Урок по английскому языку по теме Здесь говорят только на языке любви

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МБОУ «Средняя школа №10»

г.Рославля Смоленской области.

"Only love is spoken here"

Литературно-поэтическая композиция.

Учитель высшей категории

Бородулина Н.А.

2014 г.

Тема: "Only love is spoken here".

Задачи: 1) активизировать и расширить лексический запас на примере поэзии Р.Бернса и других поэтов; 2) совершенствовать ранее приобретенные навыки и знания устной речи.

Цели урока: - развитие кросс-культурной грамотности учащихся;

-развитие у учеников эстетического восприятия мира,

умения ценить прекрасное в поэзии, умения ощущать себя

неотъемлемой частицей окружающего мира;

- воспитание нравственных понятий, таких как: любовь,


Оборудование: плакаты с цитатами и выражениями о любви;

стереозапись; визитные карточки.

Ход занятия:

P. Hi! My name is Nastya. Welcome to "Only love is spoken here". - a programme presented by our class. So if you are bitter, pessimistic, angry, selfish - only love will save you.

P2. Love -L-O-V-E only four letters, but it's a big word. A lot of people have their own idea about what it means.

P3. Albert Schweitzer said that as long as there are people in the world, who are hungry, sick, lonely or living in fear, they are my responsibility. That is love.

P4. Robert frost said: "'We love the things we love for what they are".

P5. Someone once said "Love is not getting, but giving - it is goodness, honour and peace".

P6. -And speaking of peace and goodness, have you looked at the newspaper lately? There's a lot of poverty, hunger and crime out here.

P7. I wish more people would care about one another, be givers - not takers.

P8. I guess before we try to change the whole world, we've got to like ourselves first - starting with the way we look.

P9. It's amazing, how many kids don't like the way they look. But not us. Right?

All. Right.

P10. I like the way I look

The things from my parents I took

I like the way that I look.

I like my nose and my face.

I take them with me every place.

I like the way that I look.

T. How you look on the outside, isn't important. It's what's on the inside that counts. Be good to yourself.

P1. Be good to yourself

Remember each day.

That working is fine

But don't forget play

Be good to yourself.

Remember to say

A few words of praise

To yourself every day.

Remember to laugh,

To sing and have fun.

Do a little of each

Before each day is done!

P2. Sometimes we show our love in very simple ways - like saying "Thank you". Thank you for helping me carry my packages. Thank you for being my friend. And do you know what my answer to any "thank you is?" it's saying "thank you" for saying "Thank you".

Т. When the angels in clouds begin to cry

White snow falls and falls from the sky,

And there is no day, there is no night,

There is only snow as grey morning light.

"What is the love? -I ask the snow,

And all world answers: "I don't know".

* * *

РЗ. A red, red rose.

By R. Burns.

Oh, my luve's like a red, red rose,

That's newly sprung in June;

Oh, my luve's like the melodies,

That's sweetly played in tune.

As fair art though, my bonnie lass,

So deep in luve am I;

And I will luve thee still, my dear,

Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,

And the rocks melt wi' the sun:

I will love thee still, my dear,

While the sands o'life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only luve!

And fare thee weel a while!

And I will come again, my luve,

Tho'it were ten thousand mile.


Роберт Бернс.

Любовь, как роза, роза красная,

Цветет в моем саду

Любовь моя - как песенка,

С которой в путь иду.

Сильнее красоты твоей

Моя любовь одна

Она с тобой, пока моря

Не высохнут до дна.

Не высохнут моря, мой друг,

Не рушится гранит,

Не остановится песок,

А он, как жизнь, бежит ...

Будь счастлива, моя любовь,

Прощай и не грусти.

Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет

Пришлось бы мне пройти!

* * *

О whistle and I'll come to you, my lad,

О whistle and I'll come to you, my lad.

Tho' father and mother, and all should gae mad

Thy Jeanie will venture with you, my lad.

At kirk, or at market whene'er you meet me,

Gang by me as thou that you car'd пае a flie;

But steal me a blink o'your bonie black e'e.,

Yet, look as you were no looking at me. -

Yet, look as you were no looking at me.

* * *

Ты свистни - тебя не заставлю я ждать,

Ты свистни - тебя не заставлю я ждать.

Пусть будут браниться отец мой и мать,

Ты свисти - тебя не заставлю я ждать!

А если мы встретимся в церкви, смотри:

С подругой моей, не со мной говори,

Украдкой мне ласковый взгляд подари,

А больше - смотри! - на меня не смотри,

А больше - смотри! - на меня не смотри.

В less you, b less you burnie - bee,

Tell me when my wedding be;

If it be tomorrow- day,

Take your wings and fly away.

Fly to the east, fly to the west

Fly to him I love the best.

* * *

Божья коровка, милая моя!

Ты скажи мне, расскажи, когда венчаюсь я?

Если завтра утром, ты поторопись,

Крылышком хлоп-хлоп в небо поднимись.

Лети, лети на запад, на запад, на восток,

Лети, где поджидает мой ласковый дружок.

* * *

From thee, Elisa, I must go,

And from my native shore:

The cruel fates between us throw

A boundless ocean's roar,

But boundless oceans, roaring wide,

Between my love and me,

They never, never can divide

My heart and soul from thee.

Farewell, farewell, Elisa dear,

The maid that I adore!

A boding voice is in mine ear,

We part to meet no more!

But the latest throb that leaves my heart,

While Death stands Victor by,

That throb, Elisa, is thy part,

And thine that latest sign!

* * *

Прощусь, Элиза, я с тобой

Для дальних, чуждых стран.

Мою судьбу с твоей судьбой

Разделит океан.

Пусть нам в разлуке до конца

Томиться суждено,-

Не разлучаются сердца,

Что спаяны в одно!

Оставлю я в родной стране

Тебя, мой лучший клад.

И тайный голос шепчет мне:

Я не вернусь назад.

Последнее пожатье рук

Я унесу с собой.

Тебе - последний сердца стук

И вздох последний мой.

* * *

Golden hair.

By James Joyce.

Lean out of the window,

Golden hair,

I heard you singing

A merry air

My book is closed

I read no more,

Watching the fire dance

On the floor.

I have left my book,

I have left my room.

For I heard you singing

Through the gloom.

Singing and singing

A merry air

Lean out of the window,

Golden hair.

* * *

This is Olga who loves Kolya

This is Kolya who hates Olya and loves Katya

This is Katya who loves Sasha and doesn't

Love Kolya who hates Olya.

But Sasha who is loved by Katya doesn't

Love her because he loves only bad girls.

T. Love makes the world go round.

Round and around.

It makes you feel

It makes you real.

Robert Frost said, "'Earth is the right place for love".

And I say "Go out and love others and have a good day!"

Исполняется песня «Мир не прост».

Т. When you are feeling pessimistic, or angry or bitter - say to yourself - "Only love is spoken here». And everything will be all right. Only love will save you.

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