " If poor Hans is in trouble I will give him my porridge and show him my white rabbits"

Step 9.

Handsome is as handsome does

While there is a will there is a way

Live and learn

The early bird catches the worm.

Text 1.

The Professor Could Not Answer It

Old Mr. Brompton is a very clever man. Yet the other day he could not answer his granddaughter's question. " Grandpa, "she said . " I saw something so funny running across the kitchen floor without any legs. What do you think it was?" Grandpa thought and thought , but at last he had to give up.

" What was it?" he asked.

" Water , " replied the little girl triumphantly.

Live and learn

While there is a will there is a way.

Handsome is as handsome does.

The early bird catches the worm.

Exercise 1. Answer the questions :

  1. What do the people say when they see that they know very little about a thing?

  2. Why is it always better to get up early and begin one's work early?

  3. Why should a person never lose hope?

  4. What do we usually judge by? By their actions , by their appearance or by what they say?

Exercise 2. Translate :

Красив тот , кто красиво делает.

Пока живу надеюсь.

Век живи - век учись.

Кто рано встает , тому бог дает.

О человеке судят не по словам , а по его делам.

Exercise 3. Read and say the proverb instead of italicized words:

  1. Jack London slept only four or five hours a day. He knew he had to get up very early to do everything he had planned.

  2. Jack London never grew tired of studying. He was never ashamed that he had much to learn. He knew that one day he would get the knowledge he needed. He said to himself ; " The mistake I made yesterday I won't make tomorrow."

  3. Johnsy was terribly ill and did not believe that she would ever paint a good picture. She did not believe that she would get well. Her friend Sue was a different opinion. She tried to cheer up the sick girl. She told her to hope for the best and added that she would die too if Johnsy did.

  4. We wanted to go to the market very early. But when we got there we saw many people going home already. They had come earlier and had bought what they wanted very quickly.

Step 10.

It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Honesty is the best policy.

Let sleeping dog lie.

Second thoughts are best.

Text 1.

The Hares and The Frogs.

Once upon the time the hares were quite unhappy because they lived in fear of everybody. They were afraid of men, of dogs, of wolves, to say nothing of lions and tigers. They saw danger everywhere and could not enjoy life at all. One fine morning they gathered in the forest to discuss things. An old hare , who was very tired of this life , said, " Here we life in fear of danger. We cannot eat quietly , we cannot sleep quietly. Every animal in the forest frightens us. It is better to die than to life in such way. Our life is worse than death today."

As the other hares were very unhappy too, they agreed that the only way out was to die. And they decided to jump into the water. There was a deep lake in the forest , and they all ran quickly to it. When they reached the lake , some frogs on the shore saw them and jumped into the water . The hares stopped and one of them cried , " Friends , we are not the most unhappy animals in the forest. Look at those frogs. They are afraid even of us. Our life is not so bad , if there are other animals in the forest with even more danger around them. Let's be patient and try to enjoy life! " And the hares returned happily to the forest and have lived there ever since. They lead a quiet and careful life. They teach their children to hide under the trees and in the grass, and they train them to run fast when danger is near. And they never think of drowning themselves.

It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Let sleeping dog lie.

Second thoughts are best.

While there is a life there is hope.

Exercise 1. Translate :

  1. Последняя капля переполняет чашу.

  2. Не буди лиха, пока спит тихо.

  3. Семь раз отмерь, один отрежь.

Exercise 2. Make up your own stories.

  1. Honesty is the best policy ( to tell the truth, to tell lies, to be scolded , to be glad )

  2. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back ( to go camping, to be a fine day , to begin to rain, to pitch a tent, to make a fire, no matches, to eat, no knives, bread, butter, a cold wind, to get wet, let's go home )

  3. Let sleeping dog lie. ( not to like discussing unpleasant school news with parents)

  4. Second thoughts are the best ( to become an engineer, to be not good at, to change one's mind )

Model :m Mike was a pupil of the tenth form. His hobby was modeling, and he made models of planes and cars . But Mike wasn't good at Physics and Mathematics and he didn't often get good marks. Mike decided to become an engineer but he failed in the entrance examinations.

Then the boy changed his mind and decided to become a turner and he entered a trade school . Soon he learnt how to work at the machines and began to work at the factory . Mike liked the work and he worked well. He said to his friends that second thoughts were best.

Step 11.

It never rains but it pours.

Business before pleasure

Never say die.

Tastes differ

Exercise 1. Read the text

The Fox Without a Tail

Once a young fox with beautiful red fur was walking along the path in the forest where a trap was hidden. The fox did not see the trap and touched it with his tail. The trap closed and held him by the tail. The fox pulled and pulled and at last the tail broke. The fox was in great pain but he was very glad that he could run away through without his tail.

When the other foxes saw him without a tail he was very unhappy and ashamed. But our fox was very sly. She asked all the other foxes to come to his house. When they were all there he said to them , " Dear friends , I have asked you to come here because I want to tell you something very important. Tails are not in fashion now, you know, and they are very inconvenient . It is more graceful to walk without a tail. I advise you to imitate my style and cut your tails off. It is so easy to run without a tail. " An old fox who was also very sly said, " I think you parted with your tail because you had to. But we are going to keep our beautiful tails. "

Tastes differ.

It never rains but it pours.

Business before pleasure.

Never say die.

Exercise 2. Read and say proverb instead of the words

  • How do you like this red dress?

  • Well, you see, Nina, the material is good and the colour is nice but I don't like the style. I like that green one better.

  • It 's got too many buttons . I don't like so many buttons on a dress.

  • Well, do as you like . Buy the red one , then. No two people think the same way.

  • Have yoyu practice the piano , son?

  • Not yet.

  • Then you can't go to the cinema.

  • But Mother ….

  • When you've practiced you may go.

  • Why aren't you at school? What's the matter with you? What's happened to your arm?

  • Oh, I've broken it and now I've caught cold besides.

  • You don't say so! Troubles never come alone.

Exercise 3. Make up your own stories.

  1. Businees before pleasure ( to go to the skating -rink, to do homework )

  2. It never rains but it pours ( to break a cup, to lose smth. , to be late for school )

  3. Never say die ( to get bad marks in English , to help a friend in the language )

  4. tastes differ ( to see a film, to enjoy it very much, not to like the film at all )

Step 12.

A stitch in time saves nine.

Little strokes fell great oaks.

There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.

Everything is good in its season.

Exercise 1. read the text and choose the proverb

The Horse and the Lion.

Once a lion saw a fine young horse and wanted to eat her. But the horse was very careful and he could not catch her. Then the lion decided to tell the beasts in the forest that he was a good doctor and could easily cure any illness. The horse was clever. She understood everything and decided to teach the lion a lesson.

So one day when the lion was not far away , the horse asked him to look at her foot, as it gave her a great pain. This was just what the lion wanted. He was very glad and readily agreed to look. The horse lifted one of her legs from the ground and while the lion was looking at her foot , she gave him such a kick on the head with it that he fell to the ground. The horse ran away and laughed.

Second thoughts are best.

Look before you leap.

There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.

He laughs best who laughs last.

Exercise 2. Translate

Это бабушка надвое сказала.

Капля по капле и камень долбит.

Всякому овощу свое время.

Минутка час бережет.

Exercise 3. Say a proverb instead the italicized words

  • Why are you wearing a coat and a warm dress? It's not autumn yet. Why don't you put on a light dress if you want to wear a coat?

  • Well, you see , the fact is I've caught a cold and I am afraid of getting worse , that's why I've put on a coat. A stitch in time saves nine, you know.

  • I see.

Exercise 4. Make up a story

  1. Little stroke fell great oaks. ( to be a bad sportsman, to train every day, to attend a sports section, to become a good sportsman)

  2. There's many a slip between the cup and the lip. ( to make plans, to fall ill, bad luck )

  3. Everything is good in its season ( to eat very much in the evening, to sleep badly )

  4. A stitch in time saves nine ( to live in the country , not to be good, to say a proverb, to repair )

Step 13.

Two heads are better than one. Still waters run deep.

Don't halloo till you out of the wood. Curiosity killed a cat.

Exercise 1. Read the text and choose a proverb

In a forest near a river there lived a hare who was very proud of himself. Most of all he liked to talk about the way he could run. Of course, the other hares did not like him and refused to listen to him.

" I must stop boasting, " he thought , " then , my friends will talk to me again. "

But he forgot all his decision when he saw a tortoise . He looked at her short legs and cried " Oh, I am so glad that I am not a tortoise!" He was going to run away when the tortoise called out to him. " If you run so fast , let's have a race. " The hare began to laugh , " Have a race with you? I can get to finish and back before you cross the starting line. " The tortoise said , " Do you see that big tree over there? The finish will be at that tree." The tortoise was very clever and she wanted to teach the hare a lesson.

The hare ran off as fast as he could and the tortoise started slowly after him. The hare ran very fast and soon he was not far from the tree . He thought " I shall wait for the tortoise here when she comes near enough , I shall run to the finish and be the first. " But the day was very hot, and he soon felt asleep. Some time later he woke because he heard somebody laughing . He looked around and saw that the tortoise was nearly at the finish . The other hares were watching her and laughing. The proud hare got up and ran as fast as he could, but the tortoise was already reached the tree. The other hares laughed and said to each other , " He boasted very much , but he couldn't win a race against a tortoise , who is one of the slowest animals in the forest."

Still water runs fast. Don't halloo till you are out of the forest. Curiosity killed a cat. Two heads are better than one.

Exercise 2. Translate

Одна голова хорошо , две лучше Любопытство до добра не доводит. Не говори «гоп» , пока не перепрыгнешь. Много будешь знать скоро состаришься. В тихом болоте черти водятся.

Exercise 3. Finish with the help of the proverb

  • I'm getting wet.

  • Well, I told you it was going to rain. I said you would get wet in those clothes.

  • Oh, I don't like people who always say " I told you so!"

  • Here you may put on my raincoat.

  • No, I won't . My clothes will soon get dry when the rain stops and the sun shines.

  • And if not? …………………………..

  • What are you doing , Peter?

  • I'm writing a latter.

  • What are you writing about?

  • Don't ask too many questions …………………………

Exercise 4. Make up a story

  1. Still waters run deep ( to make smth., to do smth. oneself, you don't say so!)

  2. Two heads are better than one ( to prepare a wall newspaper, to turn for help, to be good at )

  3. Don't halloo till you out of the wood ( not to prepare for, never to do a thing, to fail in the exam)

  4. Curiosity killed a cat ( to call on smb., to attract smb.'s attention, to ask too many questions)

Step 14.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

First think then speak

One good turn deserves another

To tell tales out of school

Exercise 1. Read the text and use the proverb

The Lion and the Mouse

A lion was sleeping under a tree. Suddenly he heard a noise and opened his eyes. He saw a little mouse quite near his nose. He caught the mouse by the tail. The mouse was frightened to death and he cried , " Oh, please , sir, let me go!"

" Why did you make so much noise?" said the lion angrily.

" I am sorry. I was only looking for something to eat. Let me go. Perhaps I'll be able to help you some day. "

The lion laughed but he let the mouse go ; he was a kind lion. Now one day a young hunter was walking in the forest when he heard the lion's roar. He called up the other hunters and they put up a net near the lion's drinking place. When the lion was thirsty he went to the river . He did not see the net and was caught in it. He roared and struggled and struggled and roared , but the robes held him and he could do nothing. At last he was tired and hungry and lay still. Suddenly he saw the mouse . The little animal was working on the net with her sharp teeth. Soon she cut the first rope, then another and another. At last the lion was able to free himself.

" You laughed at me when I promised to help you , " said the mouse. " When I heard your roar I ran to help you , and now you see what I have done for you "

Every cloud has a silver lining.

One good turn deserves another.

Actions speak louder than words.

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Услуга за услугу.

  2. Выносить сор из избы.

  3. Молвишь - не воротишь.

  4. Долг платежом красен.

  5. нет худо без добра.

Exercise 3. read the dialogue and use the proverb instead of italicized words

  • I say, Kate , will you mend my socks , please?

  • Where are your new ones? Why can't you put them on?

  • Mother has put them somewhere and I couldn't find them .

  • I'll mend your socks if you help me to tidy the room.

  • All right. You help me and I'll help you.

Exercise 4. Make up a story

  1. Every cloud has a silver lining. ( rainy weather, bad summer, to be at home, to read many books

  2. First think then speak ( geography, at a lesson, to give one name instead of another, to laugh at smb., not to be ready )

  3. One good turn deserves another ( to help smb., to cook dinner, in return , to bring tickets to the concert )

Step 15.

Appearances are deceitful.

What is done cannot be undone.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Catch the bear before you sell his skin.

Exercise 1. Read the text and use the proverb

An Unpleasant Mistake

The train stopped at the border and the passengers were told to get their bags ready for examination by the customs officer.

One of the passengers had bought many boxes of cigarettes, and they were in the bags. He knew the customs limits on cigarettes, and the number he had was far more than was allowed. He was afraid that they would count how many boxes he had , and would take half of them away from him. So he took some boxes out of his bags and put them into his pockets. But when all the pockets were filled , there were still many boxes left. Something had to be done. The passenger went out into the corridor and saw a man standing alone at the window. " Will you help me?" he said going up to the man.

" I'd be glad to " the man answered.

" Please , put these cigarettes into your pockets until the customs examination is over"

" Why can't the cigarettes be left in your bags? " the other man asked.

" Because I have too many . I am afraid they will take some of them. "

" All right , " the man said. " Give them to me. But I must tell you now that I won't return them to you.

" Why not ? " the man asked in surprise.

" Because I am the customs officer, " was the answer.

Two heads are better than one.

Appearances are deceitful.

Catch the bear before you sell his skin.

Exercise 2. translate

  1. Лицом хорош ,а душой не пригошь.

  2. Сделанного не воротишь.

  3. Не дели шкуру не убитого медведя.

  4. Наружность обманчива.

  5. Не увив медведя , шкуру не продавай.

  6. С лица воды не испить.

Exercise 3. Make up you own story

  1. What is done cannot be undone ( to help smb., to wash dishes, to drop smth., to break smth.)

  2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away ( to catch a cold, to go and see the doctor, to examine smb., to give medicine for a headache, to eat lots of fruit)

  3. catch a bear before you sell his skin ( to boast about smth., to try hard, not to work hard, to fail)

  4. Appearances are deceitful ( to seem , to look angry, to be afraid of smth., the kindest man )

Step 16

Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

The rotten apple injures its neighbours

Hunger is the best sauce

Appetite comes with eating

Exercise 1. read the text and choose the right proverb

The Fox and the Grapes.

One wet morning a fox left his house and went out hunting. The weather was very bad - the wind was cold , and heavy clouds covered the sun. all the birds and the beasts in the forest hid from the rain and the fox could not find anything to eat. At last he went to the village , but the dogs met him with the loud barking. Now the fox was very hungry indeed and when he saw a grape-vine growing on a wall, he stopped. He looked at the ripe grapes and his mouth watered. " Now, I shall have something to eat at last" he thought. But he could not reach the grapes for they were high up on the wall. He began to jump . He jumped and jumped , but he couldn't get any. At last , tired and very very hungry , he turned his back on the grape-vine and walked away.

" Oh, well, the grapes are green and sour anyway" he said to himself.

The rotten apple injures its neighbours.

Hunger is the best sauce.

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.

No pains, no gains.

There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Голод - не тетка.

  2. Паршивая овца все стадо портит.

  3. Услуга за услугу.

  4. Аппетит приходит во время еды.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions using the proverbs

  1. Why do people who are really hungry never find fault with the food they are given?

  2. What do you say about a person who has a very bad influence on the others?

  3. What does your mother usually say to you when you tell her you don't want any dinner?

  4. When somebody did you good what will you do in return? And why?

Exercise 4. Make up your own story

  1. Hunger is the best sauce ( hungry as a hunter , to be fond of sweets , not to like soup, to have some more )

  2. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours ( will you do me a favour? To do sums, not to like , to do smth. Instead of )

  3. The rotten apple injures its neighbours ( to keep bad company, to be absent, to be ashamed, to understand, to play hockey )

Step 17.

A good beginning makes a good ending

Great boast, small roast

Don't cross a bridge till you come to it.

Bad news travels fast

Exercise 1. read the dialogue and find the English proverb in it

  • I say , Lena, do like Mark Twain's book?

  • It goes without saying. My favourite character is Tom Sawyer.

  • I like him too, though sometimes he didn't behave very well. And I think he liked to boast. He sometimes reminds me of the proverb……………………when he talks.

  • I don't think that this proverb describes Tom Sawyer.

Exercise 2. speak about a story ( a book) you read not long ago. Answer the following questions.

  1. Are there any characters in it about whom you may say : " Great boast small roast"?

  2. can you tell any of the characters not to cross their bridges before they come to them ?

  3. will the proverb " A good beginning makes a good ending " fit any of the situations in the story? If you explain why it fits.

Exercise 3. Translate

  1. Лиха беда начало.

  2. Звону много , толку мало.

  3. Наперед не загадывай.

  4. Худые вести на месте не лежат.

Exercise 4. Make up your own story

  1. Great boast small roast ( to be a lazy-bones, to get bad marks , to boast, to take the exam, to pass the exam well, to almost fail in an exam, to be ashamed)

  2. Don't cross a bridge before you come to the it ( to be on summer vocations, to go to some place on a visit, to be afraid of going by air, for the first time, to enjoy)

  3. Bad news travels fast ( to receive bad news , to be sorry for, to express one's sympathy, to help smb. )

Step 18.

Brevity is the soul of wit

No news is good news

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

East or west home is best

Exercise 1. Read the dialogue, change the situation by using the given proverb and some of words given

Words : unhappy, nervous, sad,

in two days, the day after tomorrow, next week,

English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Russian

  • Hallo, Jane

  • Hallo , Nina. So glad to see you.

  • And I am glad to see you too. But you look so excited. What's the matter?

  • Tomorrow I'll take my first exam. Naturally I can't help feeling excited.

  • What exam will it be?

  • Literature. I am afraid I shan't pass it. Then what shall I do?

  • Nonsense ! Don't talk like that! Everything will be all right.

Proverb : Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Не тронь лиха пока спит тихо

  2. Краткость - сестра таланта.

  3. В гостях хорошо , а дома лучше.

  4. Нет новостей- хорошая новость

Exercise 3. Answer the questions using proverbs

  1. It very often happens that you are homesick when you are away from home. Why is it so ?

  2. Why does your Russian teacher advise you not to use too many words when you are telling a story?

  3. What does your neighbour say when your mother is afraid that something has happened with you brother because there are no letters from him?

  4. Under what circumstances can you say to one of your classmates : " Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you"?

  5. Do you agree that no news are good news? If so, why?

  6. What will you advise one of your friends not to do if she can't help feeling excited before examinations and is sure she will fail?

Exercise 4. Make up your own dialogue

  1. I decided to write a long letter to my pen-friend. But then I remembered an English proverb . So I changed my mind and wrote a short one.

  2. You are staying in the country with your uncle and you are having a good time. But you want to go home because you are homesick.

  3. One of your friends who is to be operated on is very nervous about it. The doctor calms him.

Step 19.

Practice what you preach.

It is no use crying over the split milk.

The devil is not so black as he is painted

To make a silk purse out of the sow's ear.

Exercise 1. Read the joke and say the proverb

Tommy : Will you punish a boy for a thing that did not do?

Teacher : No, Tommy, I shall not punish a boy for a thing he did not do. Why do you ask?

Tommy : I ask because I did not do my homework.

It's no use crying over the split milk.

Practice what you peach.

First think then speak

Fortune favours the brave

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Из дерьма конфетку сделать

  2. Слова не должны расходиться с делом

  3. Потерянного не воротишь.

  4. Слезами горю не поможешь.

  5. не так страшен черт , как его молюют.

Exercise 3. Read the dialogue and continue it with the proverb

  • I simply can't learn English.

  • Why do you say that? I think you are making a lot of progress.

  • No, I am not. I try and try and I still can't speak it very well.

  • But don't give up. …………………………..

Exercise 4. Make up your own story

  1. It is no use crying over the split milk ( to buy a pair of new skies, to go skiing down the hill, to break a ski, to cry)

  2. The devil is not so black as he is painted ( to have to go to the dentist, to be afraid, to talk smb. into going )

  3. To make a silk purse out of the sow's ear ( to have some material, to have no money, to sow, to look expensive )

Step 20.

Neck or nothing

Cut your clothes according to your cloth

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

Care killed the cat

Exercise 1. Read the text and say proverbs

The Calf and the Cap

Lord S. was going along the village street one day when he met the son of one of his farmers . the boy was trying to lead an obstinate calf which was struggling very hard.

" Why don't you take off your cap?" asked Lord S.

" That I will , sir, " said the boy " if your Lordship will hold my calf "

Care killed the cat

Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

There's many a slip between the cup and the lip

Nothing venture , nothing have.

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Либо пан , либо пропал.

  2. По одежке протягивай ножки.

  3. Цыплят по осени считают.

  4. Не работа старит , а забота .

Exercise 3. Read the situation and decide which proverb given below fits it.

One of my friends told me once that his hobby was fishing. He became an ardent fisherman in his early boyhood. And now he always goes fishing during his summer holidays. He always dreams of the big catch he will make and how he will give half of it to his friends and the other half to his relatives. But very often he catches no fish at all.

Neck or nothing.

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

Exercise 4. Use the proverbs in situations of your own.

  1. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched ( to make plans for holidays, to count on , to let smb. down, to break the promise, it serves you right )

  2. Neck or nothing ( I won't stop at anything , there is no way out , by all means, come what may )

  3. Cut your coat according to your cloth ( to go shopping, what's the price? ; I'd like to buy, to be dear, I can't afford it )

  4. Care killed the cat ( to get ready for , to think about many things , to worry, couldn't sleep, to make fun of )

Step 21.

A drowning man will catch at a straw.

There no smoke without a fire

Pride goes before fall.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating .

Exercise 1. Read the text and say a proverb

The Vain Stag

One hot day a big stag who had a pair of very large antlers stood on the bank of a river. He was thirsty and went down to the water to drink . Suddenly he saw his reflection in the water. He was very pleased with what he saw. " Oh," he said ," What a beautiful pair of antlers I've got ! How fine my head is ! How proud I look! Nobody has such beautiful antlers as I have. Perhaps some people will say that my antlers are too big, but I don't think so. I like them very much. " And the vain stag looked again at his reflection in the water.

Suddenly he heard the dogs. Three hunters and their dogs came out of the forest. The stag ran across the field into the forest . He was already far from the dogs , but he caught his antlers in the branches of some low trees and could not go on.

The dogs ran up to him and pulled him to the ground. Then the hunters came up and killed him So his beautiful antlers , of which he had been so vain, were the cause of his death.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Pride goes before fall.

A drowning man will catch at a straw.

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Нет дыма без огня.

  2. Кто слишком высоко летает , тот низко падает.

  3. Все проверяется на практике.

  4. Утопающий хватается за соломинку.

  5. Обед узнают по кушанью, а ум по слушанью.

  6. Кто тонет - нож подай , и за нож ухватится.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions using the proverb

  1. What might you say to your friend if he tells you that the new film is good and advises you to see it?

  2. What might you say to a pupil who tries to use a crib?

  3. What might you say to person who thinks too much of himself and boasts all the time?

Exercise 4. Make up your own story

  1. A drowning man will catch at a straw ( to be examined, to be badly prepared , to try to use a crib)

  2. Pride goes before a fall ( to boast of being a good skater, not to train hard, to take part in a skating competition)

  3. The proof of the pudding is in the eating ( to hear that the film is good , to use it for oneself )

  4. There is no smoke without fire ( to miss lessons, to scold, to attend lessons )

Step 22.

Murder will out.

If the cap fits , wear it

Deeds , not words

Every dog has his day

Exercise 1. Read the text and say a proverb

The Poet and the Lady

A famous poet came on a visit to a lady who always said that she was fond of literature and especially of poetry. When they sat down to tea the poet wondered whether she received the little book of poems he had sent her. With a charming smile the lady said that the poems were splendid and she would like to read some from the book , but she could not remember where she had put it. Her little son was ready with the answer , " Under the leg of the table, mama, to make it steady"

Murder will out

If the cap fits , wear it

]deeds , not words

First think then speak.

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Шила в мешке не утаишь.

  2. Будет и на нашей улице праздник.

  3. Не по словам судят , а по его делам.

  4. На воре шапка горит. ( Если вы принимаете это на свой счет, пусть будет так)

  5. Важно не то, что говорит , а что делает

Exercise 3. Answer the question , using the proverbs

  1. What will you say when you learn the truth about something that your friend didn't want you to know?

  2. What do you say to a person who talks very much and does little?

  3. What can you say to cheer up a person who is often out of luck?

Exercise 4. Continue the dialoque with the help of the proverb

Teacher ( looking through Teddy's homework ) : I wonder how one person could make so many mistakes

Teddy : It wasn't one person , teacher . My brother helped me.

Teacher : There! I always say ………………….

Exercise 5. Make up your story

  1. Murder will out ( to break the window, to tell a lie, to see , to know the truth, to be ashamed )

  2. If the cap fits , wear it ( to get bad marks, to come home sad, to be asked by mother, to cry )

  3. Every dog has his day ( not to be a very good pupil, to take part in the play, surprised and pleased, to be a wonderful actor )

Step 23.

You cannot eat your cake and have it.

Custom is a second nature.

A man can die but once.

A cat in gloves catches no mice.

Exercise 1. Read the text, choose the proverb

The Farmer's Treasure

A farmer who was very ill heard from the doctor that he had only a short time to live. He was not a rich man and he worked hard all his life. But his sons were very lazy and did not like to work hard in the fields.

He called his sons to his bedside and said , " My sons , I shall die very soon and you will be alone on this farm. I leave a treasure , but you must find it yourselves in one of the fields. "

He did not say anything more and soon he died. His sons wanted to find the treasure very much and though they were lazy they went to the fields to dig. They dug all over the fields , but they did not find any treasure there. They were very tired and angry at first but when they came to plant wheat, they found that their digging had made it much easier for them. The harvest was very rich and they sold it in the market and got a good some of money . So now they understood what treasure their father had left them.

A man can die but once.

A cat in gloves catches no mice.

Custom is the second nature.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Exercise 2. Translate

  1. Привычка - вторая натура.

  2. Без труда не вытащишь рубку из пруда.

  3. Один пирог два раза не съешь.

  4. Двум смертям не бывать , а одной не миновать.

  5. Не замочив руки, не умоешься.

  6. В одну реку дважды не войдешь.

Exercise 3. Make up your story

  1. Custom is the second nature ( to go to bed early, to write a composition, to want to sleep)

  2. A man can die but once ( to be afraid to go to the hospital , to have an operation)

  3. A cat in gloves catches no mice ( to refuse to peel potatoes, to be scolded by mother )

  4. You cannot eat your cake and have it ( to go to the cinema, to buy a book )

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