Презентация по теме Праздники

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Презентации
Формат docx
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Конспект открытого урока в 6 классе от 20.03.2010г.

Тема: Holidays (праздники).

Задачи: создать для учащихся необходимые условия для выработки умений работать с чтением, лексикой, грамматикой; развивать навыки поискового чтения с применением информационных технологий; воспитывать чувство гордости за свою страну и свою малую родину с применением материалов школьного музея.

- Goodmorning, everybody! I am glad to see you.

Повторение форм неправильных глаголов.

-Let's review the list of Irregular verbs. Translate into English, add the second and the third forms of Irregular verbs, then translate.

Работа с видо-временными формами глагола.

-Now, look here. Make up the formulae of English Tenses. Who wants to make up the formula of Present Simple?

Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect?

-Look at the blackboard. You can see five sentences. Please, read the sentences, define tense, then translate.

  1. They have brought Christmas presents for their friends.

  2. They are decorating a New Year tree.

  3. She cooks special dishes at Easter.

  4. I had a picnic with my friends on the first of May.

  5. She will send cards to her friends at Valentine's Day.

Осуществление совместного целепологания.

- Christmas, New Year, Easter, May Day, Valentine's Day… What is the theme of our lesson? How do you think? (name of pupil), go to the blackboard and write down the theme of our lesson.

-Now answer my questions:

  1. Do you like holidays?

  2. What holidays do you know?

  3. What holidays do you like best?

  4. What do you usually do for your relatives and friends on holidays?

Use ex.19, p. 150 from your textbooks.

Контроль домашнего задания (пересказ текста об одном из праздников). Слайд 1, 2, 3.

-Your homework was to prepare retelling about one of the holidays. I want (name of pupil) to tell us about Christmas (New Year, Easter, May Day, Valentine's Day).

  1. Do you have a special dinner with your family at Christmas?

  2. Do you like to decorate a New Year tree with toys or sweets?

  3. Do you help your mother on this day only or not?

  4. Do you collect eggs and sweets at Easter?

  5. Do you send special cards to someone you love?


-OK, the first part of our lesson is over. Let's have a rest.

Look left, look right,

Look up, look down,

Look around.

Look at your nose,

Look at that rose,

Close your eyes,

Open, wink and smile.

Самоконтроль общих знаний по теме.

-Now, you are full of strength. I prepare a test for you. Take your sheets of paper, write down your name and date.

Работа с новым текстом «День Победы».

-Now, I want to present you the great holiday of our country - Victory Day.

Слайд 4.

  1. Take your texts about Victory Day, find the words under the text. Read them after me.

  2. Look through the text, find the international words from the text.

  3. Read the international words after me.

  4. Put the transcription above the international words.

  5. Find the underlined sentence and read it, translate it.

  6. Among them: Kuleshov Nikolai, слайд 5

Vologodskaya Elizaveta, слайд 6

Zhenya Bespomosch nov,

Ivan Hurtin,

Pantelei Kyan zhyn,

Mihail Mizinov. слайд 7

Домашнее задание.

-Our lesson is going to the end. Write down your homework. Your homework is reading and translating this text.

Завершение урока.

-At our lesson we have spoken about different holidays. We have just read the text about Victory Day. It is the great holiday for Russian people. At last I want you to read the main idea of this text (read the last sentence).

I want you to be honest and kind, to be good at your school subject, to be deserved of our veterans.

The lesson is over.

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