План урока по теме Trying to become a successful person 8 класс Афанасьева О. В

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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The topic of the lesson: "Trying to Become a Successful Person"

Section 1 "Who is a Successful Person"

Level: Intermediate

Objectives: To expand the students' knowledge about successful people, to develop comprehension, speaking and reading skills.Equipment: a presentation, paper, felt tip pens.

Today we are going to learn more about famous people

Steps and methods:

  1. Pupils guess the topic of the lesson judging by the visuals surrounding them.The teacher helps pupils to define the objectives of the lesson.

  2. Introduce and practice the new vocabulary.

    1. Pupils read new words after the teacher and then in groups try to find Russian equivalents for the English words and match them.

b) Pupils check up the results with the ones on the board.

  1. Pupils are shown the pictures of famous people. Match the pictures and the description of the famous people.

  2. Translating and discussing (ex 3 p.95)

  3. Working in groups fill in the information in the table using the Linguistic and cultural Guide.

  1. Exercises from students book (4-7)Номеwork ex. 11 p .9


The topic of the lesson



Steps and methods:




U4"Trying to Become a Successful Person"

Section 2 "Family is a good start"

Section 2 "Family is a good start"

To expand the students knowledge about successful people, to develop comprehension, listening, speaking, writing and reading skills, revise grammar -Complex object

a presentation,

a table

  1. Pupils guess the topic of the lesson judging by the visuals surrounding them.The teacher helps pupils to define the objectives of the lesson.

  2. Practice the phonetic.

    1. Pupils read new words after the tape

    2. (ex17 p98)

  1. Listening activities. Listen and match the dialogues to the pictures (ex 16 p 98)

  2. Revising grammar -Complex object (19-22 p/99)

  3. Номеwork ex.24 p. 100

1.The teacher helps pupils to define the objectives of the lesson.

2.Developing comprehension

(ex18 p99)

3. Reading skills,(ex.24-31 p100-101)

4. Writing skills. Writing a letter to Angela about the problems of young people.(ex 29)

5.Номеwork ex.34 p. 101

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