Планирование урока Reported statements

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Lesson plan

Пәні: Linguistics

Мерзімі: 29.01.16

Сыныбы: 7ә

Тақырыбы: Reported statements

Сабақтың мақсаты: Ағылшын тілінде, төл сөздің төлеу сөзге күнделікті қолданыстағы айналу жолдарын түсіндіру.

Сабақтың міндеттері:

Білімділік: төл сөздің төлеу сөзге айналу жолдарын түсіндіру

Дамытушылық: әр түрлі тапсырмалар орындау арқылы критикалық ойлау қабілетін дамыту

Тәрбиелік: адалдыққа, достыққа және жауапкершілікке тәрбиелеу

Сабақ түрі: жаңа сабақ

Сабақтың әдісі: ақпарат беру

Көрнекіліктер: суреттер, слайдтар, видео

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі, орыс тілі


  1. Organization moment

  • Greeting

  • Date/ absentees

  • Dividing into three groups

  1. Revision of the covered material

Defining and non - defining relative clauses (test)

Choose the correct answer.

  1. "Who's that over there?"

"Oh, it's our new teacher, ……….. just started work today."

    1. A. that B. who he C. which he D. who

  1. "Which CD did you get Marcus in the end? "

"I got him the one ……..said he really wanted to hear."

    1. That b. Who he c. Which d. Which he

  1. "Who did you send a Valentine's card to?"

"I'm not telling you, but it was someone ………..name begins with "B"."

    1. Which b. who her c. whose d. whose her

  1. "Have you ever seen Jason Green's latest film?"

"Is that the one in ……….. joins the FBI?"

    1. Which he b. that he c. whom he d. which

  1. "Why do you like Tania so much?"

"Well, she's one of the few people to ……….. I can really talk."

  1. Which b. whom c. that d. who

  1. "Why don't we go to Daniyar's for dinner tonight?"

"Is that the new restaurant ……..has just opened on the other side of town?"

    1. Which b. that it c. where d. which it

  1. "Could you lend me some money?"

"I would you to give me one good reason ……….I should."

    1. That b. why c. which d. who

  1. "What do you want to do this summer?"

"I think we should go somewhere ……… has plenty of sun and sand."

  1. Who b. where c. when d. that

Answers: 1. D 2. D 3. C 4.A 5.B 6. A 7.B 8.D

  1. Presentation (to show the video about Reported Statements and make a poster "Fishbone")

Direct speech is the exact words smb said. To show the direct speech we put the words said in quotation marks.

" I will go to London", he said.

Reported speech is the exact meaning of whet smb said but not the exact words. We don't use quotation marks in R.S.

She said she would go to London

Expressions with say

Say good morning/ evening/ afternoon, say something/ nothing, say a few words, say so.

Expressions with tell

Tell the truth, tell a lie, tell smb the time, tell smb's name, tell a story, tell a secter, tell sb the way, tell one from another

Time words and tenses can change and follows depending on the time reference:

Direct speech

Indirect speech

Tonight, today, this week/month/year


now that

yesterday, last night/week/month/year

tomorrow, next week/month/year

two days/month/years

That night, that day, that week/month/year

Then, at that time, at once, immediately


The day before, the previous night/week /month /year

The following day/the day after, the following/next week/month/ year

Two days/ months/years, before

When the reporting verb is in the past, the verb tenses change as follows:

Direct speech

Indirect speech

Present simple

Past simple

Present continuous

Past continuous

Present perfect

Past perfect

Past simple

Past simple or past perfect

Past continuous

Past continuous / past perfect continuous



Present perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous

  • If the direct verb is already in the past, in reported speech it can change into the past perfect or remain the same

  • If the direct verb is in the past perfect it remains the same in reported speech

  • Certain verbs change as follows this - that, these- those, here -there

  1. Practice

Individual work:

Choose the correct answer.

1. Dan said that he will meet / would meet us at ten o'clock.

2. Paula told Jack that she has been waiting / had been waiting for him for an hour.

3. They said that they didn't find / hadn't found work yet.

4. Tony told Mrs Brown that the cat is drinking / was drinking her tea.

5. Sara asked James whether he had made / made an appointment the previous day.

6. Ellen's parents asked when she was coming / is coming home that night.

7. Sam enquired whether we had ever seen / ever saw the film March of the Penguins.

8. The ski instructor asked how long it had been snowing / has been snowing.

Listening and Speaking: group work

Listen to the dialog "That's what friends are for" and students should change direct speech into reported speech

  1. Game: "Vote me" according to Reported Statements

  1. Conclusion

What is the reported speech?

How do we turn them?

Give examples

  1. Evaluating

Each team have their own judges and they will evaluate them.

Team №1

Students name

















  • Criteria for checking the homework:

  1. the right usage of conditional (5 points);

  2. no mistakes 5

  • Criteria for evaluating the posters:

  1. the fullness of information;

  2. content of examples;

  3. poster design;

  4. keeping the rules of groups.

  • Criteria for evaluating the task:

  1. correct usage of Reported Statements;

  2. creative ideas;

  3. quantity of ideas;

  • Criteria for evaluating the game:

According to the right answers.

  1. Reflection

Pupil's comments

  1. Exercise I found

  • most interesting_____________________________________________

  • most enjoyable______________________________________________

  • most difficult________________________________________________

  • most boring________________________________________________

  1. What emotions do you feel? - I feel …

  • Positive emotions: satisfaction/ happiness/ joy/ success/ admiration/proud/surprise

  • negatives emotions: satisfaction/irritation/boredom/sadness/fear

Why? because I ……

  • …. wasn't bored

  • …. worked hard

  • …. didn't relax

  • ….answered properly

  • ….was active, emotional

  • ….fulfilled the task

  • … receive a good mark

  1. Home task

To make examples using reported speech

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