Тест по английскому языку 9 класс 1 четверть УМК Кузовлев

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Поделитесь с коллегами:
  1. Choose the appropriate word for the following sentence: Reading is one of the _______ hobbies you could have

  1. good

б. best

в. better

г. bad

  1. Choose the appropriate word for the following sentence: Reading is a way for me to relax and _____ my imagination

а. to make

б. to get

в. to use

г. to end

  1. Translate: Reading improves your spelling and vocabulary

а. Чтение улучшает твое правописание и словарный запас

б. чтение улучшает твою разговорную речь и словарный запас

в. От чтения правописание и словарный запас не становятся лучше

г. Чтение развивает написание и вокабуляр

  1. Translate: I prefer to read non-fiction books

а. Я предпочитаю читать нехудожественную литературу

б. Я не люблю читать нехудожественную литературу

в. Я люблю читать детективы

г. Я люблю читать справочники

  1. Choose the sentence with Present Simple

а. Books have influenced all my life

б. I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week

в. I read books every day

г. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

  1. Choose the sentence with Present Progressive

а. Books have influenced all my life

б. I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week

в. I read books every day

г. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

  1. Choose the sentence with Present Perfect

а. Books have influenced all my life

б. I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week

в. I read books every day

г. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

  1. Choose the sentence with Present Perfect Progressive

а. Books have influenced all my life

б. I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week

в. I read books every day

г. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

  1. Translate into Russian: Catchy tune

а. Немелодичный мотив

б. Театр оперы

в. Легко запоминающийся мотив

г. Духовой оркестр

10. Translate into Russian: A first night

а. Премьера

б. Театр оперы

в. Аншлаг

г. Духовой оркестр

  1. Translate into Russian: Full house

а. Иметь место

б. Театр оперы

в. Аншлаг

г. Духовой оркестр

  1. Translate into English: Фестиваль в шотландской столице проводится каждый год

а. The festival at the Scottish capital is held every year

б. The festival at the Scottish capital was held every year

в. The festival at the Scottish capital is hold every year

г. The festival at the Scottish capital holds every year

  1. Choose the sentence with Future Simple:

а. You are a Russian pupil

б. I think we'll enjoy the concert tonight

в. Very few young people know about Gershwin today

г. He created the most romantic music I've ever heard.

  1. Translate into English: На следующей неделе я собираюсь на концерт нашей школьной рок-группы

а. Next week I went to the concert of our school rock group

б. Next week I was going to the concert of our school rock group

в. Next week I am going to the concert of our school rock group

г. Last week I am going to the concert of our school rock group

  1. Translate into Russian: to enter a chart

а. продвигаться

б. выпускать

в. заслуживать внимания

г. войти в список лучших музыкантов

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