Тест по английскому языку за 3 четверть (6 класс) по М. З. Биболетовой

Этот тест за 3 четверть  для 6 класса по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой "EnjoyEnglish".  Задания направлены на умение различать слова "older"  и "elder", умение использовать притяжательный падеж, знание глаголов "get" и "give"  и выражения с ними, различие синонимичных слов "house" и "home", употребление глагола в PresentPerfect, умение логически расставлять  предложения, чтобы получился рассказ, знание названий членов семьи. Задания: 1. Translate the words. 2. Choose older or elder,  3. Put the phra...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Контрольная работа за 3 четверть.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Мама 2) папа 3) брат 4) сестра 5) племянник 6) племянница 7) дядя 8) тетя

  1. Choose older or elder

  1. Who's ___ you or your brother?

  2. My mother is ___ than my father

  3. I have got an ___ sister.

  4. Tom is ___ than his friend Tim.

  5. His ___ brother is 19. He is 16.

  1. Use possessive case.

The bear of my sister

The book of my father

The toys of my younger brother

The tail of the lion

The house of my uncle

  1. Put give or get

  1. I like to ___ letters.

  2. He ___ up playing tennis.

  3. Do you ___ along well with your mother?

  4. Do you ___ rid of your old clothes on Christmas?

  5. My father ___ up smoking last year.

  6. I __ up at 7 o' clock every morning.

  1. Put the verbs into Present Perfect:

  1. You (join) the society already.

  2. Your son (be) at school today?

  3. Your mother (get) a letter yet?

  4. My cousin ( finish) her homework.

  5. You (see) these animals before?

  1. Choose house or home

  1. I have got a big ___.

  2. I like my ___.

  3. Mr. Black's ___ is big and nice.

  4. There is no place like ___.

  1. Put the sentences into the correct order.

  1. Add salt.

  2. Add greenery to cucumbers and tomatoes.

  3. Cut cucumbers into small pieces.

  4. Take some greenery and cut it.

  5. Put oil into the salad.

  6. Cut tomatoes into small pieces.

  7. The salad is ready.

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