Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
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  1. Complete each sentence with one of the words below. trouble, education, attend, allowed, have, punish, private, punishment, behaves In Russia education is compulsory between ages of 6-7 and 15 years. There are different types of secondary schools in the country. Most of them are state schools where ... is free.

But some parents want their children to attend ... schools which aren't free.

Children have to ... school from Monday till Friday. In some schools they ... to wear uniform. In others they are ... to wear what they want.

The discipline isn't very strict. But if a pupil... badly the teacher can ... the child. Of course, the ... isn't severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of ... and always do their best.

2. Complete the sentences.

  1. If she ... (be) more energetic, she ... (try) her chance.

  2. If I ... (be) you, I ... (try) to explain the problem to my parents.

  3. If I….(be) wiser, I….(get) in this situation.

3. Choose the correct translation of the sentences:

  1. Her behavior is getting worse and worse, we must do something.

а) Ее поведение становится все хуже и хуже, вероятно, нам следует что-то предпринять.

б) Ее поведение становится все хуже и хуже, хорошо бы нам что-то предпринять.

в) Ее поведение становится все хуже и хуже, мы должны что-то предпринять.

  1. She has to go to school early tomorrow.

а) Завтра она придет в школу рано.

б) Ей нужно прийти в школу рано завтра.

в) Желательно, чтобы завтра она пришла в школу рано.

  1. You should go to the doctor immediately.

а) Вы обязаны обратиться к врачу немедленно.

б) Вам следует немедленно обратиться к врачу.

в) Обратитесь к врачу.

4 Choose the correct pronoun:

  1. Our teacher expects ... to think of our future, a) ours b) us c) we

  2. Would you like ... to stay out of trouble? a) they b) their c) them

  3. His mother wants…..to think of the future a) his b) him c) he

5.Complete the sentences using the preposi­tions: to, of, for, at, on.

  1. "What are you looking ...?" - "I've lost my pen."

  2. She always laughs ... his silly jokes.

  3. I think teenagers …the world have the same problems.

6. Read the text. Choose the best answer to each question.

Children and Work

England could be growing richer using the workforce of schoolchildren who are working too young. Perhaps England has about a million children workers.

A national study that will be organised by specialist Chris Pond, will find out if employers are making young people do difficult work for a child's wages.

Mr. Pond says the aim of the study is not to stop children's work. He thinks many young people enjoy working - and they especially enjoy the pocket money they earn. However, they may also be paid less money. They risk being in danger and they miss school very often.

Six weeks ago the Government started a campaign against children missing classes, with a plan to punish parents who allow their children not to go to school regularly. Politicians were shocked by a new report which showed as many a seven out of 10 children who don't go to school at least once a month.

Through his study, Mr. Pond also hopes to find out what children spend their money on. 'I don't expect to find that they are working to help their families- although some might be. Most are likely to be spending money on compact discs and sporting clothes for themselves,' he said.

1. What becomes clear from this part of the text?

In England

A. children who have a job earn a lot of money.

B. many children who are not old enough have jobs.

C. parents often force their children to take on jobs.

2. What will Chris Pond try to find out?

A. What kind of work children ususally do.

B. Whether working children are paid too little.

C. Why so many children have jobs.

3. What does this part of the text make clear?

A. Children should not be allowed to work for money.

B. Young people often know the disadvanges of jobs very well.

C. Working not only has positive but also negative sides for children.

4. What sort of campaign did the Government start six weeks ago?

A. campaign against children behaving badly to teachers.

B. children having all kinds of jobs.

C. children staying away from school a lot.

5. What does Mr. Pond want to find out?

A. How much money working children have to give to their parents.

B. On what things children spend the money they have earned.

C. With what kind of work children earn most.

7.Which is the right verb to fill in hand or break?

The teacher asked the pupil on duty to ... out the essays. 2. "Are your papers finished? It's time you should ... them in," said r Adams. 3. It was late night, our car was ... down, we couldn't pair it and didn't know what to do. 4. The skill of making pottery is ... down from generation to generation. 5. The police ... down the door and rushed into the entrance hall. 6. I asked one of the boys to ... out the copies to the class. 7. World War II ... out in 1939. 8. Our television hasn't ... down since it was fixed. 9. In the year 2000 a terrible epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease ... out in агоре. 10. Under the weight of lorries the old wooden bridge ... down. Luckily there were no victims of the accident.

8. A. What is another way of saying it?

a nursery school - a kindergarten

a mixed school -

to finish school -

the teachers' room -

to sit an exam -

to take A-level exams -

to study a subject -

to mark and grade a pupil's paper -

to get ready for an exam -

not to pass an exam -

a summer vacation -

to attend school -

B. What is the opposite?

to be at school - to leave school

independent schools -

day schools -

classroom activities -

weekdays -

to pass an exam -

boys'/girls' schools -

to miss a class -

9. Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verbs: must, have to.

You ... go to bed immediately. It's midnight already. 2. You ... the dog tonight. I'll be out. 3. If you want to be a pupil of the school specializing in science, you will ... improve your maths. You are coughing too badly. You really ... stop smoking and you definitely ... not stay too long in the cold, Mr Gordon. 5. I have put weight. I really ... stop eating so much cake and chocolate. 6. The accident was your fault. You ... be more careful in future. 7. ... you wear these tight trousers whenever your granny comes? always gets furious when she sees you in them. 8. You ... phone Alice about the meeting tomorrow. Boris has already explained everything to her. 9. Clara ... go shopping yesterday. None of the family d do it except her. 10. ... you always be talking in my class,Charlie?

10. Choose the right item to complete the sentences.

The novel was just great: I read a ... of pages and couldn't put the book down.

a) pair b) two c) couple

Here is your cup of coffee. Would you like anything ...?

a) apart b) except c) besides

It's not easy to predict what is ... us in the future.

a) awaiting b) waiting c) expecting

Travelling by train is not ... so thrilling as travelling by sea.

a) quite b) quiet c) quietly

Could you drop me ... on the corner of the road? Thanks very much.

a) out b) in c) off

Mr Smith looked at us ... but didn't say a word.

a) nervousness b) nervous c) nervously

I like listening to music or reading a magazine while travelling ... train.

a) on b) by c) in

Pirates kept their gold in huge wooden ...

a) suitcases b) rucksacks c) trunks

Is it a ... train or do I have to change?

a) thorough b) through c) threw

11. Make the right choice

1.We….in London now.

A.live B. lives C. have lived

2. Last night I….a wonderful dream.

A. have B. had. C. am having

3. I have many friends….are interesting

A. It B. Them C. They

4. I can see a lot of…in the yard.

A. childs B. children C. childrens

5. India….in Asia.

A. is situated B. is proud of C. is interested in

6. My parents…allow me to go out.

A. doesn't B. don't C. not to

7. We are going to the theater… Sunday.

A. in B. on C. at

8. It usually…me ten minutes to get to the Post Office.

A. take B. took C. takes

9. Whose ticket is this? (It belongs to you)

A. mine B. yours C. ours

10. Have you seen the boy…won the competition?

A. who B.which C.-

11. Our house is…good.

A. quite B. quiet C. quietly

12. Pay attention…your pronunciation.

A. in B. at C. to

13. I can speak neither French nor German.-English is…foreign language I can speak.

A. only B. the only C. one

  1. Express the same in English.

1. Я постелила тебе постель. Твоя пижама под подушкой. 2. Вот те наручные часы, которые мама подарила мне на день рождения. 3. Лестница была высокой, и мы устали, пока добирались до седь­мого этажа. 4. Интересно, чьи это похороны? 5. Все эти деньги уже потрачены. 6. Принеси мне свою одежду, я поглажу ее. 7. Сколько часов у вас дома? 8. На светофоре красный свет (to show green/red light). Сейчас нельзя переходить улицу. 9. Твоя новая одежда вы­глядит очень нарядно. Мне она нравится. 10. Я не держу (keep) деньги дома. Мои деньги в банке.

13. Choose the right item.

1. The language that is spoken in Thailand is (a Thai/Thai). 2. Huan was born in Mexico. As many (Mexicans/the Mexicans) he is very hot-tempered. 3. The language of Brazil is (Portuguese/the Portuguese). 4. Hans is (Dutch/the Dutch). 5. (The British/British) live mostly on the British Isles. 6. Is John Barker (a British/a Britisher)? 7. (Belgians/The Belgians) are the nation of people who come Belgium. 8. (The Chinese/Chinese) speak Chinese. 9. Jack Barker is (English/an English). 10. There were people of various nationalities in our delegation - (Swiss/the Swiss, Norwegians/the Norwegians, ( Dutch/the Dutch).

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