Итоговая работа по английскому языку 4 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Итоговая работа по английскому языку за 4 класс

Часть 1 - аудирование

Послушай Марка и Алису, разговаривающих о домашних питомцах. Выбери и отметь галочкой правильный ответ.

What will Mark do on holidays?

  • Go to the village □

  • Visit a museum □

  • Buy a new pet □

Часть 2 - чтение

Прочитай текст. Выбери правильное окончание предложения согласно информации из текста. Отметь галочкой правильный ответ.

Fred runs because it…

  • wanted to see new houses □

  • didn't have any friends □

  • wants to find Fred □

Tad and Fred

Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки).

One day (однажды) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.

"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Я сожалею, но я не знаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house.

He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.

Часть 3 - письмо

Прочитай письмо от твоего друга по переписке. Напиши ответ. Расскажи ему о себе и ответь на три его вопроса (Какая у тебя школа? Есть ли у тебя друзья в классе? Чем ты любишь заниматься )

Dear friend,

My name is Den. I live in London, England. I am ten. My birthday is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I have a sister.

I go to School. My school is big and nice. What about your school? There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class? I like to read books. I can sing and play games. What about you? I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Часть 4 - лексика

Прочитай текст. Постарайся определить, какие слова пропущены. Заполни пропуски в тексте, используя слова, приведённые в рамке.

were could lived promise tail village that their saw

A long, long time ago there was a wolf that 0) lived in the woods. It was always hungry, so it went to a village nearby and stole food. The people 1) ……………… afraid of it.

One day the wolf 2) ………….. a gentle and kind old man wearing a black robe. "Come here, Brother Wolf," he said. The wolf 3) ………….. understand him! The old man was so kind, that the wolf sat down at his feet. "Brother Wolf, many people are angry because you steal their food, but if you 4) …………….. to be good, they will love you," the old man said. The wolf wagged his 5) ……………. And kissed the old man's hand. After 6) …………. The wolf became the old man's pet and they went to the 7) ………….. together.

When the people saw that the wolf wanted to be good, they always gave him food. The wolf was very happy. Soon the people of the village loved the wolf and they let him go in and out of 8) …………… houses.

Часть 5 - грамматика

Закончи электронное письмо Билла его другу Джону. Поставь глаголы в скобках в нужное время.

Dear John,

Hello! How are you? I 0) am writing (write) to tell you about my new neighbourhood. It's really nice and my school is great.

My school is far, so I usually 1) ……………. (take) a bus to get there, but sometimes my dad 2) ……………. (drive) me. Yesterday my friends and I 3) …... (decide) to walk to school and we 4) …………… (get) there half an hour late! My teachers are very friendly! Right now they 5) …………… (plan) a new school play. Can you come? It's going to be in December.

There is also a big park next to my house. I often 6) ……………. (go) there with my friends at the weekend. We usually 7) ……………. (play) football, but this weekend we 8) …………… (play) basketball. I take my dog Max to the park every day. He 9) …………… (love) running there! We 10) …………….. (not/go) to the park yesterday because mum 11) ……………… (take) him to the vet.

What about you? Please write back soon and 12) ……………… (tell) me your news. Take care!

Best wishes,


Часть 6 - Письмо

Прочитай письмо Майка и напиши ответ. Используй письмо Майка как образец для твоего письма. В твоем письме должны ответы на вопросы Майка.

Dear friend,

My name is Mike. I'm ten years old. I live in Scotland with my mother and father. My mother is a teacher and my father is a driver. I have a sister Betsey.

I go to school. My favourite subject is Maths. I like to play football very much.

What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you go to school? What is your favourite subject? Do you have a hobby?

Write soon.


Dear Mike,



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