Фрагмент урока на тему Граффити

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
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Фрагмент урока в 10 классе по теме «Граффити»

Мотивация. Сообщение темы урока.

How's life, dear children?
I see you're well. You know, to be active and healthy you should spend some time outdoors. By the way, some days ago I was walking along the streets and enjoying our small but nice town. But suddenly a few rather unusual pictures on the garage door and on the sea coast attracted my attention. (Показываю на слайдах или фото рисунки на дороге, гараже, стене) Have you seen them too? Do you know how they are called? You're right, it's graffiti.

So the object of our lesson is Graffiti. Vandalism or Art.

We are going to discuss such questions:

* What is graffiti?

  • What's the difference between a fine masterpiece and graffiti on a wall?

  • Is graffiti always negative?

  • Is graffiti a contemporary problem caused only by teenagers?

  • Is it possible to remove graffiti?

Look at the pictures and decide what groups they can be divided into.

Учитель и ученики вместе обсуждают и определяют названия групп, обосновав ответы.

* Negative graffiti * Positive graffiti

* Advertisement graffiti * 3D graffiti

Работа в группах. Обсуждение идей и их презентация. Объединив учеников в 4 группы, определяю им задание собрать идеи в пределах группы, описывающие такого рода рисунки. Предположительные ответы:

Negative graffiti: Not always graffiti is bright and beautiful. Taggers can do bad graffiti everywhere : on the houses, walls, fences, cars, trains, garages or in metro. It often spoils cities' or people's properties. Moreover graffiti is illegal. People can remove them but it's not an easy task and costs a lot. We think that it's a real problem for all the cities in the world. To have less graffiti there should be, communities or programs which can help cities' administrations to clean it up.

3D graffiti: 3D graffiti is a real masterpiece. We think it can be done only by professionals because such pictures look so real that people admire them and try to touch it. They like to watch the artists doing the pictures. We realize it's a serious job and takes much time but it's worth doing it. This kind of art is worth being displayed in galleries and exhibitions. It's an involving art form.

Advertisement graffiti: Graffiti is a worldwide kind of art which is used in advertising business on different products or goods. To attract more people to the shops graffiti is painted on the shop walls, on the roads, on the sidewalks. Graffiti artists make money doing advertisements and at the same time they get satisfaction from this job. Graffiti advertisement is new and modern and the main point about it is that it's legal. You'll not be sent to jail.

Positive graffiti: We'd like to present you positive graffiti. We think that graffiti is cool because it decorates buildings, fences, streets, walls, parks and squares. When one looks at nice graffiti his mood gets better. Graffiti attracts people's attention and sometimes they cannot take their eyes from the art.

Займи позицию. I suggest you some statements and you agree, disagree or you don't know. You see the positions in different parts of the classroom. After choosing the answer be ready to explain your choice.

* Graffiti makes cities ugly and miserable.

* Graffiti decorates boring and grey building walls.

* All kinds of graffiti must be banned.

* Graffiti must be legal.

* 3D graffiti can be done by anyone.

Has anybody changed the mind after listening to all the arguments?

Незаконченное предложение

* Thank to our lesson the most amazing discovery for me was …

* In my opinion, graffiti …

* Now I know that people who do graffiti …

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