Тест на образование притяжательного падежа существительных

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 2 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Тест «Образование притяжательного падежа существительных»

  1. Замени форму существительных с предлогом of притяжательным падежом:

  1. The bag of my father -

  2. The word of my mother -

  3. The dogs of her friends -

  4. The toys of the children -

  5. The order of the teacher -

  6. The sister of his mother -

  7. The poems of Lermontov -

  8. The hats of men -

  9. The name of their chief -

  10. The house of my parents -

  11. The novels of Pushkin -

  12. The birthday of Helen -

  13. The flat of her friend -

  14. The cat of the girl -

  15. The room of the boys -

  1. Переведи фразы:

  1. жена моего брата -

  2. письмо Ани -

  3. день рождения её дочери -

  4. страницы книги -

  5. портфели учеников -

  6. дневник Бена -

  7. имя его друга -

  8. дом их бабушки -

  9. стены комнаты -

  10. дети наших сестёр -

  1. Образуй притяжательный падеж существительных там, где это необходимо:


Your mother and your father are your parents. Your mother is your father wife. Your father is your mother husband. Your mother father is your grandfather. So is your father father. Your father mother is your grandmother. So is your mother mother. Your mother sister is your aunt. So is your father sister. Your father brother is your uncle. So is your mother brother. Your aunt children are your cousins. So are your uncle children. The child of a brother or sister is a niece or nephew. Girls are nieces and boys are nephews.



Your mother and your father are your parents. Your mother is your father's wife. Your father is your mother's husband. Your mother's father is your grandfather. So is your father's father. Your father's mother is your grandmother. So is your mother's mother. Your mother's sister is your aunt. So is your father's sister. Your father's brother is your uncle. So is your mother's brother. Your aunt's children are your cousins. So are your uncle's children. The child of a brother or sister is a niece or nephew. Girls are nieces and boys are nephews.

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